Happy Thanksgiving

ATH TurkeyWhile we take a moment to reflect, appreciative of the friends and family that fill our lives, let’s not forget the important stuff, the music. That’s right friends and family, we’re gathering our best-of lists already and will have a giant playlist of awesomeness and a stack of albums you should buy before 2013 gets away from in the coming weeks.

Thankful list:
C3 and Transmission for festivals and shows and the independents filling the gaps
– Venues around town we call home like The Mohawk, Stubb’s, ACL Live and any place on Red River or east of 35, or that has bands on a regular basis we like to see (so all the venues I guess).
– Record Stores for collecting our moneys in exchange for ear candy
– PR people that make sure we don’t miss anything
– Most importantly, You, the people of the internet that read and listen and trust us to bring you the jams – THANK YOU!

Now go take care of the important stuff – Food and beverage, napping while football is on the television (muted), getting greasy fingers on your best vinyl…

PYAITK: Mavis Gary Has A Hit

mavis garyMy friend and former woxy.com DJ, Mike Taylor, spun this gem as part of his weekly show on Amazing Radio. Real beauty and I have to agree that though this is a fairly lo-fi offering with the layers of melodies making it full and rich; this a must listen.

Mavis Gary is actually the “band name” for a side project recently launched by Adrian Ng (65 likes on bookface launched 10/16, so wet paint here). The title track, “Pin Me Up”, to the 10 song album is a streamable beauty of indie pop and you will dig. The rest of the album does not disappoint if you liek this one and it is a pay your conscience at the Mavis Gary Bandcamp so kick a few bucks and DL.

Pat Thomas Steps Out On His Own

patindapark.143638Earlier this year I praised the work of Cool Ghouls, who released their self-titled album earlier this year, but I’m here to talk about one of the group’s primary songwriters, Pat Thomas.  For me, it would do enough that his Coasters Riding in the Air EP was recorded by Sonny Smith, but the single below clearly illustrates that he’s more than just the product of a producer’s magic touch.  It’s got this West Coast swagger to it, allowing the breezy quality of that area to sink into this casual number.  The only problem is that he’s only got six songs recorded; if they’re this enjoyable that might not be enough. You can grab the release from Empty Cellar Records on December 3rd.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/120810296″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Sparkling New Track From The Ocean Blue

ocean-blue-korda.134429Earlier this year, The Ocean Blue released their latest album Ultramarine on Korda Records to much critical acclaim.  Right off the heels of that LP, the band has yet another track they’ve just made available over on soundcloud.  The tune is called “No Money in That” and features this sparkly sort of jazz like feel that seems to get better with every listen.

Korda Records is putting out a 12 song compilation next week that’s available for pre-order right now.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/120732594″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Last Postcard Subscription from Art Is Hard

artworks-000063026443-mboi5y-t500x500As I mentioned yesterday, and many times on these pages before, Art Is Hard is one of my favorite little labels working at the moment; I’m quite envious of their work and success.  It looks like they’re closing out the year with their final Postcard Subscription by bringing a new songs from Five Leaf Nettles, which is the project of Best Friends songwriter Jack Collister.  I really love the depth of this song; it sounds simple at first, but there’s multiple layers of a instrumentation layered beneath.  If your wise, you’ll start paying more attention to what this label has to offer.


Download: Five Leaf Nettles – Autumn [MP3]

The Hot Toddies Bring us Summer in November

hot_toddiesHailing from Oakland, girl rock band The Hot Toddies certainly know what it’s like to be living in summer weather year round.  It’s nice to think of the 70 degree weather in Cali right now as us poor Texans suffer through our only winter weather week of the year.  So let’s dream big today with this summer inspired tune from the band called “Summertime Blues”.  I can already feel my cold toes warming up to this rock n roll tune.

This track appears on the compilation album Friend of Tricycle Records Volume 3 due out next summer.


Download: The Hot Toddies – Summertime Blues [MP3]

New Music from Haunted Houses

hauntedAs the year winds down, new music to whet your appetite is becoming harder and harder to find, except for some gems that came out at the end of last week.  One of the tunes that caught my attention was this newest jam from Haunted House.  The song is one of the tracks set to fit onto their self-titled EP, which will be released in early 2014; it holds onto a bedroom quality, while still having enough musicianship to make the song sound huge.  I love the foggy quality of the vocals; they still have some clarity despite being spun through a little wash.  Should be an interesting listen when we get to hear the rest of the tracks.


Download: Haunted House – Guts [MP3]

Another Gem from Mathew Cothran

mathewIf you haven’t listened to Mathew Cothran in any of his various projects then I’m going to force you to admit you’ve made some mistakes! Well, okay, I won’t be that forceful, but I’ll continue to promote his work on these here pages.  Recently, the man behind Coma Cinema unleashed a few short songs for our enjoyment on his Failure EP.  I don’t know what it is about his songwriting, but I get completely wrapped up in everything he has to say.  There’s something I can’t put my finger on, but I love every minute I spend listening to a song he’s penned. Join me, won’t you?


Download: Mathew Cothran – It Had to Happen(It Had to Be) [MP3]

New Music from Death Vessel

deathYou know those artists that lurk in the shadows, only rearing their head whenever they feel the need?  They’re the artists you yearn for, the ones you hope release new music as often as possible.  Well, Death Vessel is one of those musicians for me.  We haven’t heard from him since 2008, and we raved and lauded his last effort, so my expectations for Island Intervals are quite high at the moment, especially after hearing this first single.  You can hear Jonsi of Sigur Ros singing accompaniment, adding a remarkable touch to the song. You can pick up the record on February 25th from Sub Pop.[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/120790312″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Bounce House Release Party @ Beerland (11.26)

bounceWe’ve got a nice little community starting to reemerge in Austin, and one of our city’s photographers has a a rad little band that’s popping up on our radar.  The band is called Bounce House, and they’ll be releasing their first EP titled Hottest Day of the Year.  It’s filled with five rad tunes of punk rock that give you that fine blend between of bounce (as in the title) and grit; I’m really happy for these dudes.  You’ll also have other Austin heavy-hitters like Bobby Jealousy and Basketball Shorts filling out the evening at Beerland, so expect to get your money’s worth…and pick up the EP while you’re at it!

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