Enjoy This New One From Craft Spells

9WqaxpUS65_CFmTW4oJO9GwShLo5p3TYQouPbWRJ18QI’ve been jamming this new track “Breaking the Angle Against the Tide” by ATH approved Craft Spells for a few days now, and I would dare anyone to find anything wrong with it.  Sure it’s not perfect, but the hazy, pop sound here seems to get better and better with each spin.  Give it a whirl and lemme know what you think.

Pick up new album, Nausea, on June 10th via Captured Tracks.


Download: Craft Spells – Breaking the Angle Against the Tide [MP3]


Austin Spotlight: Tele Novella Release New 7″

teleIf you’ve been watching these pages you’ve surely noticed our coverage for Tele Novella before, and we’re right back at it to celebrate their newest 7″.  The band offers up a more sultry vocal here, with a bit of a gentle vocal caress backing the main part.  It’s like a polished cut off your favorite B-movie, once again illustrating the group’s ability to wrap their own personal tastes within a pop-centric gem.  The band returns to Austin on April 5th to Cheer Up Charlies in order to celebrate the release of Trouble in Paradise.  We’ll see you there.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/133284985″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Great New Pop Track From Goodman

avatars-000070052343-jpxiqx-t500x500A few years ago I happened upon a new artist by the name of Goodman, and immediately got on board with the sounds being created.  Today I’m happy to share with you a new tune called “Longing” that has been hard for me to not hit repeat on all day.  It’s a fairly simple pop number that gets down to catchiness at it’s core.  I really can’t resist sounds this fun.

Check out new album Isn’t it Sad over on Bandcamp (and buy it for a mere $7!).

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/134753551″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Indiepop Delights from Heathers

a0468958385_10I first heard about Heathers through our friends in the excellent band Literature, so with their recommendation I gladly hopped on board with the LA band.  They just released a rad new single for their song “Fear,” which is definitely one of those jams I’d like you to spend some of your time with.  The guitars have more of a driving rhythm to them, as opposed to the common indiepop jangle, which allows for an interesting juxtaposition with the warm tones of the vocals.  I particularly like the way the vocals come across during the chorus.  Head over to their site and pick up your own copy of this limited 7″.

Oops, I Missed This: Solander

solanderMan, we got so caught up in all the great US releases the last few months that I totally forgot about the excellent new album that came out from Solander.  We were huge fans of the group a few years back when they came to SXSW, and I’m still holding a soft spot for the group.  This track illustrates the bands ability to craft solemn tunes that eventually burst forth with lofty harmonies and fade into the realm of enchanting craftsmanship.  Their latest record is titled Monochromatic Memories, and it’s available now from Tendervision.


Download: Solander – All Opportunities [MP3]

Yonatan Gat of Monotonix Readies EP

yonatanIt’s fair to say that the world had grown accustomed to the work of Monotonix, so Yonatan Gat decided to take a step out for a moment.  In doing so, the guitarist for the band has created his own work that channels the expansive sound of Brazilian acts like Os Mutantes, yet still maintains that hard hitting energy we are used to from Gat.  The two tracks we’ve heard have little to no lyrics, so perhaps it sounds like a bit of a jam, but at least it’s a jam we can fully support.  His Iberian Passage EP will be out on May 27 via Joyful Noise.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/131776925″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Muuy Biien es Muy Bueno

muybienFeel like we should start off our week with you on a bit of a rocking note, which brings us to this excellent track from Muuy Biien, an Atlanta outfit who’ve started to see their name pop up all over the place.  For me, the bubbling bass work caught my ear first, but let’s not dismiss the power behind the shouted lyrics that burst through your speakers. HHBTM is going to be releasing the band’s new album, Do Yourself In, on APril 29th,and I’m getting the feeling that it’s going to kick us all in the teeth; I’m anxiously waiting that moment.  Take a listen to the tune below to check out what the hype is really all about.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/137997972″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Withered Hand – New Gods

14191-new-godsRating: ★★★★☆

If you’re looking for a record that’s going to give you an immediate connection, then you should stop all you’re doing and find a way to listen to this new album from Withered Hand, the project of Dan Willson.  New Gods is brimming with reflection in the lyrics, the kind that one finds when coming to terms with growing up and getting old. You’ll find yourself repeating so many of these tunes that you’re likely to burn through your first copy in a matter of hours.

“Horseshoe” begins your affair with an acoustic strum and Willson’s voice, which occasionally has a Wayne Coyne affectation to it.  The song becomes fleshed out through drums and a backing electric guitar.  Throughout my listens I can’t tell what I’m more in love with, the intimacy of Willson’s voice or the eruptive chorus that gets better with each; they’re both incredible dammit. It’s a beautiful tune that opens the way for the more introspective lyrics of “Black Tambourine.”  I’d hate to say I know what Dan’s thinking, but my interpretation revolves around the idea of evolving from your youthful outlook only to find that you don’t necessarily have to redefine your life and your goals. You’ll find a similar sentiment in the lyrics of “Fall Apart” later in the record. But, while the lyrics often turn to internalizing the process of adulthood, New Gods is often just about the abilities of a great songwriter.

As I alluded to earlier, there are some songs that have immediate connection with the listener, and “King of Hollywood” is one such song.  Willson incorporates varying styles from a rocking singer-songwriter to a more country influences songwriter within this tune, but it still holds tightly to a core wrapped around pop sensibility.  There’s a positivity exhibited in the mood of the track, which sets you up for the more solemn number that follows, “California.”  The majority of this track is built on the simplicity of a strummed guitar and the vocals, which are joined on occasion by a female backing part. Still, there’s a raised element during the chorus, and while it might remain louder in your speakers, it brings with it a sentiment of solitude that fits in nicely.

If I did have to pick a track that stood out to me above the rest, it would surely be the album’s title track, “New Gods.”  This song combines the lyrical content discussed earlier with the excellent songwriting I’ve come to realize Dan Willson has to offer.  This song also utilizes all these little hidden brush strokes that add to the tune.  There’s a strummed guitar, light drum touches, deep bass buzz, piano and even backing vocals; he throws in everything, yet still holds the center of the song around himself.  But, each of us are affected differently, so who knows what you’ll find as your favorite when you give this a listen.

Withered Hand might just be the ideas of one man, but it seems like it encompasses the life of men in general.  The songs are personal, and even though they take on serious tones, there’s still an element of playfulness, which I’ve found endearing.  You’ll be wise to rush out and find your hands on New Gods.


New Gods is available through Slumberland Records.




New Music from Only Real

onlySeems to me that the Brits are on to something with their vocal affectation cooly creeping over excellent guitar work.  First we had King Krule, and now we’ve got another ginger, Niall Gavin, who works under the name Only Real.  He’s celebrating his recent signing to Harvest Records by releasing this new single, featuring some atmospherics touches washing over his wobbly pop guitar lines.  At times his delivery approaches a bit of a spoke-word rap, but it fits well into the confines of this track.  Give it a whirl and see what all the folks overseas are raving about.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/140502772″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Friday Jam from The Donkeys

donkeyI’m feeling sort of lie today’s going to be one of those days where I’ll end up sitting in my backyard with some whiskey and letting great jams take me into the weekend.  I’m positive that as I set up a playlist for the night, this new track from the Donkeys is going to make that list.  It’s a relaxed tune for sure, but I love the way the guitars have this soulful meandering that matches perfectly with the calming vocal delivery.  The Cali group is readying a new LP, Ride the Black Wave, which will be followed up by an extensive US tour in the summer.  You’ll be able to give it a listen via Easy Sound on June 3rd.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/140422220″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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