Bratty Tune from EULA

eulaRemember when the YYYs were a force to be reckoned with, musically speaking? Listening to this new single from Brooklyn’s EULA I get the same impression, though I think it could hit even harder had the band wanted to go that way.  The song’s propelled by a shouted vocal that operates over a discordant guitar chord ringing atop a bubbling little bass line.  Percussion here is rather low in the mix, but it creates this thrilling sense of anxiety that pulls the listener along.  It’s the A-side to the band’s new 7″ that sees a release from Bloodmoss Records on July 15th.

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Indiepop Bliss from Strange Babes

strangebabesI owe a huge debt of gratitude to IPSML for turning me on to this ridiculously glorious hit from Strange Babes.  Everything about this song is pretty perfect, from the way that it’s been recorded to the melody within the tune itself.  There’s not too much info on the band, other than an obscure reference to Los Angeles and New Zealand.  You can hear the NZ reference musically, but in the end, none of it is really going to matter because the song is pure indiepop success.  Sit back and enjoy yourself.


Download: Strange Babes – Holiday [MP3]

Mohawk to Show All World Cup Games

wc-gn-11x17Those of you who read our twitter or know us personally know that ATH is all about soccer.  We play, we watch, etc, so we’re more or less anticipating being in front of our TVs for the next month watching every World Cup match.  But, we figure a lot of people are in the same boat, and maybe a few of you are looking for a place to watch the game. Lucky for you, there’s tons of non-sports places to watch, such as the Mohawk.  I caught up briefly with our friend Patrick who is helping promote the WC at Mohawk, just go get a few quick questions about why a rock n’ roll bar is showing sports.  These few questions will give you some insight as to why you should join us at the ‘Hawk.  Read more

New Song from Web of Sunsets

webEarlier this year we raved about the wonderful debut album from Web of Sunsets, Room of Monsters.  That album was filled with these gentle songs of wandering, filled with beautiful harmonies.  Now, the band has announced that they’ll be releasing a brand new EP, titled Gin Tapes.  This song below is the first single from the EP, and it’s got a similar drifting quality, accented by really ornate guitar playing.  The EP will see a release date from End of Time Records next Tuesday, June 17th, so be on the look out for that in stores, not to mention look for the band as they’ve got a summer tour lined up, though it’s mostly West. Sad face.


Download: Web of Sunsets – Places [MP3]

Incredible New Track From The Rentals

I06_the-rentals know that you may have seen this tune elsewhere last week, but when a song is as sweet as this one, I will post it despite my tardiness.  To keep this brief, The Rentals have always been a big favorite of mine and I’m super excited that they are returning this year with their much delayed 3rd LP.  This track called “Thought of Sound” is a preview of the new album and it’s proving that the wait for new music was well worth it.  Seriously, these guys have a distinct sound that is just like no other.  YES.

New album, Lost in Aplhaville, is due out August 26th on Polyvinyl Records.

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New Music from Reputante (FFF Fest Act)

reputanteOkay, so maybe it’s just a tad early to start prepping your ears for Fun Fun Fun Fest, but this song is just too good to resist posting it right now.  Reputante will be heading into town in November, and they’ll be bringing a relaxed bit of swagger, a la the old school vibe of the Strokes.  There’s that same hint of drunken indifference in the vocals, though there’s more polish then Casablancas ever offered.  If they’ve got tunes this catchy, then we’re in for a great treat when they play our favorite little festival.  See if you dig this tune.

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New Music from The Rosebuds

rosebuddiesThere’s always been something incredibly special about the music of Rosebuds. No matter when I throw a track on, be it in a mix or just on random shuffle, there’s always an immediate change in emotion.  It’s a welcome change, even if it only enhances current states of happiness; it just feel good to listen to this band.  News just broke that they’ll be releasing a brand new album, and even more exciting is that they’ve signed on to release the record with the much revered, local label, Western Vinyl.  This LP is titled Sand + Silence, and it will be released on August 5th;  the first single is streaming below.


Download: The Rosebuds – In My Teeth [Mp3]

Austin Spotlight: El Campo Release

elcampoIf you’re in the mood for a uniquely pressed felix-disc then I think your best bet this week is to order the new single from Austin’s El Campo.  The song features a prominent bit of banjo playing, but while that may hint at a country-infused number, you’ll hear much more of a warm pop approach in the delivery of the vocals.  Personally, I think the group is one of the more dynamic acts in town, able to walk that line between folk/americana and pop music; you can’t help but to love the tracks that are featured on this release.  You’ll be able to pick it up this Friday at Cheer Up Charlies, or order it from their label, and our friends, over at Punctum Records.

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Fresh Music from Space Heat

coverNow that summer heat and summer showers have made their way into Austin, I’m always looking for something that’s going to pique my interest beyond the average fare.  That’s precisely what happened when I got this new track from Space Heat, who’ve just released the brand new Happy Birthday EP via the reliable Bleeding Gold Records.  There’s a jangling aspect to the guitar work and a certain affectation of swinging about when you put this tune on your stereo.  The EP only has three tracks, and all offer something a bit different, though I think this is the tune that’s probably the most accessible for larger audiences.  Take a listen.


Download: Space Heat – Starsign [MP3]

Song Premiere: Lake Effect

1898053_551850284914387_1205701683_nIt’s a day of exclusive song premieres on ATH, and I’m pumped to be sharing yet another one today from New Jersey based boys Lake Effect.  These guys have a knack for creating this raw, almost lackadaisical sounding, punk rock themed songs that I’m finding irresistible today.  Our premiere called “Molecules” is the definition of slacker rock.  One can almost see the band holding a beer in their hand while jamming out to this one at a smoke filled dive bar in the hidden corners of their north eastern home state.  Stay tuned as we hear more from these guys.  Let’s hope that we do.

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