The Charming Return of Woods

woodsAh. Finally a new Woods record is on its way.  There’s just something about the band and the various projects of the members that simply makes you feel welcome in the musical world they’ve created.  Sometimes it’s their classic rock harmonies that win you over, while other times it’s their desire to jam things out in a mellow fashion that grabs you.  Here, you get both of those, which reminds me of the fact that I think the band is one of the most endearing bands around (despite some of the drug association).  Their new record is titled With Light and With Love; it’ll be released by Woodsist on April 15th. They’ve also been included in the most excellent Austin Psych Fest schedule this year.

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Austin Spotlight: New Music from Mini Dresses

coverWe first brought you news of Mini Dresses when we discovered the now defunct Manic Pop Records (RIP), and we’re happy to see the group is back with a few new tracks for your ears.  I think perhaps one of the things that draws me to this group is that there’s not a whole lot like it going on in Austin at the moment, so it’s refreshing to find something a little bit out of the norm.  It might possibly fall under the dream-pop category, but it’s not often crafted so carefully.  There’s two songs to grab, which will come out soon on a new 7″, but like always, we suggest donating to the cause, as it keeps our bands working on music.


Download: Mini Dresses – Emmi [MP3]


Eternal Summers Should Be Huge

eternal summersIt’s been a great week for Kanine Records so far; they’ve announced to excellent releases surrounding bands Beverly and Eternal Summers (though we knew the latter was coming).  But, after spending about 15 listens to this new Eternal Summers track, I’m predicting that the band really breaks out.  Their album Correct Behavior was one of my favorites a few years ago; it still gets a steady rotation.  Now, they’re up to their same tricks, employing angular guitar chops with hooks that stick in your mind.  There’s always an inevitable spirit too, lurking within the songs.  This is definitely my most anticipated album coming out; The Drop Beneath hits stores March 4th.  

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New Music from The Migrant

migrantMan, the Migrant are on an incredible roll.  They’ve released three albums in the last four years, and their next one is on its way.  They’ve just put up our first sample of the new album, Flood, and it’s a pretty marvelous track.  While I can easily say that I just love the overall appeal of the song’s construction, I love the sound of the strumming melded with the rolling percussive element that’s present.  If you’re in need of something to keep you warm today, then you’ve come to the right place.  No date has been announced, but we’ll keep you posted.

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New Music from Beverly

honeydoListening to this new tune from Beverly, it dawned on me that very few bands nowadays seem to just operate with one band…everyone has a new side project.  Just like this band, which is the project of Frankie Rose and Drew Citron; no point really, just an observation. This track starts off with a rather garage rock  approach, which works against the pristine quality of Rose’s voice.  It’s possible that this tune won’t bowl you over with creativity, but you can’t turn down a good song. The group will have a full-length via Kanine this summer, but you can also pick it up on the label’s Record Store Day sampler.

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Temples – Sun Structures

temlesRating: ★★★★☆

The opening moments of Sun Structures will set the definitive tone for Temples, immediately making a nod to the storied past of psychedelic music. But, while that genre has gradually grown stale, this record still illustrates that there are a few gems left to be eked out of the staple sound.

When I put on “Shelter Song,” my ears recoiled a bit; that guitar sound needs to be retired for a bit.  But, as the song unfolds there’s some great harmonized pop moments unleashed on the listener.  It’s done in a casual fashion too, illustrating the reserved cool that permeates through every inch of Sun Structures.  And it doesn’t take too long for the record to move into one of its many hits, “Sun Structures.”  This song, like the album, takes its time to build you up; my favorite thing about these collection of songs is that they come to you slow and relaxed, as if the band expected you to really indulge in the listening experience.

And while I’ve clearly lumped Temples into a corner, there are songs that demonstrate that the band have one foot in the past and one stepping into a new realm.  The one-two punch of “Keep in the Dark” and “Mesmerise” provide some energetic spins on the genre.  The former opens with a light-hearted stomp that includes a bit of fuzzed out riffs near the end; there’s also this explosive beauty that bursts forth through the lyrics.  The latter track is all pop.  It’s tucked nicely in a warm cocoon of psychedelic vibes, but it’s the perfect place for such a track, giving you a bit of palate cleanser to allow you to digest the rest of this listen.

What has amazed me most about listening to Sun Structures is that despite the length of the songs, they never wear you down.  Even on a song like “Sand Dance,” there’s so much to offer aside from what you’re initially being offered.  On this tune you’ll find a very classic psych sound, but then there’s this spaced out jam that unfolds to close out the track.  The band is not just interested in finite sounds defining what they’re doing; it’s quite refreshing.  And, the closing number, “Fragment’s Light,” is an airy closing touch, which again allows you to reflect on everything you’ve heard before.

My advice to you when listening to Sun Structures is to set aside some time to devote to listening to it as a whole.  I understand that in today’s world we often don’t have the time, but if you rush your listen, as I might have done on the first few plays, you’ll miss out on a very cohesive release that seems to be arranged perfectly.  It’s easy to lump Temples in with the masses of psych bands riding the waves of a tired trend, but if anything, this release shows there’s far more laying in wait, if you’ll only take a little time.

SXSW 2014 Interview: Withered Hand

witheredhandpressphotoSXSW coverage continues this week with Scottish band Withered Hand.  They’re heading overseas just in time for the release of their album, New Gods, which is coming to us courtesy of Slumberland Records/Fortuna Pop.  Both labels are reliable, and the music has already proven to be worthy of high praise. Read on for the band’s answers to our questions, and look forward to dates featuring the band coming soon. Read more

Quiet Indiepop from Catenine

coverYou’ve got to keep up with the little labels; they keep running and running at a constant pace, with hidden gems turning out left and right, such as this new tune from Catenine.  It just got recently got released by February Records, and it’s definitely one of those tunes that should be quickly added to everyone’s daily playlist.  While the twang of the guitar might be indicative of a more upbeat track, the melancholy vocal entrance surely delays that feeling.  There’s a bit of a volume explosion just before the one-minute mark that definitely makes the tune a standout.  Give this a whirl.


Download: Catenine – In Your Ruin [MP3]


New Music from Walter (of Walkmen fame)

walterWhy we’re all still recovering from the sad hiatus of the Walkmen, the various members of the band all seem to have their own projects going on, such as Walter Martin.  Our first taste of his up-coming work has me reminiscing about the early work of Matt Pryor’s Terrible Twos.  The song is seemingly childish, in both subject matter and the way the vocals are delivered.  It only seems fitting that Karen O., who did the Where the Wild Things Are soundtrack, shows up to lend her voice to this number. I like that there’s an inner child shining through here, and possibly this album is aimed as something he can pass along to his own kid.  The album is titled We’re All Young Together; it comes out on May 13th.

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Austin Spotlight: Party Plants Release EP

partyplantsYou want to keep Austin weird? Well, then the best way to do it is by realizing how great our odd-ball pop bands are.  The latest in the line of quirky music comes to us via Party Plants, who’ve just released a new EP.  Honestly, it reminds me of of the better parts of Presidents of the USA, which really isn’t a knock by any means.  There’s a definitive bounce to the tunes as well, giving the feeling a bit of liveliness that’s much needed to entertain in a live setting.  The band has also been building quite a name for themselves by playing all over town, with no bad reviews coming our way.  You can grab the EP HERE.

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