More from Strange Faces

stoneStrange Faces seem to be band everyone is talking about at the moment, or at least in some circles. Their latest single before the release of their album next week hits on the lo-fidelity charm we’ve all been enjoying. Still, there’s a fluid bit of pop-centric guitar playing that keeps the interest of the listener; it seems like the song’s always circling back to offer you some hook you won’t be able to put down. If things shape up as the single leads us to believe, Stonerism, should be one hell of a way to end the year; it’s out next Friday via Autumn Tone Records.

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Announcing Summer Salt’s Going Native EP

DSC_5878A few weeks back we introduced you to the newest act to join our ATH Records roster, Summer Salt. Well, today we’re bringing you news that we’ve got the bands Going Native EP coming your way in late January. The three-o just finished up their much lauded residency over at the Blackheart, and now we’re here to offer you the first listen to “Manastra.” You’ll hear the band’s great harmonies at play, as well as their tendency to kick out smooth bossanova tunes that’ll keep you warm all year round. If you find a voice prettier than Matt’s, then I need to know. We’re so in love with this EP, and we hope you dig what you hear on this first offering. Sweet photo by our own B. Gray.

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Christmas Pop from Bill Botting + Two Drink Minimums

billYou know Christmas or Hanukkah (or just holiday season for pc purposes) is around the corner when you see a flood of lists hitting the Internet. With that, we also get the gift of great Christmas music from our favorites, like Bill Botting who plays with Allo’ Darlin. He’s rounded up a bunch of friends for a short little EP titled It’s Not Christmas Anymore, and the track they’ve got floating out is quite a joy. It’s got a little bit of stripped down folk, but still adheres to a pop sensibility that’s visible in the work of all the participants. Should make for a nice little holiday listen; it’s available via Fika Recordings.

What Moon Things Slow Vibing

spaceThere’s something brewing in this new single from What Moon Things. Starting off, it brings this bedroom electronic vibe,which in and of itself is pretty chilled out. But, what caught me is the the vocals; there’s something oddly familiar in their sound…almost like David Bazan. This track appears on the band’s Space Jams EP (not featuring Michael Jordan), but they are also back working hard on what should be a relaxed new album come 2016. It’s something relaxing to enjoy while the weather outside is chilly; warm sounds and smooth vocals…kick it.

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Gladiola Gets It

gladAmong all this new-age emo stuff, there’s lots to enjoy, and lots to ignore…if the genre even hits close to home. But, I’m really enjoying Gladiola and what they’re bringing up here. They seem to encapsulate the genre’s tendency to stretch out the vocal a la Superchunk, then turning it into a calmly backed pop moment like the Get Up Kids. Still, the opening moments even recall some parts of Drive Like Jehu…reaching out for the scratchier moments of it all. Mix that all together and looks like the band’s new album, This Year’s Storm, will be a hit come it’s release in February.

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High Highs Execute Pop Perfection

highsPeople should be clamoring for more work by band’s like the High Highs. Here, on their new single, they’re hoping you dive into the emotive quality that comes with carefully touching upon beautiful melodies. Here, nothing is forced, touched upon lightly, building and building. It’s a swelling sensation, and considering it’s the opening track for the group’s new LP, Cascades, we should all expect the album to move much the same. If they accomplish such feats, then we’re definitely in for a joy that should reveal itself slowly, then dwell in our souls for some time.

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More Music from The Black Watch

blog_blackwatchWe’re nearing the release of Highs and Lows by the Black Watch, which means it’s time to share a new single from the long-running act. This is our second taste of what’s to come, and I’ve  been really impressed with what’s coming out. There’s a juxtaposition from the guitar work, at point sounding bright whilst churning out a slight jangle, though it’s contrasted with a darker tone that also lurks throughout. This darkness is reemphasized by John Andrew Frederick’s voice, though he does take on a smooth croon during the chorus. You’re likely to hear slight hints of psychedelia, but that’s one of the great things to appreciate about the band…you’ll love them, but you’ll never be able to define them. Pop Culture Press will have the record out this weekend!

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Take Notice of New Nada Surf

nadasept05When time looks back on the last twenty years of independent music, I feel sadness knowing that it’s likely that Nada Surf will only be a blip on the radar, if anything. That saddens me to a great extent, especially after they’ve announced a brand new album with the below single. It’s the perfect bit of pop songwriting, just as the group’s always done. Matthew Caws has the perfect voice for pop music; it’s so gentle and warm that it fits every melody within the confines of the song. Ugh. Those guitar tones too? I dare you to find a group writing such great songs…or one that’s done it so well for so long. You Know Who You Are will be out on March 4th via City Slang…it’s going to be a great 2016!

The ATH Top 50 Albums of 2015

Albums ListYear-end lists are everywhere…and I can see why they’re important to people. But, seeing as we generally walk off the beaten path more often than not, our list of the Top 50 Albums of 2015 is in no particular order, save alphabetically. It seems pointless to rank one piece of art higher than another, especially when the four of us at ATH all have varying tastes. We just put this list together of the albums we loved the most this year. Are we saying they’re better than records by Grimes or Kendrick Lamar? No, we’re just saying that these are the records we loved more than others. So, you can read on for what we thought was hot.

Also…put links to individual stores where you can buy the albums from the bands…as that’s how we all survive in this music world.
Read more

Here’s More Dark Wave From The Black Ships

blackIt’s getting to that point of the year when things are slim pickings in the Interwebs…people are working on wrapping things up with all their lists, but music’s still coming out. I love this bouncy bit of dark pop coming from the Black Ships, who I wrote about earlier in this year. There’s a nice wash of keyboards on this tune, giving it a little bit of club shimmer. Those of you looking for tunes of the darker pop ilk will definitely be appreciative of Dead Empires, the band’s new album coming out later this week.

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