Gentle Folk from Horse’s Ha

HorsesHa_OuterjacketFeel like I need to cleanse myself from the rock n’ roll after spending my weekend at Chaos in Tejas, so this new track from Horse’s Ha is perfect.  I really love how the song opens up with the female vocals from Janet Bean atop the intricate guitar work, but then James Elkington makes his entrance, dropping a deeper vocal; the additional musical accompaniment just puts a cherry on top of it all, including the nice backing vocal. The group will be releasing their new record, Waterdown, on August 20th via Fluff and Gravy Records. 


Download: Horse’s Ha – Dying Tree [MP3]

Rad Rock from The Memories

347I’ve been jamming to the Memories for a good bit of time, but this new tune is really unexpected, in a good way.  Personally, I like the humor in this track, which isn’t entirely new, yet the overall attitude of the track is much more relaxed.  Of course, I can also relate to all those girls who don’t speak Spanish; it’s a big deal for RayRay and myself.  The group’s got a new record coming out on Burger Records; it’s titled Love is the Law and it will see a release date of July 23rd.  Just another great installment in this group’s growing career.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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