Appreciate Andy C. Jenkins

andycjenkinsIn a world of shimmering guitars and fuzzy vocals, it’s nice to see something so simple executed so well, such as this new tune from Andy C. Jenkins. For my two cents, I love that his voice seems like that of the everyman; it’s got some great tones, but by no means is it perfect. As for the rest of the song, well, it’s pretty much just a well-executed pop song written in a traditional fashion…all the way down to the mid-track solo and the rattling riff that wraps up the track. I’m definitely interested in this guy’s work, so I look forward to hearing more from him this year.

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Listen to New Tunes from Telephantom

telephantomTelephantom is one of the rising stars of Houston’s music scene, and we got turned onto the band via the participation of Nick, who plays drums in Young Girls. The group just uploaded three new tracks, all danceable pop music geared at pure listener enjoyment. They specialize in spinning bright harmonies around the trading of male/female vocals, emphatically aided by deep synthesized beats. I have a feeling you’re going to want to turn these tracks up loud, then just let yourself go while you try to wake the downstairs neighbor with your carefree dance stylings.

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New Music from the Midnight Stroll (Jonas Wilson+Aaron Behrens)

midnightstrollI just got turned on to Jonas Wilson last year, which was a great find. Luckily, Jonas reached out this week to let us know about a new project he’s been working on with Aaron Behrens of Ghostland Observatory; they’re working under the name of The Midnight Stroll. On the lead single from Heartbreak Bugaloo, you’ll hear Behrens distinctive voice, but I think it’s the musical work that Wilson does that really pushes the project. His approach of ebbs and flows in the song’s craft forces Aaron to take on some newer tunes, pushing his vocal range beyond where many of us have heard it. Look for their LP on June 1st when it gets its worldwide release!

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Pale Lights Are Back with New EP

pale_lights_may_15Those living in the indiepop realm should have known this was coming. Pale Lights have been hinting at new music for some time via their social media outlets, and it’s finally here…thank goodness. I tried to pick a favorite song to put out there, but it’s changed every time I listen to the tracks. “Mother Cries” sounds like early psychedelic pop from the late 60s, while “Alone in this Room” rings of the more modern indie fare I adore. Each track is great, and fulfills on the promise the group displayed in their Before There Were Pictures LP from 2014. Take a listen, enjoy yourself and grab a copy from the band when it’s released this Friday!

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Spaced Out Track from The Dan Ryan

thedanryanNathan Dixey has done his time, playing with Hospital Ships and Your Friend, but he’s now going it on his own as The Dan Ryan…and it’s nice to hear what he’s creating. Trickling in, the track allows for some tension and psychedelic notes, but I don’t feel like this could be characterized as psych rock. If anything, it’s a re-imagining of folk music, a la Devendra Barnhart, though imagine that being recorded inside a bubble or beneath water; the vocals seem to struggle for air, whilst a tribal percussive element works beneath. You’ll definitely get an other-worldly vibe from this tune; it’s one of the tracks that will appear on his self-titled LP, coming out May 27th via Cosmic Dreamer Music. The Dan Ryan will celebrate the album release with a show at Cheer Up Charlies on May 24th; be sure to check the event page HERE.

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Ageless Pop Stylings from Remote Places

remoteplacesThere are some brands of music that seem wholly set in their certain place in time; they seem to live in a moment, rather that making pop that transcends time…but not so with Remote Places. Sure, there are hints of hauntology, looking back at the club hits of the 80s, but the shimmering guitars and spinning melodies make the track perfectly vital in today’s time frame; it fits anywhere; it’s good anywhere, timeless. Look for the new Night and Weekends EP from Box Theory.

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Pleased to Meet You: Sonic Visions

Remember last week when the Stone Roses released a brand new song, and then you thought to yourself “my five year old niece can write these lyrics.” Well, then take a listen to Sonic Visions, the newest band to join the Soliti Roster over in Finland. Their brand new video offers a dark perspective on the band, but we should focus on the fact that they definitely seem a band looking back at late 80s/early 90s UK sounds, while adding a modern bit of flare. I’ve played this track multiple times, and it definitely fills the void left floating out next week. This is their first piece for the label, but expect more from them in 2016.


New Hit from Mercury Girls

mercurySo this track hit a few days ago on the Interweb, but it deserves some more space, even if we have to toss out the disclaimer that we kinda sorta know these guys. Still, the rise of Mercury Girls has been somewhat meteoric, building buzz with just a few demos. Those had great promise, but the new 7″, from which this song comes, is fulfilling all your indiepop needs. On this song, there’s a little bit of haze thrown on the vocal, making the track seemingly noisier than its A-Side counterpart. It’s the perfect foil, with one side having a little bit more darkness in contrast to the pristine exuberance. If this is the start of something, it’s the start of something good. Grab it now from Slumberland Records.

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New One From Mike Adams at His Honest Weight

unnamed (5)While perusing the internet yesterday I came across this bright and sunny tune from Mike Adams at His Honest Weight. The track, entitled “The Lucky One”, features this sort of lounge singer vibe to it with a swingingsound and care free vocals. I’m thinking this would fit in nicely with my summer playlist? Most definitely.

New LP Casino Drone is out on May 20th via Joyful Noise.

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The Galaxy Electric Announce New LP

galaxyelectricI’m totally head over heels for this new tune from The Galaxy Electric, even though I can’t quite put a finger on why I love it. There’s parts of it that sound like a sprawling version of French electronic pop, though with a touch more experimentalism and a penchant for really playing around within the confines of typical pop structures. It’s not every day you find a track that can’t be explained, which makes it all the more powerful in the long run. Look for the band’s brand new Everything is Light and Sound on June 18th.

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