The Genius of Baby Birds Don’t Drink Milk

bbddmRemember when we all first discovered Grizzly Bear? All of your friends and their friends were talking about this great new act that burst forth seemingly out of nowhere. Well, that’s not the story for Baby Birds Don’t Drink Milk, and then again, it is. They’re not a new act by any means, but they’ve been layering lush harmonies atop one another for quite some time, culminating in the beautiful new tune. I’m not one-hundred percent sure what the lyrics are taking on, but that’s what a lyrics sheet is for, right!? Their new effort Burritos will be out next week via Fire Talk Records, but I implore you to go to their BANDCAMP PAGE and explore their catalogue.

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SXSW Interviews: Adult Books

adultsAs usual, SXSW has slowly inched ever closer without me feeling like I’m fully prepared just yet. I of course have time and will be working to get myself game ready. We here at ATH also want to get you ready with some exposure to bands coming to town who we feel are worth your time. Today I continue that preparation process with an interview from Cali based Adult Books. Nathan and I both have been loving the band’s new album Running from the Blows (out March 4th on Lolipop Records), so we were both excited for this one. Follow the jump for more.

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New Jam From Tennis System

unnamed (19)I’ve talked about Tennis System several times on this here website and I’ve always enjoyed their ever evolving sound. Today this new single called “Here We Go” might just be the most impressive piece of material I’ve heard from the band since their earlier beginnings. I’m really digging the break down of the chorus here with the lead guitar wail and perfectly driving drum hits. It’s a hit.

Tennis System will release this track as a new single out on Friday via Papercup Music. A new full length is coming sometime later this summer. Oh and stay tuned as the band will be in town for SXSW.

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Obligatory Wire Post

wire-band-2I think it’s time that we put aside the past of Wire at this point. It’s not that they haven’t been culturally significant since the late 70s (one of the reason’s this is an obligatory post), but I think it puts an unfair focus on their early work, and not on the excellent albums they’ve been putting out since their resurgence (the last three LPs are must own albums, in my opinion). On this brand new track, you can tell that it’s Wire; you can hear the playing style coming through, but it still feels as if the band are taking on new sonic territory. There’s shades of dream-pop, in angular post-punk sense, providing a texture of darker emotions that’s quite fascinating. This is the title track from the band’s forthcoming Nocturnal Koreans mini-LP, which will be out on April 22nd via Pinkflag.

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Jamming to Hit Bargain

hitbargainEver since we started working with Big Bill, I’ve really been paying closer attention to the message a lot of the acts are putting out into the world. The story from Hit Bargain spins the story of 80s classic Die Hard into an attack on a world of police and gun violence. I like the spastic call-and-response attitude that’s delivered, giving the song a huge punch, or the listener rather. The group will be self-releasing the Hit Bargain EP, hoping to get you hip to the world around you. I miss important music.

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More From Givers

unnamed (18)I mentioned earlier this month how excited I was to hear about the return of Louisiana based pop group GIVERS. The band was always a fairly straightforward pop group with a bit of quirkiness thrown in for good measure. This new material though is showing great promise and maturity, especially with this new single “Bermuda”. It’s definitely heavier and more fleshed out than anything I’ve ever heard from the band in the past. Here’s to a bright future.

GIVERS albumNew Kingdomwill be available April 8th via Glassnote Records.

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Great New Tune from John Helix

johnhelixThis brand new track from John Helix is absolutely stunning; it’s immediately enchanting, in the way only the best music can be. The entire song is focused around Helix’s voice and his subtle strumming, though there’s some accompaniment that joins in about midway through the track itself. I think you’ll find yourself hard-pressed not to get lost within the confines of this song’s melodies. This song features on John’s forthcoming LP, Tune Out Turn Off Disconnect, which will be delivered to stores on March 14th.

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Woods Continue to Mix It Up

woods2_630x300I’m really interested to hear the entirety of the new Woods LP. There are definitely some things working beneath the usual mix of Cali psych pop that make me curious as to what other little touches will flourish within the confines of the whole listen. On this latest single, there’s still the vocal performance, but rather than the psych touches, it tends to have more of an R&B/funk based rhythm working below; it’s a nice twist I wasn’t expecting.City Sun Eater in the River of Light is the title of the new effort, so we’ll get to hear it all on April 8th via Woodsist.

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More Great Pop from Adult Books

adultsWe’ve got two great announcements! One, Adult Books will be appearing at our ATH Takes Over Nomad Party on March 15th (at the Nomad). Two, the band has another great single to share with you. Honestly, this is one of my favorite new pop acts, and Running from the Blowsis great, from first track to the last. There’s a little bit of a bounce in this track, and just the slightest wash on the vocals, all swept high into your ears by a delightful synth line. Pretty sure that March 4th can’t come soon enough for you, or us for that matter. Look for the LP via Lolipop and Burger Records.

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