Show Pics: Metric @ Stubb’s (5/1)
Metric is a band that is very fun to shoot. Emily is charismatic and energetic, the rest of the band implements proper use of guitar, drum and bass face. Add to that a killer lighting rig and some beauty pop jams, you have the recipe for a fun night out. Heading to Stubb’s on a Wednesday, there are worse ways to spend a weeknight.
I’ll sum things up, offer advice to the openers, The Colourist, and share the pretty pics after the break.
Dear Colourist,
You can play your instruments, takes some risks with your songs while out on tour. Edge, find it. Use this opening slot with Metric to learn and craft the pop songs you are capable of delivering. You have the pieces.
The Guy with the Camera
Dear Metric,
The Guy with the Camera
They really know how to bring a show in tow. The lighting rig is a stack of wheeled boxes that can be adapted to any venue and the use of the stacks is well tailored to the performance, bathing in backlight to silhouette, blasting with white light to impact or coloring to set the mood. Emily runs about the stage earning use of the fan under the keyboards while nailing a vocal. The band completes the songs behind her sharing the spotlight (or this band would be doomed because we all know Emily is the draw). So good. Their set was similar to the festival list of songs with a few more recent tracks peppered in. Fans got what they wanted.
…and after all the recent bitching about cell phones and dicks in the audience, this was another well-behaved group of fans. Bands with “buzz” and a sold out scene are not as much fun as bands with rabid fans that roll through town to play hits.
More pics at the photo site…