Fresh Indiepop from Tangible Excitement!

erThree names. Scott Stevens, Mark Monnone and Stewart Anderson. Those of you who are indiepop/power pop fans are surely swooning, even at the thought of these three getting together. Well, you’re in luck because this new super group, Tangible Excitement has written some great songs for a split mini-LP with the Ginnels (who I’ve included track of as well because I love them). My only complaint on this piece is that it’s too short. It’s like a teaser, leaving me clamoring for more and more. Luckily, Emotional Response will be releasing it on February 5th…so not too far away!

On the Ginnels track, this tune I included from their Mountbatten Class because it’s being re-issued by ER, and it’s absolutely one of my favorite songs from the band. You should buy this too!

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Another Day Another Gorgeous Bully Tune

gogeWhile I don’t want to post the same old same old from the blogosphere, I will willingly post the same old same old from bands I love. Gorgeous Bully, in case you haven’t noticed, have been on my list of great jams for some time. This time it’s a pretty straight forward jam, lamenting the fact that our singer doesn’t have much to do…and you know, maybe that’s good because it helps write more tracks that I can’t ever seem to get enough of this work. Might not even be released anywhere other than right here…so enjoy.

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Playing Catch-Up: Socorro!

flavorsFinally feel like we’re getting our feet underneath us here, so checking in on some of my favorite labels that I’ve not looked in on in a bit…Lolipop Records being one of those. Just recently they released Flavor of the Day, the newest effort from Socorro!. As the description hints, there are hints of jangling but you can also feel a more classic rock inflection in these songs. The whole cassette is out now, but if that’s not your thing, you can go grab the songs directly from the band themselves right HERE. Enjoy.

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ATX Premiere: Reddening West

rw-crop2-smallAs I’ve stated many times in the past, it always amazes me to try and comprehend how many talented artists and musicians we have in this town. Seriously, we are spoiled. Today I have yet another new band I’ve just been alerted to called Reddening West. The group is fronted by Matt Evans, formerly of Sleepy Holler, and also features drums from Kevin Butler of Black Books fame. When describing the sounds you’ll discover, Black Books would be a good starting comparison with some elements of singer/songwriters like JBM or even Bon Iver. Below you can find brand new single “All You Need” for your enjoyment and own comparison making. It’s a hushed tune full of beauty fit for a rainy afternoon.

A pre-order for the groups new EP,Where We Started, is currently up on bandcamp.

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Obsessed with Beach Baby

12400736_995517367186303_5526766828372926204_nWhat else could we possible say about Beach Baby that we haven’t already covered at this point? Try a search for the band and you’ll return at last 5 or 6 results. Seriously, just hit play on this new song “Sleeperhead” and fall victim to the sweet tunes that have already captivated the entire ATH team. Carry on.

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Show Pics: The Soft Moon @ The Parish (1/21)

The Soft MoonLast Friday, it was supposed to be some nostalgia with Killing Joke playing The Parish. However, they cancelled leaving plans in the lurch. The truly awesome news was that scheduled openers would still come to town and even better, they added Video in support. A last minute add of Autlier completely rounded out the night.

Click through – I have plenty of photos from the night and thoughts on The Parish’s recent upgrades.

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DTCV Share A Great Pop Tune

untitledFrench group DTCV has always been difficult for me to classify. Are they pop? Post-punk? Fuzz rock? To me, the ability to blend all those styles and avoiding one distinct genre is what makes the band special. So with that in mind, check out this new track “Bourgeois Pop” and enjoy the true blending of those styles. What seems to be a straight up pop tune also has a bit of cojones behind it with some crunchy guitar and leads. Dig.

Confusion Moderneis coming on April 9th via Xemu Records.

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It’s Been a Minute, Adam Green – Welcome Back

adamI’ve got a lot of strange respect for Adam Green; he’s somehow managed to make a pretty decent career out of of the madness that was The Moldy Peaches. He made some waves this week with the announcement that he’d be reimagining Aladdin…featuring some Macaulay Kulkin. I didn’t really care until I heard some tracks, which to be honest, wear the simplicity of Green’s music…that always touches home for me. There’s a familiarity in his voice, and while simple, there aren’t too many folks sounding exactly like him. I’m sure there will be some great tunes when he releases the music that accompanies Aladdin…like the below track.

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Good Pop Vibes from Luke Top (of Fool’s Gold)

lukeI remember jamming to Fool’s Gold quite a bit, but I don’t think that I felt that invested until I heard this new single from Luke Top on his solo outing. He sounds a lot like Albert Hammond Jr. here, smoothing out vocal notes with pop doses; there’s a nice bounce coming in too from the organ as well. Suspect Highs is Luke’s first solo effort, and the few tracks we’ve heard sound really great, so I can’t wait until March 4th when it’s finally released out into the world.

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Brand New Track from Boys Forever

12487192_1667874550150876_9121168534019131929_oI think there’s a bunch of you out there, or maybe like five, lamenting the wait for new music from Veronica Falls, so while we hang out on that one, let’s rejoice that Patrick is going strong with his new project, Boys Forever. It’s steady bouncing indiepop, including a nice little solo in the middle of the tune that hints at some of Patrick’s other work. This track will be included on a brand new 7″ coming on the brand new label, Amour Foo. Looks like bother are something we should keep our eyes on as the year begins to unfold.

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