Great Pop Music From There Is Danger

a1127003112_2There is Danger hail from Phoenix, AZ and they just so happened to get in touch with us recently about some new music they’ve been working on.  Their style is what I might call irresistible to anyone with a pulse for music.  The pop moments as they build and build create some truly superb pop music that anyone could get into.  Our free track below, “Passport”, demonstrates that slow build which leads into a pop guitar riff and beat that could rival the likes of similar big indie names like Grizzly Bear or even Youth Lagoon.  Bold comparisons I know, but the band seems worthy if you ask me.

Others into the music should head over to bandcamp for a pay what you want download of the group’s new LP Living Dreams.


Download: There is Danger – Passport [MP3]



Even More New Music From The Mantles

1885We’ve already shared with you incredible new songs “Brown Balloon” and “Hello” from San Francisco based garage pop group The Mantles.  Today more new goodness is coming your way in the form of this track “Shadow of Your Step”.  It has that same great jangly sort of guitars driving throughout that give you this almost meditative type feeling.  Now that you’ve heard several great songs from upcoming album Long Enough to Leave, you should probably be prepared to pick it up on June 18th via Slumberland Records.

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Free Time – Free Time

freeRating: ★★★☆☆

It’s no surprise that Free Time has compiled a bunch of songs that sound an awful lot like Twerps, seeing as front-man Dion spent time with the group fleshing out their live sound.  But, make no mistake about it, he’s got a voice all his own, which makes Free Time a record that will wash over you with a bit of warmth and pop, fitting in perfectly to any daily listening occasion.

“I Lost Again” is the opening track, and it’s exactly what I expected from Dion.  There’s a leading guitar line that seems fitting for a day in observance of the ocean, with casually ringing guitar chords and vocals that seem drenched in an oceanic mist.  A slight vocal adjustment arrives during the chorus, allowing the song to drift to a certain degree.  However, “It’s Alright” is where Dion Nania puts his own stamp.  While there are some similarities to Aussie pop, there’s a bit more of a blues-y stomp/sway to the track; the track itself is a bit lighter, even playful.  I like the fact that you can feel a bit of an emotional swing to this tune. It’s these little touches that make Free Time escape a lot of its relationship with Twerps.

For instance, taking one listen to “World Without Love” will easily show you that Dion and his band aren’t content settling for an easy Aussie formula, not that I’d mind that either.  The vocal delivery is a bit more whimsical, using overlapping bits of spoken-word to maneuver in and out of the interwoven guitar parts…and is that a flute in the background? Or you can look at the track that serves as a precursor, “Just Once.”  On this number, things are a bit noisier, at least in regards to what’s going on in the background.  It takes a bit of formulaic indie pop and ups ante by coating the vocals in a bit of a wash, with strings striking hard in the distance.  These aren’t your run of the mill touches to what I expected from Dion.

That being said, one of my favorite pieces from Free Time does harken back to Nania’s musical relationships.  Opening with chiming guitars while he cooly, and casually, sings definitely works to the song’s benefit.  When the pace picks up, it’s hard not to get swept away in the track’s audial pull, directly latching onto your heart.  While listening to this tune, it’s easy to see where Dion’s been musically, but what I like about Free Time is the fact that it manages to stand out a bit on its own merit.  There are nods to friends and such, but as I’ve mentioned, he’s doing his best to make sure you know this is his band and his sound; for the most part, he’s extremely successful.


Download: Free Time – I Lost Again [MP3]


New Band Smell: Radstewart

radstewI like the name Radstewart; I like Rod Stewart, so of course I like a little nostalgic nod. The band, however, doesn’t really have a lot in common, musically speaking with Rod, and I’m okay with that too. In fact, it has more of a slacker alternative feel to it, akin to certain bands of legend, though this one has a nice little Welsh bent to it.  As of right now, the group only has the Whig Crooks and Beer Swindlers EP, and a few demos to boot; you can grab it all for free, though we always encourage donations to the acts.


Download: Radstweart – Arabesque Bedouin [MP3]

Summer Tune From Beach Day

beach-day-2012-christina-mendenhall-200-200x200Beach Day is a band I discovered back in November when I doubt any of us were really thinking about enjoying a nice long drive on a warm summers day.  Well now that time is here and another new song from this summer themed band is just what the doctor ordered.  This new track “Stay” is certainly a doo wop, feel good type song that should be perfect for your summer mix tape as you take a dip in some cold water.

Debut album Trip Track Attack will hit stores on June 18th via Kanine Records.


Download: Beach Day – Stay [MP3]

Saved by Without Feathers

wihtoutfeathersWhen I found out that my much adored Standard Fare was calling it quits earlier this year, I was heartbroken.  I loved Emma Kupa’s voice, and their last effort still gets played at least once a week around the house. She’s got a new group titled Without Feathers, which features some other heavy-hitters from the UK scene.  At this point, we’ve just got three little songs to enjoy, but you should check them out, as they show great promise, which gives me hope that there’s great things on the horizon for this group in the very near future. I’ll keep you posted.


Download: Without Feathers – Scared and Worried [MP3]

Beautiful Folk Pop From Gold Lake

GoldLake1This is a very beautifully done song called “We Already Exist” by Brooklyn via Madrid group Gold Lake.  I find myself immediately drawn to the similarities the band has with folky groups like Fleet Foxes intertwined with more indie pop bands like Matt Pond PA.  It’s super duper.

Stay tuned as we get more information on the upcoming debut album Years which has a TBA release date.

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More from Hooded Fang

1874Man, Hooded Fang is really hitting the ground hard with all these singles.  I think that “Bye Bye Land,” the latest, is definitely one of my favorites of the three we’ve heard so far.  It opens with this light guitar just before the drums get pounded and the vocals swirl in with a nice little echo effect.  Again, the band is displaying the varying skills in their repertoire, making the likelihood that Gravez will go stale over time very small.  The record will be in stores for all to enjoy today, so be sure to get your hands on a copy.



PYAITK: I Love This Song By Still Corners

Still CornersI saw Still Corners at SxSW a couple years back and was mesmerized. This song may help you understand why. It kicks me in all the right places to level my brain space and make me put the media player on one track repeat.

You can find this on the recently released on Sub Pop album, Strange Pleasures. <- vaulted into the list of my favorite albums of the year in one listen. So good. So very good. Update, added an mp3 stream as the Soundcloud is borked.


Show Review: !!! @ The Mohawk (5/25)

Dance party…

The rain, ever looming, ever threatening avoided unleashing a drenching flood on The Mohawk last Saturday. To make up for it, !!! front man Nic Offer did his best work to make it rain, rain sweat. Twerk. Put it in. There was flailing and gyrating and a few trips into the crowd to spread the love. Meanwhile, the stage was full of music to back him as the dance punk disco pros put down the thick funk at the perfect BPM.

Shockwave Riderz opened with Learning Secrets DJ sets filling the gaps with the hits you should know. Pics and a few more words after the break…

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