Austin Spotlight: Allgood Releases Album

allgoodI’ve really been fascinated by Allgood since I stumbled upon the work a few weeks ago. There’s a lot of easy genre references one could throw out, but I leak to just label it construction pop. Kevin, the man behind the sounds, builds these pop tracks, often layering them with varying levels of warmth, guitars and other added notes. It creates this really broad spectrum of sound, gifting listeners with sonic fulfillment time and time again. The new album is titled Attention!, which might just be a call to people to take note, as there’s something really special going on here. Stream the album below, and grab it HERE.

Take a Listen to Katie Von Schleicher

katieI’ve really been enjoying this new single from Katie Von Schleicher. She’s prepping for the release of her new record, Bleaksploitation, which comes out next week via Ba Da Bing Records, offering up this track as her second single. It’s got a trudging stomp to it, relying upon the soul of her voice to really pull the listener into the song. I like the production on the track; it kind of muddies her voice just a little bit, even though you can still hear its pristine quality. Expect to hear more from Katie, as she’s opening a slew of dates with Eleanor Friedberger, so the stars are lining up for this lady.

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Fun Post-Punk from Deleter

deleteListening to Deleter, I can’t help but tie the guitar noodling to Television. But, in doing that, I think I sell the Minneapolis group a little short…they’ve got more to offer, including bits of freaking out with noise. This single, however, takes it all and pushes the envelope by pulling in a little bit of pop sensibility by way of the vocal delivery, leaving you with a track that’s displays both musicianship and a little bit of fun. You’ll find this song on the group’s new record, Oblique Sessions, which is slated for a December 7th release date via Land Ski Records.

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Good and Bad News from The Bankees

bankyIf you’ve been reading our site over the years, one of the group’s we’ve always praised has been The Bankees. I’ve enjoyed their work since the beginning, and they reached out to us yesterday to share a little bit of news with us, both good and bad. The good news is that they’ll be offering a brand new record, Friends, to all their fans. The first single is really great, it seems to encompass the history of the band’s sound all in one great pop song. But, as Simon indicates in his email, this is the final release from the band as they all are parting ways to work on various new adventures. Sad news for me, but I implore you to go visit the bands music, old and new.

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Groovy New Night Beats Tune

nightNight Beats have always been a band I gravitated towards, musically speaking. I’ve managed to catch their live set on several occasions, and it always seems like they had this heavy darkness that didn’t always leak through. But, it seems like their usage of two-inch tape to record their 3rd LP, Who Sold My Generation, might leave listeners bewitched. I mean, there’s psych bands, and then there’s bands that can really just rock the psychedelia and really bend your brain; these are the types I prefer…and the kind I think of when I hear the group. Look for their new LP to come via Heavenly Recordings on January 29th.

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New To Me: French for Rabbits

rabbitsJust in case you were wondering, the French word for rabbits is lapins. But, that’s not new to me, but the New Zealand duo, French for Rabbits, is. They’ve just recently shipped this gorgeous peace of ethereal pop overseas, and for a good long while, the song just sits there, floating through your ears. However, just before the 2 minute mark there’s an emphatic vocal burst from Brooke Singer; it keeps the listeners on their toes, giving you hints that more lurks beneath the varying layers of textured pop. This song is here to celebrate the group’s upcoming tour dates, and the world’s love of pop music.

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Fresh DIIV Track

diiveThis tune’s all over the place, and judging by the response (and their huge show at Mohawk this past weekend) DIIV are still drawing popularity and excitement. Aside from the song, which I think fulfills my expectations from their set at Psych Fest last Spring, I’m stoked to hear that the band has 17 new songs to offer listeners. They had a solid first effort, but I felt it was a little bit short. This means fans will get twice the release when Is the Is Are hits the streets on February 5th of next year. Look for it to come via Captured Tracks, which is always reliable in my eyes.

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Austin Spotlight: Stream the Milezo Album

milezoIt’s been a really great year for Austin music, recording-wise, so it should come as no surprise that there’s another solid release coming out of the town to wrap up the year. Milezo just tossed out their new album, Heads on Holiday. Like most things done with the band, the entire listen is a journey. You’ll hear songs of the psych sort pushed in the direction of wistful pop songs then off to lush gazing tracks. It’s never in one place long, offering a lot of discovery for listeners. Take a trip with these guys by streaming it in its entirety below; you won’t regret it.

One More From Club 8

club8I figure since we’ve already shared two new Club 8 singles with you over the last couple of months, we should probably go on and share their 3rd single as well.  This one is called “Late Nights” and once again features some super catchy, synth laden house hits sure to entice everyone into a dance frenzy.  Since this is likely their last single prior to the upcoming album release, fans should enjoy this one for the next couple of weeks.

Pleasure is due out November 20th on Labrador Records.

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Chilled Tune from Alohaha

alohahaAlohaha is a fairly new project, and with this single, it already has me listening closely. It took me a second to place the band’s sound, but I soon settled on a nice little Beck reference, looking back at Sea Change. You’ll hear a stripped down approach to Americana, the sort that really pulls at the emotions of the listener; it should come as no surprise either that the tune, as well as the album, deal with the subject matter of a break-up. Alohaha will release their album in December via Black Rainbow Records.

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