Show Pics: Elvis Depressedly @ The Mohawk (7/8)
Catching up on some pics I was gun shy to post given our instability last week (let me know if any of you see things loading weird or slowly).
Elvis Depressedly‘s solidly lo-fi delivery of well-crafted indie-pop songs charmed the ATH team. I missed them during SxSW, but The Mohawk and Transimssion remedied that for me with an indoor show. The show ended up selling out due to a highly popular double-headlining tour with Mitski and a great opener in Eskimeaux. I felt older than usual, lots of Xs on hands.
Read on for some pics and a few thoughts…
Three cheers to Alan. Eight years, The Mohawk has been under his watch; enjoy your nights at home and tanks for all the hospitality!
Eskimeaux is best described as charming. They would spend time quietly serenading only to then open up some big chords and harmonies. If the folks in attendance didn’t know the band, they left happy to have seen them and many chatted with Gabrielle later in the evening at the merch booth. Check out “Broken Necks” to hear why many became fans.
Elvis Depressedly was middle spot. The sound tech mentioned that they really didn’t care about checking. It was odd, but I get it as they really just want to adapt. I get the feeling Mat Cothran just wants every time a song is played, it is a bit different. Songs certainly sounded “live”. It isn’t apathy, there is a construction and the band just plays around inside the parameters of the stage and the house’s sound. I could be wrong.
Mitski had soem die-hard fans, no getting close and I was about to turn into pumpkin. However, the two-piece was the blend of the previous two acts. Lo-fi by nature of being a tow piece, charming by way of Mitski Miyawaki’s songs and voice.