More New Music From Crushed Stars

CrushedStarsDallas based Crushed Stars is a group that I caught on to about this time last year with the release of last LP, The Bright Rain.  Back in November, it was announced that new LP, Farewell Young Lovers, was coming on January 21st of next year via Simulacra Records.  I was excited to hear the news on the upcoming album as I’ve enjoyed this more upbeat/catchy trend with the more recent tunes.  Check out this new track “Haters” below and enjoy the beats.  You can also hear new track, “Flowerbomb”, elsewhere on the site.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Checking In On Glasgow: Sonic Hearts Foundation

coverThe great thing about the Internet age is that it has made life easier, especially when it comes to intercontinental communication in regards to music.  We’ve got a friend Mike in Glasgow, a hot bed of music, and he’s offered to let us see into his world and the underground scene they’ve got going on.  We appreciate his time and we’ll feature more of his suggested acts in the coming weeks, months and so forth.

One of Glasgow’s best kept secrets and talented young musicians, Sonic Hearts Foundation, create dark, emotional, grand scale music with a real belief that only seems to come out of Glasgow, like Mogwai on steroids. Gaining infamy with guerilla concerts on rooftops of liquor stores, the four piece are currently unsigned; they are deep in the studio recording their first record. Check out “Northern Lights” off their Into Forever EP. Or the new track below. The guys hope to make it to the US soon!


Download: Sonic Hearts Foundation – USA [MP3]

New Music from Black Twig

blacktwigYou’ve got to keep an eye on things over in Finland, with Soliti Music really putting out some incredible acts.  The next slated release from the label is going to be the sophomore LP from Black Twig.  Heliogram is the name of the album, which should see a February release; it’s going to be an exciting piece if it contains songs like the one below.  I love the guitar playing here…it sort of jangles, but it mostly rings in a melodic, discordant manner.  Set it up right next to the softly delivered vocals and we’ve got a gem of a tune on our hands.  Looks like we need to head to Finland!


Download: Black Twig – Pastel Blue [MP3]

Yellow Ostrich Return

yellowIt’s been awhile since we’ve heard from Yellow Ostrich, but with this new single it’s clear to me that they’re coming back quite strong.  I love the guitar line that works its way through the track, knifing through the carefully constructed melody of the song.  It’s much more abrasive and forceful than I expected, while still supplying a certain level of the group’s sincerity from previous efforts. The band’s new record is titled Cosmos, which bares a nod to Carl Sagan; it’ll be released by Barsuk on February 24th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Austin Spotlight: New She Sir Single

SheSir-4Square_smIf you read our Emerging Artists list for 2014, the footnote made a nod to She Sir.  Typically, they’d be on that list due to the excitement for their new release, Go Guitars, but we’ve loved them forever, so they’re not exactly emerging; they’re already one of our local favorites.  This new single shows just how far the group has come in the last few years, using layers of guitars to create this shimmering coat of pop goodness.  I’m really at a crossroads, as I’m not sure which of the three singles they’ve released to date will be my favorite, but what I do know is that this is a huge indicator of a wonderful record that will surely end up on many a year end list; it’ll hit stores early 2014 on Shelflife.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Free Week 2014 Info

Free Week 2014It is upon us. The turn of the year is accompanied by Free Week, a way to fill that void between the Holidays and school kicking back in. This year’s lineup is looking strong insuring you will part with plenty of dollars in Red River venues to damage your liver.

Now, I want you to remember that while the doors are free for you people old enough to partake in adult beverages ($5 for the early upstart show-goers), that doesn’t mean you get off with out parting with a dollar or two. BUY SOME MERCH! SUPPORT THE BANDS or Nathan will come to your house and hold a boom box over his head Say Anything style blaring Miley’s greatest hits from the Hana Montana days until your eyes bleed. It is a bog boom box. Seriously, support the people behind the great jams, buy the vinyl you kept saying you would buy at the previous shows or get a t-shirt to out obscure your mainstream friends. We love you.

Take a gander at the poster and see many ATH approved locals. Full who, where, when schedule is still pending release. Join the Free Week Bookface thing for updates…

The Echo Friendly Cover Jay Reatard

echofriendlyI typically don’t talk about covers, or really remixes for that matter, but I figured I had to talk about this one.  Any band that covers Jay Reatard, and does it well, is okay in my book.  Plus, “Nightmares,” the song chosen by The Echo Friendly, is my favorite all time song by Jay.  Hearing it strung out for an added minute, with such a different spin is really something special.  It also goes to show just what a great songwriter Jay was, able to put his own touches to great pop songs; he’ll probably be under-appreciated for too long.  The duo will have their own debut LP coming your way in may, so keep a sharp eye out.


Download: The Echo Friendly – Nightmares (Jay Reatard Cover)

Friday Top 5: Emerging Austin Artists 2014

2014 Austin BannerThose in Austin have surely taken note that the Austin music scene seems to have been on a high as of late, and 2014 is starting to look just as good for our local community.  We wanted to take a little time out of your day to harp on some new acts, or acts that we expect huge things from in the upcoming year.  They’re numbered in no particular order, just the five artists to look into. Feel free to disagree, and add on to this list so we know who else to keep an eye on. I completely expect a few of these artists to emerge beyond Austin and make some pretty heavy national waves as well.

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Fresh New Music from Let’s Wrestle

lets_wrestle_web_1Since 2010, Let’s Wrestle have been high on our radar.  We were even fortunate to have them play one of our SXSW parties that year, which featured other great acts like Surf City and The Crayon Fields.  The band have been largely under the radar for awhile, but they’re new effort seems to take on a slightly different approach to things.  Where the band once pushed forward with jangling guitar chords at a frenetic pace, you’ll now find a relaxed setting for the group to really work on their craft, slowing things down quite a bit.  It’s hard not to like these guys; you can find their next LP on Fortuna Pop sometime in 2014.[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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