Brooding Pop from Jasia

jaziaAs the year comes to a close, I’m going back and getting into some things that I’ve seen on other lists or just songs that were somehow sliding under our radar.  This Jasia tune was one that I dug when it popped up, but for some reason it fell hidden in my emails. This song is this electronic pop composition that builds and builds, though it never quite erupts in euphoria. Instead, the subtleties of the pop sensibility billow for its entirety, which is quite an enjoying piece of work. Look for more work from this kid as 2015 kicks on.

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Show Preview: Spirit Animal @ Stubbs (12.1) Tonight

spiritBrooklyn party rockers Spirit Animal bring their heavy grooves and sing-along hooks back to Austin for the second (non-SXSW) time tonight at Stubbs. Their tour goes for two weeks as they promote their new electro-funk jam, “Party in the Back” (out tomorrow 12/2). Their live show is said to be a blistering good time, filled with energy to keep you warm on this cold night. Thy released a 2013 EP, “Kingdom Phylum,” earning them MTV Buzzworthy ‘Artists to Watch’ honors and their video for summer single “BST FRNDS” has racked up 100,000 YouTube views.  You know, in case you wanna leave the house tonight!  Doors are at 8 and tickets are $10.


New Music from King of Cats

working outWhy does the year have to end? There still seems like there’s great tunes to be had, such as this tune from King of Cats. This track starts our innocently enough, but when the guitar breakdown comes in I find myself hooked every time, even when I know what’s coming. The vocals get a touch harsh from Max Levy at some points, but that huge riff draws me back in to the tune. The band’s debut album, Working Out, is coming out soon from Art Reeks, a new collaborative label by some folks over in the UK.  Sometimes a good riff just makes everything worth it.

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Fresh Tune from Alex G

agOne of the releases I really took a liking too this year was DSU, the latest LP from Alex G.  He’s been sort of an underground sensation, winning over fans across the globe with his really personal touch to his songwriting.  This track probably isn’t as new as I’d like, as it was recorded for DSU, though it didn’t make the final cut for the album.  Still, even in its brevity you can hear why Alex has become such a sensation in many circles.  If this is what you like, then be sure to go and collect all his work, including that great LP from earlier this year.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Fuzzy Rocker from Sun Voyager

voyagesJust a few weeks ago I dropped a tune from Sun Voyager in regards to their forthcoming split with Greasy Hearts, but they’ve just unleashed another new tune for a label comp that’s coming your way soon.  This track is the perfect blow-your-hair-back psych rock that makes for great liver performances; it’s got this sludgy deep riff that rattles your soul, while the vocals wobble in atmospheric fashion atop it all.  This is for fans that like the heavier side of psych rock…and really, just those that want to rock on a Monday.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Perfect Indiepop from Pale Lights

paleIt’s a bummer that I opted to take most of last week off, as if I hadn’t, you’d have had this Pale Lights single spinning in your head throughout your holiday week, or your black Friday enslavement.  Regardless, you’re now going to spend the next 20-30 minutes playing these two songs over and over again.  It’s remarkable how quickly this band can add to their already strong catalog, having released the much needed  Before There Were Pictures earlier this year. I don’t know which of the two tracks is better here, so you best listen to them both.  Hoping to see this on a vinyl release, but for now it’s just a digital single you’ll want to get your hands on as soon as possible.

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