New Tune from Nick Jaina

PrintMy first foray into attempting to play music began as a young lad on the piano, so it makes sense that I’ll always gravitate towards pop songwriting that centers, or is guided by, piano tinkering. That’s much the case with this new song from Nick Jaina; he’s spent a lot of time composing for ballets and films, so his attention is always there with the finer details.  But, don’t expect this to be some grandiose orchestral affair; his new album Primary Perfections seems to be a jaunt in the direction of more modern indie pop.  It’s good songwriting, simple as that.


Download: Nick Jaina – Don’t Come to Me [MP3]

Generationals – Heza

1705Rating: ★★★☆☆

Heza is the third proper full-length from Generationals, and while the sound remains largely the same, there are some definite shifts that alter the musical landscape for the group.  One thing is for sure though, the band consistently find themselves crafting perfect pop tunes that we’ll all enjoy.

“Spinoza” starts things off the right way, giving you some quick paced guitar work that reminds me of the modern surf-pop of bands like The Drums.  Of course, one thing the Generationals always have to make them stick out is the affecting vocal tone present on all their efforts.  It’s the perfect way to make surf-pop their own.  But, just as you think you’ve got the group pinned down, they go in a different direction on “Extra Free Year.”  This tune is filled with a thick bouncing bass, and the delivery of the vocal is much more subdued than on the previous track.  Little bits of guitar trickle in and out of the song, but it’s largely driven by the rhythm section.  It took me awhile to warm up to it, but it grew on me eventually.

By the time you arrive at “You Got Me,” you realize that Heza definitely has an emphasis on giving you hooks surrounded by the blips and beeps of electronica, though that’s not a huge step in a new direction, as those elements have been present before.  But, while past songs have seen those attributes used to push the track, here it seems to flesh out a mellower vibe.  There’s even vocal samples from a speech that fill out some of the empty space.  It’s tracks like this that suffice, though they’re not necessarily going to go down as my favorite. Still, it sets the mood for “Put the Light On,” which is one of the album’s standouts.  Guitar work is sparse, yet jagged, and there’s a warm atmospheric mood accentuated by some keyboard touches.  Those soaring high vocals that always do the trick are here too, allowing listeners to really fall in love with the great vibes provided by Generationals.

While I think that Heza is a little unfocused at points, the remarkable tracks are extremely memorable.  “Awake” is perfect in that it shows some restraint in pacing.  Had the band forced the issue, pace wise, I think they might have had a guaranteed iTunes commercial spot, though I’m glad they didn’t, as the true joy from this track comes when you let it slowly unfold.  This is where the band excels most on this effort, rather than their more traditional bouncing pop ditties.

After spending several weeks listening to Heza, I think that it’s an album with some great high points, and not really any lows.  Surprisingly, Generationals have excelled this time around on warmer, slower tracks.  You’ve still got your catchy pop tunes that will no doubt become live favorites, but if you spend time with the record, you’ll surely find clarity in their more pristine ballads.  Might not be top of the pops just yet, but the group continues to win my heart.


Download: Generationals – You Got Me [MP3]

Hypnotic Electro-Pop from pacficUV

Pacific-UV-Pacific-UvI always have this preconceived idea about Athens, Georgia, at least in referencing the city’s musical history.  But, with bands like Twin Tigers and now pacificUV coming into their own, perhaps my ideas will begin to change a bit.  This tune has a hypnotic electro beat that just grooves the whole way through.  You’ll also find some rad interplay between male and female vocalists that really ups the ante on mass appeal.  The band has a new record titled After the Dream You Are Awake, which comes out on May 14th via Mazarine Records…but if you can’t wait, they have a sampler HERE with a few new tracks, as well as some of their other career retrospective tunes.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Pop from Marmalakes

557990_10151464720897210_989583134_nAustin’s music scene isn’t the easiest to break into, let alone stick around in, but Marmalakes have been holding their own for some time.  What bodes well for the group is this ridiculously great new single that they just released over the weekend.  It starts with this bouncing bass line that gives great tempo to the group’s blend of folk and pop.  Personally, I like the changing in tempo that comes in and out of the song, especially the quick to soft to quicker that closes this jam out.  One of Austin’s best acts just keeps getting better. Get in on it now.


Download: Marmalakes – Wells [MP3]

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