When Saints Go Memorial Day’ing

Holiday weekend people. Use it. Looking for to !!!? Looking forward to Behind the Candelabra? F1 at Monaco?

I featured a sweet evolving track from When Saint Go Machine as part of an IT Dept post so very long ago. That track was awesome, this one is just as good. “Iodine” lacks the quirky intro, but it has the breaks of sweet synths and waveforms running rampant under the fluttering vocal.

Infinity Pool lands May 28.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/91968734″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Jam from Surf City

surfcityFive years ago when we were just young bucks starting out on our site, we threw a small SXSW party at the now defunct ghost room.  One of the acts we were really excited to bring in was Surf City, and I’ve closely followed the group since those early days.  Through three albums, they’ve polished up their sound a little bit, bringing the excessive noise down a bit, choosing to replace it with more direct melodies.  They’ll have a new album coming out titled We Knew It Was Not Going to Be Like This, which comes out August 19th via Fire Records.  Should definitely be a good record to wrap up the summer.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/92461827″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

More New Music from Mozes and the Firstborn

mozesA few weeks back I brought you “I Got Skills,” a mellow jam from Mozes and the Firstborn.  Now, they’ve got another new single with an accompanying video; it has the same swagger and cool that I enjoyed from the first single.  It’s the perfect pop song, with some hammering on the keys, shaking percussion and a solid melody that harkens to sunny days.  The group’s self-titled album is out now on cassette from the folks over at Burger Records, but you can also grab it from the band HERE.  Oh, and check out the video for this tune; it’s shows what appears to be a day in the life of MFB.



Pleased to Meet You: Fine Steps

finestepsOne of the greatest things I remember about being a kid was following labels like Lookout or Dischord or Matador, knowing that I’d love whatever they put out.  It’s a good thing I still stick to that sort of attitude, which is why I chose to check in today with Volar Records, who’ve put out things by Tropical Popsicle and Window Twins, to name but a few. One outfit they’re working with, though I don’t know much else, is San Fran group, Fine Steps. The group released a pretty solid LP in 2012 titled Boy’s Co, but it seems they’ve got something new in the works. This song has some heavy vocals over this old school punk rock work.  If this jam isn’t making your day, then I don’t know what else to tell you, but I’m glad I stumbled upon it today.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/93101483″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Pure Pop from Lost Tapes

LostTapesCover500x500-300x300Two things are great about the following track. One, it comes from the Spanish duo, Lost Tapes, who’ve managed to craft some really outstanding pop songs, which I will never tire of hearing.  Two, it’s the latest release from Eardrums Pop, one of the great small labels doing their best to promote great music across the globe. I like the bouncing rhythm of the drums, and the gliding feel of the vocals.  If you’re into this tune, you can head over HERE and grab the EP from EPop, but do the site a favor and toss a dollar or two their way so they can keep bringing us sweet tunes.


Download: Lost Tapes – War in The Netherlands [MP3]

Pop Rockin’ with Paper Lions

paperlionsWhen you first press play on the new track from Paper Lions, harmonies will inch along, precisely as they should in the best pop songs.  It doesn’t last long, however, as the guitars speed in and up the ante on the tune’s approach; it will continue to flirt with both aspects, always maintaining the infectious melody that makes the track so successful.  For those of you that find yourselves interested in this tune, and you should be, it will be on the band’s upcoming record, My Friends, which will come out on August 20th via the band’s own imprint, Fountain Pop Records.


Download: Paper Lions – Philadelphia [MP3]

Pure X – Crawling Up the Stairs

Pure-X-Crawling-Up-The-StairsRating: ★★★½☆

When Pure X made waves with Pleasure, you knew that it would be easy for the group to go back into the studio and rehash that same old sound.  But, Crawling Up the Stairs definitely isn’t the same LP; in fact, while still bearing the mark of their early work, you find the group gradually coming out of their haze, creating a dramatic pop record that sees the band foraging into a world all their own.

Opening up with the titular track seems like a nod to the band’s past.  It begins with just light touches of noise, making way for Nate Grace to make his vocal appearance, virtually untouched, yet moments later he sinks back beneath waves of varying atmospheric/musical touches, all as the track gently fades away.  It set’s the stage for Crawling Up the Stairs, but it’s “Someone Else” that really breaks open the door.  Guitar chords trickle, and there’s very light percussion, while Grace operates between operatic crooner and throat-y troubadour.  It’s weird, but even though it plays a small part, the guitar sound on this tune is my favorite thing, once again illustrating how the careful touches of Pure X put a stamp on their sound.

There are definitely some songs throughout this release that I can see as grating, such as the pitch on “I Fear What I Feel,” which is purposefully out-of-key, yet still fits into the song.  But, when the vocals are executed perfectly, the tunes are enchanting.  One listen to “Things in My Head” and you will see precisely what I’m talking about; this track features a warmer tone on Nate’s voice, while the accompanying music wraps the voice in politely trickling guitar work.  Just a note: this is my favorite jam on the LP. Of course, some of the grating moments are pretty special, in so much as they evoke the emotional pull from the audience like the straining vocal on “Shadows and Lies,” which is where I think a lot of people are seeing the Conor Oberst connection.

For my ears, I think one of the remarkable things about this record is that it hold true to the sound Pure X established a few years back, but it’s pulled back the layers to reveal a shimmering pop sound. Those elements always lurked in the shadows on Pleasure, but we were all amazed at the way the atmospheric elements.  Now, the band has scrubbed themselves clean, leaving you with floating gems like “Thousand Year Old Child,” which still has a bit of that noise factor. In making nods to the early days, the band can hold onto old fans, but still push themselves creatively into their own future.  Such things are what makes Crawling Up the Stairs another hit from this Austin trio.


Download: Pure X – Things in my Head [MP3]


More New Music from Coma Cinema

1881At the moment, I’m pretty obsessed with listening to Posthumous Release, the newest LP from Coma Cinema.  There’s something about the craftsmanship in the songwriting, dwelling in the same sphere as early Elf Power, where darkness and fairy tales blend with incredible pop sensibility.  On this newest single, there’s a bit of a wash over the vocals, coating them in a shroud of mystery, yet the ability to infect you with emotion still resonates in my ears. This album is one of my personal highlights of the year thus far, and you can grab your copy on June 11th.



Soft Ballad Bonus from Emma Louise

emma_mainphoto-fixedUS.105553I’m really impressed with the growth I’ve seen musically from Emma Louise.  When I first heard her awhile back, I liked it, but it was just another great voice–that’s not the case now with her latest effort, vs Head vs Heart.  She’s got a much stronger presence behind the microphone, and I like the soulful solemnity in her voice on this bonus single.  There’s not much besides the piano and the voice, but if you listen to this track, you won’t need anything else to fall in love with Emma Louise.  Her album is out now on Frenchkiss Records. 


Download: Emma Louise – Backseats

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