Chook Race: The Next Great Australian Act

chookraceWhile we’re constantly fawning over the Australian scene on our site, the country itself seems to continuously export great guitar pop…and we’re adding Chook Race to that list. The more I listen to this track, it’s the care taken to the guitar playing in the mix that really stands out in my ears, but I found myself hooked on something else entirely. Wait for the chorus, the most simplest moment…”bop, bop.” Monosyllabic phrases never sounded so enticing, so worthy of playing on repeat. Around the House is the title of the band’s new record, which will be released on September 2nd via Trouble in Mind Records.

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New Music from Steve Adamyk Band

steveDammit if this isn’t the catchiest track that Steve Adamyk Band have written to date. I was caught with the guitar sounds from the get-go, but when the vocals blasted in I turned the speakers up…backing vocals are added in just the right places to maximize the tonal hook (including Colleen Green making an appearance). In a world where everyone’s excited about the revival of late emo sounds, I’d much rather turn to the classic sounds of great pop punk, which is where these guys look to be headed with their new effort Graceland. Look for the new effort on July 29th via Dirtnap Records.

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Brand New Basketball Shorts

basketballTogether with our friends at Fleeting Youth Records, we’re excited to release Hot and Ready, the new Basketball Shorts LP. With the NBA season over, it’s time to look forward to football in the fall…and these Austin punkers have the perfect track for you, especially you Texas folks: “Romo to Dez.” While the song references our favorite scoring duo, the song’s actually a love song…here’s what singer Ben Shorts has to say:

“I am a lifelong Cowboys fan. I mean I grew up in Dallas in the 90s. It was only time before I let it out in song. This song though, is more about how I felt when I use to see this one person I was dating. I would get so excited when I thought about them, and the only thing I could relate to that excitement was when Romo hits Dez for a touchdown pass. In my head I wrapped up the anticipation, the tension, and the release, all in one phrase. When I think about you, I Romo to Dez.”

Grab the cleary vinyl (with splatters) HERE or HERE, or just pick it up on July 8th when it’s released.

Playing Catch Up with Heliotropes

heliotropesIt’s a bummer I was out of town when this single first hit a week or so ago, but better late than never, right? Heliotropes really caught my ear with their first single, and this one doesn’t change my opinion, though it swings in a slightly different way. It’s got this huge nod to 50s sock hop, reminding me of sitting at home with my mother making breakfast…this is the nostalgic look back I can get behind. Their new album, Over There That Way, will be released on July 15th via The EndRecords, and you better believe I’m going to get my hands on it.

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Stream/Buy New Soccer Mommy Album

soccermommyI first got turned onto Orchid Tapes because of their work with Coma Cinema, and it looks like they have another sparkling sensation in Soccer Mommy that’s made perfectly for all those folks sitting at home in darkened bedrooms. Listening, I can’t help imagine myself sitting in the corner of a friend’s apartment, watching as singer Sophie Allison records these songs with littler more than her voice and guitar. There’s something in these tracks, something intimate and admirable; I haven’t been able to pull myself away from the songs that make up For Young Hearts. My latest favorite of the 8 is “Skinned Knees,” if you’re looking for a place to start. You can grab it from Orchid Tapes and be sure to give money to the cause, as the album is currently NYOP.

Another New Omni Track

12771533_1562000567425520_4341617722041657471_oOn the latest Omni single, it’d be okay if we all expected more of the same…the tune opens with these stabbing guitar chords, sort of off-kilter to give you a bit of a post-punk stutter. But, as the song unfolds, the vocals take place, you can see one of the things that really makes their debut album, Deluxe, a special listen. The vocals, while seemingly lackadaisical, drape the underbelly of the tune with this pop-centric delivery that allows listeners a different glimpse at the band’s jagged guitar approach. Look for the release on July 8th via Trouble in Mind Records.

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Bubblegum Lemonade Brighten the Pop Scene

bubblegumBubblegum Lemonade are no stranger to these pages, those its been a while since we’ve heard from the group. There’s something that the group have perfected, be it the casual ring of the guitars or the balanced approach between every note; it’s sincere pop music that’s absolutely inescapable. Press play and you’ll hear a song that transfers you back to the days of the purity of pop music…no little tactics, not little twists, just the best songwriting you’ll hear this week (in my opinion). They’ll be releasing their Beard on a Bike EP on July 1st via the highly esteemed Matinee Recordings.

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Track Premiere: Rangers Ready Texas Rock Bottom

texasrockbottomJoe Knight, the man behind Rangers, has returned to Texas after years spent in San Francisco, and while the title of his newest album, Texas Rock Bottom, might seem like a bleak outlook upon his return, the music should hopefully carry him through. The album’s debut single, below, borders on being a nice piece of power-pop, but there’s some great literary storytelling in it, seemingly expressing Knight’s trepidation upon his Texas return. Those of us who’ve moved about quite a bit, or even temporarily, can surely identify with the anxieties that can bring, allowing listeners to further engage with this song. This song, and record, are looking for a home…hopefully it finds it within you.

Natural Child Continue to Throw It Back

Natural ChildWhen I first caught on to Natural Child, the group had some old school rock n’ roll tendencies, but they wrapped it up in a sweaty mess that made it vital in my listening rotation. But, through their last few releases, they’ve looked even further back, taking in all those classic influences, not to mention their Southern heritage to bring classic rock back into the fold. I’m not going to lie, it’s totally different than where I first met the band’s sound, but I can still stand behind the grooves their bringing to the fold. They’ll be releasing their new album, Okey Dokey, via their new label, Natural Child Records and Tapes.

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Adam Olenius Steps Out from Shout Out Louds

adamoleniusThe voice of Adam Olenius has been something supremely familiar in my ears since I first heard Howl Howl Gaff Gaff so long ago, so hearing him playing stripped down tunes on his new solo EP just seems natural. That’s the thing about his songwriting; it’s seems effortless, and I’m impressed by the care put into the details on each track…such as the female counterpart present in the featured song below. From what we know, this is just a stop-gap between Shout Out Louds albums, but that’s probably what will make it so personal to fans of the band, allowing them to glimpse another side of Adam’s process as an artist. Looking Forward to the New Me will be out on June 29th via the ABWO Label.

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