New Single from Austin’s Growl

growlFor years I’ve followed the path of local boys, Growl. They’ve been writing super-infectious guitar pop songs since their inception, and while they’re in the studio working on a new album, they’ve just given us all a glimpse of what’s to come in the near future. Fighting guitar chords, crashing drums and Santi’s captivating voice. It’s too late to call these guys a buzz-Austin band, as they’re just continuing what they’ve always done best. We’ll keep you posted on forthcoming album news.

Really Liking Puff Pieces

puffLately there’s been a rush of all these people looking back on the old emo sounds, but what’s interesting is that that actually makes the work of a band like Puff Pieces seem utterly refreshing, even though their sound might hint at days that are even further back. It’s a steadying bit of jittery punk, mixing great bass work with a stabbing guitar chord that doesn’t move much throughout the track. Still, I like the feeling of it all, like a grittier version of Talking Heads, maybe. Anyways, they’re releasing their album, Bland in DC on April 1st via Lovitt Records.

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Brand New Music from Airiel

airielPerhaps the best thing about the end of SXSW is waking up to see that you completely missed a new Airiel tune during all the madness. It’s the perfect piece to raise me from this exhaustion, filled with that jangling guitar cascade and precision drumming. This is our first glimpse at the band’s newest work, their first since 2007. I love how it borders on shimmering dream pop and jangling indie rock, even drawing on a cool vocal performance. Molten Young Lovers will be out soon via Shelflife, with a promise that’you can dance to it.’

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Fresh Tunes from The Blessed Isles

blessedGoing far out on a limb here, but you’re probably not going to find a finer piece of dreamy pop music this week than that of The Blessed Isles. There’s so many elements within the confines of this piece, yet it all comes off as if it’s something so simple. There’s a wash of guitars looping, atmospheric touches and synthetic beats…and that’s without even looking at the polished softness of singer Aaron Closson. This track is sure to be a centerpiece of the band’s debut, Straining Hard Against the Strength of Night, but it should also be a centerpiece to those of you who adore the finer bits of pop music. Look for the album on May 20th via Saint Marie Records.

Another New Great American Canyon Band

12792358_10156588098425068_8791836717133372911_oDear reader…do you have some time? If so, I implore you to listen to this new Great American Canyon Band tune; it’s a slow burner. Vocals roll in slow, like a storm building atop a gently crafted piece of atmospheric Americana. Lighter vocal touches come in to cover the empty space, and the song glides along as guitar strings are bent in your ear. We’re drenched in rain here in Austin, and this track fits perfectly, but in the grand scheme, it also fits nicely on the band’s new album, Only You Remain…it comes out on April 8th.

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Catchy Pop from The Bay Rays

bay rayI’m admittedly feeling a bit excited, anticipating what’s coming down the pipeline, starting, well, yesterday. So why not consistently throw fun tunes your way to kick start your day, like this new track from the Bay Rays? They’re the newest sensation from the UK. It just makes me want to jump around in a circle and shuffle my feet while screaming at the top of my lungs…you can’t ignore something so infectious. This is the group’s first official single, but I have a feeling that if more hits come like this one, you’ll be hearing a lot more from this act going forward.

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New Jam from Culture Abuse

caNot too long ago I tossed up the first Culture Abuse track from their forthcoming album, but they’ve just put this one out into the ether. I love the immediacy of the song, hitting hard from the minute you press play. It might be hard to hear, but there’s this guitar line in the middle of the mix that ties the album into pop sensibility, while the energy leans toward the angst-ridden side of indie rock. It’s a tightrope walk, but one that I’ll gladly take. Look for the band’s debut, Peach, on April 18th via 6131 Records.

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