Funx3 Fest Preview: Deltron 3030

deltron“It’s the year thirty… thirty.  And here at the Corporate Institutional Bank of Time, we find ourselves reflecting.  Finding out that in fact we came back.  We were always coming back.”

I couldn’t even begin to guess how many times I’ve heard that opening line from Deltron 3030’s self-titled debut from 2000.  Okay, if I HAD to guess, I’d say it’s somewhere in the hundreds.  Happy now?  More after the jump.

We’ve admitted to you guys before that we are very lacking when it comes to coverage of the hip-hop/rap genre on this website.  Nothing against those artists, it’s just not something that’s ever been terribly appealing to any of us as music fans.  I have however been personally affected by a few albums here and there from the genre.  One of those is the aforementioned 3030 experimental hip hop album from the turn of the century.

Like I said, I’ve never considered myself a huge fan of the genre so I needed a little something extra to nab my interest.  This album had it all for me.  One could find elements of pop, rap, hip-hop, rock, and even some disco type sounds if you dig deep enough.  Nothing against the Jay-Zs and similar artists of the time, but to me, that style has all been done before.  This shit had never even been talked about before.  It was unique, progressive, and it paved the way for tons of artists who tried to mimic the sound.  To this day, the album is incredibly underappreciated, as I tend to find at least a few people every year who have never witnessed its greatness.  What s shame.

Of course the story of the year, now 13 years later, was the release of the much anticipated follow up Event 2.  To be honest with you, I’ve only given a listen to a few songs on the album so I can’t speak to its quality really.  Maybe I don’t want to tarnish such a great thing from my musical history?  To me, it’s similar to the recent attempt to re-create a now 10 year old Postal Service Project.  Don’t they say it’s better to die young than to fade away?  Don’t make a mess of things I say.

With all of that rant out of the way, I am incredibly excited that the super powered group will be playing Fun Fest this year.  I’ve seen Del solo before, but never this group as a whole obviously.  This is easily one of my “can’t miss acts” of the weekend.  I recommend you put it on your list as well.

Check out Deltron 3030 Sunday at 7:30pm on the blue stage.

Here’s latest single “City Rising From the Ashes”:


Download: Deltron 3030 – City Rising From The Ashes [MP3]

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