Show Preview: Alex Napping Album Release @ Cheer Ups – TONIGHT!

AlexNapping_VineetGordhandas-1It’s Friday, and you need something to do.  You’re in Austin, looking for a great show.  Problem solved, you should be at Cheer Up Charlies for the anticipated release of Alex Napping‘s debut LP, courtesy of Punctum Records.  It’d be easy to just say, go see Alex Cohen play; she and the band are great.  And that’s very true.  But, in order to draw a solid crowd, you’ve got to have some great opening acts, like Big Bill, Soft Swells and Lowin.  Big Bill‘s oddball garage rock never fails to impress.  Soft Swells are on the trustworthy label, Modern Outsider (local label!).  Lowin, well, let’s just say this is one of the next big things to get out of Austin. Solid bill from start to finish.  Get there at 8 in time for things to kick off!

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Talk in Tongues Ready 7″

titI love the birth of new bands, like that of Talk in Tongues.  I’m into it because I’m a fan of progression, seeing where an artist or group goes from one point to another.  It’ll be really interesting to see where this act goes, as they’re just readying their first 7″ for Fairfax Recordings. For a first single, it’s pretty spot on, sonically.  The drums sound great, and I love the warmth of the vocals.  But, what I’m hearing from the guitars has me curious as to the group’s next steps, as they walk a line between dream pop and psychedelia.  For now, just enjoy yourself this little number, and grab the 7″ on November 25th.

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My Jam of the Week: Arp

arpWent to the record store and picked up some sweet jams this week: Growlers, Rat Columns, So Cow and then I also got the new Arp.  Sure, it’s an EP, but man, there’s some really great gems on the album, like the one below.  The last full-length that Alexis G. put out was pretty right on, though there were some developmental moments in the LP.  The Pulsars and Quasars EP might be a little stop gap, but it definitely shows progression in what he’s been able to accomplish since last year.  The EP is available as of this week via Mexican Summer, so if you like what you hear below go grab that stuffs.


Download: Arp – UHF1 [MP3]

ATH & ACL Interview: The Wans

WansYou can almost smell it in the air can’t you?  That’s right folks, ACL is just a mere week away and ATH is once again pumped for the fun and debauchery.  Today I’m excited to share with you an interview I did recently with Nashville based rock band The Wans.  They’re playing ACL, and we’re pumped to welcome them to town.  Follow the jump for full interview.

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New One From Young Mammals

mammals sep3Houston amigos Young Mammals have a new album coming out soon and today they’re  sharing with us this new song “Speedboy”.  Garage rock pop music is the name of the game here as Houston once again shows us that they are ready to get back in the indie game.  Stay tuned for more from these guys in the future.

Pick up new album Alto Seco on October 7th via Odd Hours.

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More New Music From White Laces

night33_white_lacesRichmond based White Laces came on to my radar earlier this month and I’ve enjoyed what the band is bringing music wise.  They fashion their own brand of experimental rock music with a touch of atmosphere thrown in for good measure.  Start paying attention to these guys as they rise through the ranks of the indie world.

Once again, White Laces have a new album entitled Trance coming out on October 7th via Happenin Records.

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Hell Yes! New Tune from Legendary Wings

legendI can’t tell you how excited I was to find out that Legendary Wings were putting out a new album on Dirtnap Records. I loved their 2012 effort Making Paper Roses, and the first single from their new LP has me thirsting for the entire thing.  It’s got an infectious hook; it’s got this bubbling bass line working beneath it all; it’s the perfect blend that I call garage-a-ma-power-pop-punk (new genre fyi). I don’t want this song to end, yet sadly, like all good things, it has to, leaving me anticipating this LP more than any other at the moment. Do You See will be out on November 11th.

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Austin Spotlight: Hear the 2nd Tune off the Balmorhea’s New 7″

balmoeNot long ago, we posted “Heir I,” one of the first new tracks we’ve heard from Austin’s Balmorhea in some time.  It was part of a special 7″ they’re releasing in conjunction with the vinyl reissue of their debut LP, which is all being handled by Western Vinyl.  This new piece is really exquisite; it captures the beauty the band has always created, but they seem to be experimenting with a little bit of discord; I like that touch.  Still, the building string arrangements that crash upon your ears are the 4.12 mark are just, well, incredible.  It’s clear that great care and thought have gone into the construction of this number, so hats off to that. The re-issue and the Heir 7″ both hit stores on October 14th.

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LA Font Give Us Another Pop Hit

10406948_10152134894997105_6681775348872287450_nLA Font is a great band from Los Angeles that has received several pieces of positive praise on our website.  Their tunes are easy to get into as the band effortlessly creates rock songs with a ton of pop sensibilities to keep you paying attention.  This new jam called “Pretty in Love” is yet another superb effort from the band.  Enjoy.

LA Font have a double album entitled The American Leagues & Diving Man due out on October 13th via Austin’s own Fleeting Youth Records.


Download: LA Font – Pretty In Love [MP3]

Incredible Track From Andrew St. James

10007473_695907583820916_4119307996298473043_nWhile surfing around the net today looking for some tunes to share, I came across one of those rare songs that makes me stop and play it again, and then again… This track is called “Tapes” and is brought to us by a young man by the name of Andrew St. James.  When I first hit play, his take on songwriting really reminded me of some sort of weird combo between Dylan, Tallest Man on Earth, and even a bit of Ryan Adams.  We’re treated mostly to just a quickly strummed guitar as we’re lead through a wandering tune about love and love lost.  ASJ has a lot to say, so I suggest you start paying attention to this young man (he’s only 19).

Pick up new album, The Shakes, on October 28th.


Download: Andrew St. James – Tapes [MP3]

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