More From Twin Limb

10931147_772084042827267_5945209322797831464_nWay back in January Nathan introduced us to Kentucky based group Twin Limb and their Beach House, yet a bit more polished, sound.  I’m pleased to be continuing the hype train today with this new jam called “Don’t Even Think”.  Now I’ve probably used descriptors like enchanting or trance inducing many times in the past, but I can’t honestly come up with a better way to accurately describe this sound.  This is truly a beautiful song.

Anything is Possible and Nothing Makes Sense will hit the streets on November 13th.

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Over Sands Making Waves Over Here?

over-sands-press-photo-1It’s not always easy to please the American audience, so what takes off overseas doesn’t always filter through our ears. That being said, I think the soulful approach of Over Sands has just what it takes. The music’s carefully crafted, highlighting the melody in all the right places, yet pulling back when its necessary. It’s the perfect start to a new act, which means there is a lot of promise that can come our way in the future from the duo. You’ll get to hear the full EP on November 20th, so keep an ear up and throw some support to the London act.

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New Tune from The Heart Strings

10616721_10153415901879596_5891930795245722178_nIt’s been a little bit since we heard from The Heart Strings, so I wanted to toss up this brand new single today to catch your ears. Songwriter Todd Roache has a producer’s touch, which is really evident in his pop constructs; you can hear the dedication to extracting each melody perfectly in every little note on this single. For listeners, it holds a bright tone, both musically and in the lyrical content, but be forewarned, Todd tells us that his music’s about to take a darker turn on his next few singles. Without further adieu, here’s your pop hit for the day.

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Straight Pop From Decorations

unnamedThe ATH crew here loves us some good pop music when it comes our way and this new track called “Girls” from L.A. based Decorations is perfect.  It’s a straight pop number with some louder guitars and some super slick synth parts thrown in to really brighten things up.  Seriously, I’d find it hard to believe if anyone told me they didn’t enjoy such a hit as this.  So hit play and treat your ears.

Debut EP, Girls, is due out October 16th via Frenchkiss Records.

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Grab the New Album from Lame Drivers

lamedriversIt’s gotta be tough in this landscape, rocking out while all the others play to the masses with their psych-garage twists. So, how do you stand out? Ask Lame Drivers. They seem to have a formula that fits in with the modern day, yet has a knack to propel themselves beyond with a supreme dosage of pop rock n’ roll. The sounds are huge, but huge in the sense that they’re geared towards power-pop fans gathering at the front stage of your favorite arena! They’ll be releasing their new effort Chosen Era in October; it’ll be handled by two of our favorite, Jigsaw Records and Bleeding Gold Records.

Pop Music from How Sad

howsadfaceThere’s something that catches my ear when I hear careful guitar lines wrapped around a nice bit of synthesized work; I guess it probably harkens to the sounds of my bedroom circa 91-92 (I know I’m old). Still, I’ve been hooked on the latest single from How Sad…it hits in all the right places. There’s a lofty vocal tone switch in the chorus, brightening the emotive powers of the track…though I’m also partial to the deeper tones presented in the rest of the track. The Montreal act is just releasing their new album, Everything Happens, which should be a must have for you pop fans hanging out there.

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Great New Video and Single from The Spook School

This song is for the math nerds and the pop fans, so be warned. Oh, and it’s also filled with exuberance like you w0n’t find anywhere else. At the beginning of the track, you’re seeing the Spook School build in their own brand of joyous pop, and then while the shouts of “I am bigger than a hexadecimal” are blasted, you can feel the band fueling up the tension. They unleash it as the video bursts through with a group of folks all happy to join in the bands proclamation. Still, don’t let the fun of the track take away that there’s still an underlying theme lurking here with the band, but I’ll let you (or them) come to terms with that. This song features on their new album, Try to Be Hopeful, which is out soon via Fortuna Pop.


ATX Spotlight: Fresh New Spray Paint Tune

Spray-PaintPeople in Austin, aside from myself, have got to be tired of hearing about Spray Paint. They’re probably one of Austin’s hardest working bands, at least in so far as studio work goes…they’re already prepping their second LP of the year, harkening back to the band’s output of 2013. This new single plods along with angular discordant guitars stabbing in your speakers in a repetitive fashion, while the rest of the track rises and falls within the space left between the vocals and those guitar sounds. Dopers has 8 new tracks to be released by Monofonus Press on October 23rd.

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Show Preview: Ultimate Painting @ Mohawk (TONIGHT)

ultimate paintingIt’s a busy week for Austin, with tons of bands and people about to fill the city for ACL, but that being said, I really don’t want you to miss out on seeing Ultimate Painting tonight. They’ve released two incredible albums, both flying under the radar despite receiving great amounts of praise. I, for one, can also vouch for the fact that they’ve got an incredible live show ready for you; it’s one of the most rehearsed, tightest sets I’ve seen from an act in several years. Plus, you’ll get to see The Zoltars open up the night; they’re easily one of my Top Ten Austin acts playing around the city right now. Dryspell will also share the opening slot, so please come early to watch yourself some locals. Tickets are 10 bucks and doors open at 9 PM.

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Energetic Rocker from Midnight Reruns

midnightrerunsI want to kick off Monday right for you, and I couldn’t think of a better way to pull it off than with this new single from Midnight Reruns. It probably shouldn’t hurt the band that Tommy Stinson helped record/produce the record, but while that Replacements energy might lay in the way the band plays, their sound has a something else in it that’s got me hooked. I can’t tell if I want to call it an old-school emo feel or just a casual indie rock tune, but regardless, it’s hook-laden, shifting directions multiple times. Their new LP, Force of Nature, is due out on Dusty Medical Records on October 23rd.

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