CC Mose Delivers Folk Beauty

unnamed (12)Many of you probably know I have a soft spot for indiesinger songwriters who craft heartfelt and mesmerizing tunes. Chris Robbins is another artist who creates just such tunes under his moniker CC Mose. This single “A Sad Song” blends some of my favorite artists of the genre like JBM, A.A. Bondy, or even Horse Feathers. It’s a truly memorable track.

CC Mose will drop Beat Me on August 19th via Plastic Jurassic.

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Premiere: Dream Cult Release “Jackson Canon”

dreamcultI love a good pop song, especially when it’s filled with melodies and hooks in the vocals; this is precisely what you’ll get from the latest Dream Cult single. This song has all these little guitar textures, weaving in and out beneath the coolly delivered vocals. The stuttering of guitars and drums that occurs throughout always prepares the audience for a blast of pure pop. Overall, it’s the execution of this song that really delivers; good songwriting supersedes all other cool guy superlatives. Look for the band’s brand new tape this Friday courtesy of the ever-reliable Old Flame Records.

ATX Spotlight: More from Carl Sagan’s Skate Shoes

carlsaganIs that new self-titled Carl Sagan’s Skate Shoes record out yet? Man, I loved the first single, but this new is just ridiculously rad; it hits hard, but also has an artful touch to it that harkens back to the the noisy creatives of 90s rock. There’s a brash bark in the vocal, giving the tune an edge, but ultimately, the guitar work steals the show. Chords are carefully woven in and out of distortion, crashing at times with an emphatic punch. It’s heavy, it’s clever and its damn good; look for the effort from Super Secret Records on August 19th.

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Yesterday’s News: Another Mercury Girls Hit

mercuryWhile Mercury Girls are in the midst of wrapping up their debut, they’ll be a huge part of the Continental Drift compilation, which also features the likes of the Spook School, Tigercats and Wildhoney. One of their tunes just went up this week from the compilation, featuring the shimmering guitar work you’ve come to expect from a band with Kevin Attics; the quick drum work isn’t too shabby either. It all lines up perfectly to leave room for the soaring vocals, which inevitably hold the listener until the end. Be sure to get your copy from Slumberland and Fortuna Pop on August 26th.

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Pummeling Punker from NOTS

notsIt only takes a second for the pounding rhythm section to push this track right into your face. Natalie Hoffman tosses off her punk scowl in the best manner possible, biting and indifferent, aiming straight for the song’s message of ‘depression and loss.’ NOTS made waves with their first release, but they seem more confident and headstrong, aiming to take the rest of the world head on. I fully expect their new effort, Cosmetic, to be full of like-minded songs, with no bullshit rock n’ roll begging to be played over and over. Look for it on September 9th via Goner Records.

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ATX Spotlight: Tele Novella Announce Album

telenovellaIf you’ve been living under a rock in Austin, you’d be excused for not being aware of Tele Novella (otherwise there’s no excuse!). Recently, the band signed on to work with Yellow Year Records, and now we’ve got the first single to hear. I think the recording here is spot on; Natalie Ribbons’ voice is perfect, polished and mature. For me, I appreciate the bits of keyboard twinkling lurking behind the guitars, as well as the soft backing vocals, adding an extra touch to an already great song. Look for their debut album, House of Souls, on September 23rd.

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Powerful Synth Tune From Chelan

Chelan_mattdrenik-500Often times the synth pop genre is left for other members of the ATH staff, but today I’ve taken a liking to this new single from Joshua Tree based Chelan. “Wont Break” is a heavy synth song which manages to blend the best parts of Beach House with the heavier electronic sounds of Cold Cave. I promise you will find tons to like about this new single and I suggest you check it out.

Vultures will hit streets on August 26th.

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Show Preview: A. Sinclair Returns to Hotel Vegas – TONIGHT

A. SinclairFirst, this show is all about welcoming back A. Sinclair after their tour; it’s always good to show up and say hi to old friends, buy them a beer before they crash into that post-tour darkened den of sleep for a few weeks. Plus, if you come out early, like a music fan, you can catch Mean Jolene, who will be releasing their debut LP later this year via ATH Records (that’s us!). But, one thing people might be sleeping on in the presence of Tedo Stone of Atlanta, who garnered a lot of great press from the like heavy hitters with their album Marshes last year. Oh, and secretly hiding their all along is Star Parks, who’ve released one of my favorite LPs in Austin this year. It’s going to be cheap, and its going to be fun, and the weather will be cool enough to actually enjoy the great Hotel Vegas patio. See you tonight.

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Nice Pop Tune From Mirror Test

Mirror Test_Washed Up_cover imageMany of you may remember us talking about Melbourne based band Wilding several times over the last few years. Well Justin from the band recentlyalerted me to some new music he’s making under the moniker Mirror Test with several otherfriends in Melbourne based bands. As a preview of this new start up, the band shared with me this new single entitled “Washed Up”. One can clearly hear the brit pop influences here with gleaming guitars and hushed vocals. It’s bright, jangly, and perfect for your morning sunshine.

Justin has told me the band hopes to get their act together soon and release a proper EP. Stay tuned.

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Single Premiere: A Day Without Love

13707516_1411882962161134_4135835546118524078_nBrian Walker, the lead singer of Philadelphia based band A Day Without Love, sent me hit me up about premiering a song the other day, and damn I’m glad he did. The new single, entitled “It Hurts”, is a raw and stripped down version of heart felt love song. It’s brief in it’s length of course, but it’s hard not to feel the emotions and feelings of the songwriter here. This song is a perfect track for me at the moment to think about someone being in love amidst the scary ass world we’re currently living in.

A Day Without Love is set to release debut album Solace on Sounds and Tones Records on August 30th.

Download: It Hurts [MP3]

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