Show Preview: Part Time @ Hotel Vegas (8.28)


Date Thursday, August 28th
Location Hotel Vegas
Doors 10:00 PM
Tickets $5

Seems to be a lull in good shows, so why not spend your hard earned cash and check out this great little show.  Part Time were supposed to be coming with their friends Gap Dream in tow, but unfortunately, GD had to pull out, but that doesn’t mean the former will skip town.  Part Time released the excellent PDA recently, and you’ll definitely want to catch their entire set to let your self fall dreamily into the night.  Also, they’re bringing Sea Lions with them, who have been fairly silent as of late, though I always find my way back to their Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sea Lions LP. To top it off, Grape St. will be filling the bill too, in preparation for their own tour out to the West Coast.


Download: Part Time – I Want to Go [MP3]

Austin Spotlight: Even More New Jams from Spray Paint

painterstapeWe’ve already featured several of the new tracks from the next Spray Paint LP, Clean Blood, Regular Acid, so why not get you hip to yet another.  On this song, there’s a lot of reason to see the band as one of those outfits that only play by their own rules…the guitars take on varying tonal qualities, the gang call-and-response vocals come at you from a distant, and there’s this bending chord that swells within the tune.  It kind of reminds me of Liars when they were young and didn’t give a fuck, which is perfect, as I don’t think these care about anything other than making great rock n’ roll on their own terms…albeit really great/interesting terms. You can grab their new album from Monofonus Press on September 23d.

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Show Preview: Bear In Heaven @ The Parish (8/28)

Bear In Heaven

Location:   The Parish
Doors: 8:00 PM
Tickets: $16

Yes, there are other shows going on tonight. I am most excited about this Bear In Heaven show at The Parish tonight. Not just because I love the new tracks from BiH, but the opening acts are real head turners.

Since this show hit my radar, I have been a little obsessed with Weeknight. Dark, smoky, synth-heavy and moody – some tracks have southern rock cadence to the vocal, perhaps a hit a gospel. Andy Simmons and Holly MacGibbon spend most of their time harmonizing. It isn’t give and take, it is give and give. Beautiful flourishes, simple constructs enhanced by clever waveforms. Heavy guitar riffs complete the formula and lends gothy noise.

I last saw Young Magic with Purity Ring. I expect more of the same gazy-poppy goodness, but the new tracks are fuller, more complex if you ask me.

And finally, we have our headliners. Dear jeebus, I love the track “Autumn”. This is going to be one helluva show. I made you a playlist.

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Whirr Offer Up New Song

wereThis track from Whirr is really something.  The quiet opening sets the perfect stage for the outfit to crash into your ears with a heavy-handed bit of drumming surrounded by a wall of atmospheric noise that bends and shapes its way around the soft vocal.  The recording is one of the better versions I’ve heard from the modern shoegaze-ish era, building this remarkable balance between the vocals and the instrumentation; it makes the song seem more cohesive, as if it was all one thought, rather than someone lumping in one or the other for effect.  Their album, Sway, will be released on September 23rd via Graveface Records. Austinites can check them out on Sept. 6th over at Red 7.

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Smooth Synthy Pop from Slow Magic

Slow MagicAdmittedly, the IT Dept. hasn’t been on the scene lately, but it is about time we in-sourced this noise and get some delicious bleeps into your earholes.

Slow Magic is building a hefty rep around these parts with beauty’s like this slow builder that is filled with texture and replicated organics posted a few months back. The band is back again with another streamable slice of synth goodness with emphasis on the synth this time. The track, “Waited 4 U”, has one lyric, take a guess. It is in the mid-song crescendo that will hopefully include a key-tar solo in the live setting. *cough* holy mountain 9/17 *cough*

How To Run Away is out Sept. 9th on Downtown Records. I recommend you get it.

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Terry Malts Offer New Jam

milkshakesDue to ATH regulations, I’m only able to offer up one Slumberland Records related piece a day, which is why I’m a few hours late with this new Terry Malts jam.  Musically, this is perhaps the heaviest I’ve heard the band sound; I think it’s one of their greatest attributes, as there’s so many touches and nods to other acts that you can’t entirely pigeon-hole the group. This is the second tune off their forthcoming Insides EP, which you’ll be able to pick up from the aforementioned label on September 23rd.

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Get Down With The Shivas

The-ShivasAfter giving us a new 7″ in April, Portland based The Shivas will be dropping a much anticipated new LP this fall.  To preview their upcoming album, the band is offering up this new single called “Manson Girls”.  This one is a short and sweet rocking tune that will be over before it’s even started if you’re not paying attention.  We rather enjoy it.

Pick up new album entitled You Know What to Do on October 28th via K Recs.[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Foreign/National Just Won Me Over

foreighn“What’s you motherfuckin’ problem?” Yeah, I’m going to steal that lyric, especially if you tell me that you don’t love this song from Foreign/National almost immediately. Once that cymbal work kicks and the pulsing from the rest of the group kicks in, I got hooked.  Then the smooth vocal delivery came in all hidden behind a bit of reverb, and I couldn’t turn it off.  They’ve been working on a brand new EP that’s due to come out in September; if it sounds this good, it’s going to be hard not to rave about it all year long.

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Twisted Tune from the Ukiah Drag

ukiahEvery blue moon, or perhaps more often, I just want to find this huge expansive piece of music to get lost inside.  This nearly 8 minute track from The Ukiah Drag is just the piece for me, with sprawling movements of rolling guitar riffs melding with these semi-preached vocals.  It’s amazing how one just gets tossed up into their dark mess, then finds themselves tumbling all the way out. Getting lost inside the realm of this band is sure to happen quite frequently for those who choose to pick up their newest release, In the Reaper’s Quarters, via Wharf Cat on September 9th. Come on, just check the art work…something wicked this way comes.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

We Like White Arrows

artworks-000088443537-vu528k-t500x500If you frequent our website on the regular, you are well aware that we are big fans of the new material we are hearing from White Arrows.  The style of the band has seemingly grown up in leaps in bounds when compared to their last effort as I’m hearing some darker tendencies in their once glowing pop sound.  Here’s another new song called “Nobody Cares” that’s sure to get you just as excited for this release as we are.

Pick up the new album, In Bardo, on September 16th via Votiv.

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