Show Preview: The Rich Hands Album Release @ Hotel Vegas (


Date Saturday. May 24th
Location Hotel Vegas
Doors 9:00 PM
Tickets $5

One of our favorite acts of the last few months, and really for the last several has been San Antonio’s The Rich Hands.  We caught up with them before they came to kick it in Austin for SXSW, and we’ve covering their singles leading up to the release of Out of My Head.  Good news! Not only is the album out, but they’ll also be celebrating its release this Saturday night at Hotel Vegas.  They’ll be joined by ATH faves, Grape St, as well as other acts we support like Lochness Mobsters, Rolland Hazzard, Mitch Frazier and His Radiation.  The show’s cheap, and the music’s great. Be sure to buy the album from the band…gas to San Antonio is expensive!

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Melted Toys Offer Up Dreamy Pop

meltedtoysThose of you who enjoy the works of Twerps, Kurt Vile and Real Estate should pay close attention to what’s going on with Melted Toys.  The San Francisco band has a knack for writing these really relaxed guitar pop songs, with excellent craftsmanship.  There’s a slight bounce to the latest single, “Observations,” but the tune is so relaxed that you might not even notice it if you didn’t pay close attention to the drum beat.  It’s a sign that the band’s debut self-titled effort will be a relaxed bit of dreamy pop tunes to wash over you while you’re chilling out this summer; it’ll be released by Underwater Peoples on July 15th.

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Introducing: Spark Alaska

10378268_642703239139167_1186790207573229985_nAs I’m sure many of you know by now, we are sent tons of music on the regular and much of it will never make its way to this site.  Then that rare tune hits the inbox and we’re reminded why we do this in the first place.  This inspiring track called “Little Ears”, from Syracuse based Spark Alaska, is giving me that musical reminder.  I’m immediately reminded here of a similar young man named Conor Oberst and some of his earlier work.  It’s intimate, pop driven, and hard to forget.  Enjoy it with me.

Spark Alaska has a new album called Longest Winter currently available on bandcamp.

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New Single from Hard Left

hardleftSurely everyone knows of the great Slumberland Records, but did you know that the founder Mike S. was a hard-working musician himself?  He’s spent time in Manatee, and now he seems to have formed a rad little rock n’ roll band that deserves some attention, Hard Left.  They’ve only got one recorded song, and they’re operating under the guise of ‘terrace glam,’ though if you ask me it’s got more of a proto punk with a political bent.  It’s good to see people who run great labels out there putting their money where their mouth is.  Sorry, I can’t play anything.



Show Preview: A. Sinclair @ Mohawk (TONIGHT!!)

asinclairOut of the ashes of two great bands, come two new great bands.  And perhaps it wasn’t even ashes, but a change in direction, which has brought us A. Sinclair (frmly Frank Smith) and Otis the Destoryer (frmly the Couch).  Both bands will be releasing EPs tonight over at the Mohawk, which is a definite reason to show your face.  A. Sinclair are offering up their Pretty Girls EP, and Otis the Destroyer are offering us the Dark Arts EP.  We consider both bands to be two of the top acts in town, though admittedly that list is growing and growing.  Plus, because you have to have great openers, the bands have chosen Chasca and the Docs to open the night up.  You should definitely stop by this evening…there isn’t a better option out there.   The show starts at 10 inside, right after the Red Fang show.



Another New Track from Ablebody

ablebodyWe’ve shared many a great Ablebody tune with you over the last few years, and we’re back with yet another great tune to endorse the band.  This is the B-Side of the group’s new After Hours 7″, and I think that it shows a different side of the band…it’s less pop-centric.  The guitars have a darker tone to them, and the final mix makes them swirl, wrapping the song in a nice wash that enables the tune to be a sure-fire hit. If you didn’t/don’t catch the act on tour wit PoBPaH, then you can order the 7″ directly from the band, HERE.  Enjoy.

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Fresh Music from Comet Gain

cgThere’s a secret cult out there, like me, holding every Comet Gain release to the highest esteem.  No matter what incarnation of the group, the songs always fit perfectly into my listening rotation.  Recently, Fortuna Pop uploaded this gem of a tune, which can only mean that long awaited next album from the group is just around the corner.  There’s a maturity in this track…it’s like City Fallen Leaves, but without the lo-fi aesthetic.  Regardless, I’ll devour this song, and probably play it as many times as I can before the record finds its way into my hands.  Won’t you do the same? I’ll keep posted on the more finite details as I get them.

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New EP from The Phoenix Foundation

tomslunchIt’s been almost a year to the day since we last heard from The Phoenix Foundation.  They return this week with the Dave Fridmann (Tame Impala, MGMT) stamp of approval; he handled a lot of the production duties on the group’s most recent recording, Tom’s Lunch EP.  This mini-release offers up more five songs of splendid pop goodness, with just a hint of bounce.  I can definitely see Fridmann’s style imprint, but the songs had to be there in the first place, right? I bet you’ll agree.

New Music from Frog Eyes

blackoutbeachAdmittedly, Carey Mercer’s voice requires some adjustment; it’s so unique and powerful that it puts people on notice almost immediately…you either love it or you don’t. Me? I dig it.  I’m excited to see what the next Frog Eyes album, Carey’s Cold Spring, will sound like in full.  Interestingly, his voice is really high in the mix here, which means the focus for this track, and possibly for the album, will be on his lyrical wordplay.  That’s always been something special in his writing, which is why he’s been a favorite of mine for some time. The record will be released on June 17th via Paper Bag Records. Give this a try and see if it’s to your liking.

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Bouncy Pop from COOPER

COOPER-2You need something on this hump day to help give a little pep in the step? This anthemic piece of pop music from Montreal’s COOPER is going to be just the thing to do it.  It’s a pretty simple song in construction and structure, but the hooks and the vocals are undeniably catchy, allowing for listeners of any sort to find themselves attached to the track. There’s no word on what else Kate Cooper is working on, but you can grab this single from Mom + Pop as we speak…then you can play it on repeat as often as you wish.  Don’t deny the hook.

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