Matt Pond PA Is Still Going

unnamed-10Matt Pond PA is a group, or musician if you’d rather, who has been around since the early days of ATH and beyond. It’s crazy to me that he’s still going strong after all these years while many of the bands from those early, almost pre-historic, days of Polyvinyl have long since died out. Well the dude is back again with another song called “The Glow” to add to his already impressive and overwhelming discography. Honestly, the best way I can describe this is by simply saying it sounds like Matt Pond and it bring me great joy. Hopefully it will do the same for you.

Matt Pond PA will release new album Winter Lives on November 11th. Pre-order here.

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ATX Spotlight: Hidden Ritual Share New Jam

unnamed-9A quick search tells me that we have somehow never shared any music from Austin based group Hidden Ritual. Today I fix this error by giving you their new track “Rat”. I’m immediately reminded here of some earlier Wolf Parade sounds if they went straight lo-fi pop. Hopefully that makes a little bit of sense to you music fans out there…. Either way, enjoy the track and share some love for Hidden Rituals.

This track appears on Always due out on October 21st via Monofonus Press.

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Dreamy Pop from Many Voices

manyvoicesMan, I think this might be the track of the week for me. It’s been a busy week, so Many Voices offers some dreamy respite to kick back and relax. Opening with a shimmering bit of dream pop before the voice of Matilda Mard opens her vocal performance. Each musical step is carefully attended to, and it all seems so purposeful…accomplishing a huge emotional pull as it drifts over five minutes. She’ll be releasing Away for All Time via Hit City USA on October 28th, so keep a look out on this stunning gem.

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Sunny Vibes from Paltsa Kai Salama

paltsaWe’re always getting great tips from the Finnish music scene via our friends over at Soliti Music, and today they’ve just announced a new album from Paltsa-Kai Salama. You’d probably be okay to call this a sunny bit of classic-pop, but the filler behind the core of the song really adds these layered accents that elevate the track. I’m a big fan of the way the vocals come across just after the two minute mark, right before that sax grooves its way into your heart. His new album, Night at the Beach, will be released worldwide on October 28th.

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Listen to New Light Fantastic

lightfantasticThe last time we heard Light Fantastic they were offering up a catchy bit that had nods to indiepop, but here they seem to delve a little bit more into their psychedelic underbelly. I like the thickness of the song; it’s filled to the brim with these layers that ultimately give birth to the song’s pop core. At this point, there’s something really special about the band, something you can’t quite put your finger on, yet you can’t turn your ears away from it. Indulge a little right now, and then grab the group’s Out of View LP on October 7th via Spiritual Pajamas.

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Softened Gem from I Have a Tribe

tribeI’ve really enjoyed listening to the new album from I Have a Tribe; there’s this beautiful fragility to it…something that absorbs your whole being as you listen from start to finish. There’s a faint trembling in the vocals, which might lead some to look at Antony as a genre-mark, but it matters not, as we can’t look away when something so captivating comes across our stereos. I look forward to getting lost listening to Beneath a Yellow Moon time and time again; it comes out via Gronland Records on October 14th.

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True Beauty From Sam Kogan

unnamed-8It’s Thursday and I’m struggling through this week, but things can always perk up when you find a song like this one in your inbox. It’s called “Something’s Wrong” and comes by way of Brooklyn singer/songwriter Sam Kogan. It’s sort of a psych pop opus featuring a beginning similar to a band like Choir of Young Believers, but slowly builds into a full on rock jam out session near the end. It’s an epic joy ride of pop music.

Kogan will release new album Psychic Tears on October 28th via Beyond Beyond is Beyond Records.

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Play More Terry Malts!

terrymaltI’m not ever going to get tired of raving about Terry Malts; I’ve been aboard this bandwagon since the beginning. Their new album, Lost at the Party, comes out in two weeks, and I think this might be their best work to date. They still employ those shredding guitar riffs, but as this song displays, there’s a propulsive energy that exemplifies everything the band’s always been about. I love the balance between the distortion and steady hand of the verses. You’ve been wanting a band to make pop music cool again? Well, then look no further…grab the LP from Slumberland Records on October 14th.

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