Merry Christmas Or Whatever

ATH Xmas 13Did you get that Flexi-7″ from your favorite band? Did your parents discover the mp3 player on QVC? Did you make something cool for your friend, like a Willie bandana with pigtails?

Did you listen to obscure or obtuse Christmas records? I just found out Erasure made a Christmas record. It has some strange stuff on it.

Is your dog holding up to yelling nieces or nephews? Perhaps pouting in the kitchen ready for a visit from the Meat Fairy?

Are these a few of your favorite things?

Anyway, whether or not you celebrate the day, be Merry. We love you.

Crunchy Rocker from Cherry Glazer

cherryDon’t think just because I’m loving my wintery tunes at the moment that I don’t appreciate a solid rock number, like this new single from Cherry Glazer.  The group have just announced that they’ll be releasing their debut, Haxel Princess, on Burger Records, which will hit stores on January 14th.  I like the sound of the female vocal working against the guitar in this song.  There’s a softness that fits nicely against the jagged edges of said guitar that really gets me, emotionally speaking.  Hope to hear more rad tracks from the band in the future.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

The Best Gallery Of The Year

2013 Pics BannerI had a fun year.

I took a lot of photos. I met a lot of artists. I took some portraits. I got jumpshots. I found the interesting people in the crowd, friends and strangers alike. I rejected releases and used my cell phone (looking at you Adam Ant). I went to festivals and went elbow to elbow with besties, frenemies and national media to get you the goods. I got to shoot The Cure and New Order. I saw new great bands breaking out and great bands before breaking up. I took pics of bands for which Nathan released records. I had a fun year.

I hope you enjoy browsing and clicking. They are a collection of random things and happenings.

Head over to the big photo site, search and get a print, if you feel so inclined…

Soft Number from Charlie and the Foxtrots

maniamListening to this track, I was first attracted to the solemn quality that opens the track, though that quickly fades as the drums enter the picture.  Then I began to gravitate to the slightly peculiar quality of the vocals, which seem to fit the overall genre where we can slide Charlie and the Foxtrots.  But, then I realized that none of that’s as important as the fact that this is just a really good song.  With each passing second, it seems that the group is adding another layer to the tune, all the while holding consistent.  

This song is slated to be released on the band’s upcoming debut, which should be headed out way soon.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Smooth But Strong Track From Tycho

Awake-Cover-564_0Tycho is a go to artist for me on rainy days or when I put the nose to the virtual grindstone. We are going to be getting the drizzle and work has been work. Time for the soothing sounds of Tycho.

But what’s this? Could it be the Great Pumpkin? No, it is Scott Hansen using a sweet bassline with just a bit of anger behind it before falling into customary Tycho-styled tones and waves. And I love it. This first single called “Awake” happens to be the title track. Tycho was one of my favorite things from FFF8. BTW, you can get the Vinyl of their previous effort Dive right here.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Austin Spotlight: Orthy Releases Video for E.M.I.L.Y.

OrthyWe’ve run this jam before, but seeing as we love Orthy, it only serves you that we post it again, now that the track has been mastered and given the video treatment it deserves.  It’s especially important as our local favorite has plans to release the E.M.I.L.Y. EP on January 21st via Dither Down Records; we havent’ even heard the whole thing yet, and already it’s sneaking into our lists for next year.  The songs on this EP represent Ian’s love for his wife, which is a sentiment I hope many of you can understand, allowing you relate not only to the great music, but the subject matter as well.  You can stream the new video HERE or click post the break for embedded goodness, and if you’re free this weekend, the band will be playing at Mohawk with Auto Body Saturday night.


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Another New Tune from The Echo Friendly

echofriendlyRecently I tossed up a cover jam from duo, The Echo Friendly, but we’re back with our first taste of the band’s original work for their upcoming album, which is scheduled to come out later in 2014. Listening through, it’s got a driving hook that centers around the vocal delivery of Shannon Esper.  The guitar line shimmers with a bit of a discordant ring to it, and the beat only serves to emphasize the forward push of the track.  It’s definitely a catchy tune that still holds a bit of grit in its teeth.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Music from Stone Jack Jones

artworks-000065604035-0u4pf0-t500x500As the temperature drops across the Northern Hemisphere, we’re all seeking out some form of solace.  For some it’s a fire, but for me, it’s sad bastard/slow folk tunes. Luckily, this new tune from Nashville’s Stone Jack Jones came our way today, so we had to share the number.  It’s got a real slow pace, with the vocals carefully floating atop the guitar, and backing vocals added by Patty Griffin.  If you ask me, tunes like this are much better than a fireplace, but that’s just me.  His new album, Ancestor, drops on March 4th via Western Vinyl (those guys are going to have a rad 2014).


Download: Stone Jack Jones – State I’m In [MP3]

American Rock from Desert Noises

desrtGood jams are good jams, and sometimes they come our way with no guise our pretension.  That’s the feeling that I got when I listened to the newest single from Desert Noises.  Sure, there’s hints of Americana or folk laying in their work, but by and large this is just a good American pop song, the kind we should be proud people are creating.  It’s not manufactured or over-produced; it’s just a jam of a track that makes you feel good. The band’s debut full-length, 27Ways, will be out on the streets in March via SQE Music.


Download: Desert Noises – What the World Made [MP3]

New Track From Snowmine

Upload_Snowmine_2012_03_16 14_21_33Have you heard that we have a small love affair with Brooklyn band Snowmine?  Well if you didn’t know that, I guess you don’t read our work too often because we’ve been raving about these guys over the last few years.  This track “Columbus”, is yet another superb track from the band’s upcoming 2014 sophomore effort Dialects (out Feburary 4th).  I dig the orchestral sound here with the violins and “big” sound throughout the entire track.  Earl favorite for 2014.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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