Mo Troper Pushes New Single

moThere’s something special in Mo Troper and the tunes from his band. He borders on the edge of screeching in this tune, though it comes across in that captivating fashion that had me hooked on pop punk as a youngster. There’s hints of guitar pop throughout this track, but the vocals definitely win out for your attention. Just something so damn catchy about this track. He’ll be releasing Beloved on April 29th via Good Cheer Records, ready to give you a full dosage of rock n’ roll.

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Warped Pop from Starman Jr.

starmanSometimes it amazes me what songs get the most love while others get overlooked. In my mind, this track from Starman Jr. seems like something that’s perfectly aligned with modern acts, playing as melodic bedroom pop with hints of warped vocals. This tune is brand new, but begs listeners to go look at the recent catalog, including the January release of Muscles. It seems like it falls in the vein of artists like Coma Cinema or even early Alex G, so if those are markers for your taste, you’ll want to play this over and over.

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Power-Pop From Susan

1460418387802Man this new jam “I’ve Been Known” by Los Angeles based trio Susan has really been giving me some motivation over the last 24 hours. I’m loving that it starts super slow and dupes us into thinking it’s some type of slow melodic jam, but then boom yeah, things really take off. Rather than me ruining it with more descriptors and comparisons, I’d say you’d best be served by hitting play right now and enjoying this gem for yourself.

Susan will drop Never EnoughOn April 29th via Volar Records.

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Another Bouncy Tune from Supermoon

supermoonWhile there might be an indiepop pedigree within the confines of Supermoon, it doesn’t seem like the band’s settling to live on their past histories. Their latest single from their forthcoming Mint Records release has a certain bounce that recalls acts like La Luz, though with only a slight hint of the psychedelic elements in there. It’s more like a catchy little shuffle you heard in early R&B groups that never left your head. Their double 7″ Playland comes out on May 20th.

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New Single from Fear of Men

Fear of MenAh yes, another of our new friends from our Welcome to the Jangle party, and another great single from Fear of Men. Their latest track has these precision machine gun drum rolls, met by stabbing synth work to fill in the space. Vocals have this angelic tone, seemingly working against a harsher tone from the rest of the group. It’s almost the perfect piece of understated pop music, which should further build up your anticipation for the band’s Fall Forever; it’s being released on June 3rd by Kanine Records.

Listen to Land of Leland

landoflelandAlliteration aside, you’d be best suited this morning to put your ears to your speakers and give into Land of Leland. You’ll hear classic balladry from the get-go, with singer Justin Keller’s voice bringing you in. But, the track gets really special just after the 1.15 mark when the pitch gets higher, almost heavenly, just as you sink into your chair for complete relaxation. The song seems to take on a bit of personal introspection, which I suppose we all do, so it makes it perfect as Spring finally begins to poke its head up. This tune is featured on Home/Away, which will come out via Primary Records on April 22nd. Sit back and enjoy.

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Tonight’s Show: Shivery Shakes/Roses/She Sir @ Cheer Up Charlies

Shivery ShakesIn a week of great goings-on, you should be thrilled that brilliant pop music exists so abundantly in town. One of our favorites, Shivery Shakes, are about to hit the road and spread their gospel of surfy pop all over the States (the East Coast at least). So tonight, join them in celebration as they play one last local gig, try out some new tunes and melt your hearts. Plus, perennial ATH favorites She Sir will be opening, as well as the hot pop band in town, Roses (my old lady can’t stop talking about them).

Also…there’s a great pre-pop show bill featuring some really talented ladies (Aisha Burns, Molly Burch) going on at Cheer Ups earlier in the evening, so make it a night of great music and show up!

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New Music from Body Clocks

body-clocks-press-shotI’ve been trying to broaden my listening horizons quite a bit lately, getting into stuff I haven’t really had on my radar (a whole lot of kumbia)…and that’s where I found Body Clocks. It’s a pulsing bit of electronica, which typically would be easy to describe, but there are some special things lurking here. The rhythmic pulse gets offset at times, settling into a groove, then almost pausing in air before bouncing back. There’s these little haunting echoes of strings and even a brief vocal sample. It’s the duo’s debut single, but I hope you’ll dig it.

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Country Ballad from Snakes

snakesI’m continuing with my taste for country as of late, though I can see a lot of folks getting into the work of Snakes. Sure, there’s that classic Western sound, from the guitar (even the sound of the strings buzzing whilst being strummed) to the pacing of the percussion, but there’s also a little bit of sadness/darkness that comes through. You can even hear the band galloping towards the song’s close, so don’t be surprised to find yourself loving this. It’s the first single from the band’s forthcoming self-titled record, which you will be able to get your hands on when it’s released on May 6th via Fleeting Youth Records.

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One Last Kevin Morby Track

Kevin MorbyThis is it folks…this is your last chance to listen to some music from Kevin Morby before the release of his new effort on Friday. The song revolves primarily around the strength of Morby’s vocal performance and beautifully rich piano. You’ll get an added bonus when the strings swoop in mid-track, slightly altering the tone in Kevin’s voice. And that’s not all, as a great horn scoots into the picture accompanied by a female vocal counterpart as we fade to a close. There have been some really good albums this year, but it’s beginning to sound a lot like Singing Saw will be a special one. Look for it Friday via Dead Oceans!

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