Blues Themed Indie Rock From Julia Jacklin

unnamed-11It seems like a great time in the rock n roll world to discover some truly gifted and talented young ladies rocking their craft. Hell Lucy Dacus and Basia Bulat were easily my two favorite acts from ACL this weekend and now I’ve got this new jam from Julia Jacklin waiting for me on Monday morning. The track begins as a slower ballad which then builds into a swoon worthy, melodic, blues themes ballad. I believe she will be a household name before too long.

Don’t Let the Kids Win is due out on October 7th via Polyvinyl.

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More Playful Pop from Shana Falana

shanaI’m digging what I’m hearing from Shana Falana, as this new single offers a bit of a different turn on the New York project. Here, we have a drifting bit of pop with this groove that opens the track, setting the scene for the vocals to casually float through your speakers. It takes the chorus a bit to arrive, but when it does I love the steadying vocal delivery, almost like stepping in time with the rolling drum beat. Here Comes the Wave is being released on October 21st via Team Love Records, and looks to be an adventure in writing pop music…one that I’ll surely enjoy.

Electro Bliss from Cairboi

cairobiI needed something this morning to erase the memories of this past weekend, something light and airy…and then there was this Cairobi tune. There’s this beautiful twinkling pop that glistens with an inherent beauty, working atop some great drum work that really keeps the energy uplifting. I’m sure there are like minded acts out there, blending electronic bits with hard working percussion, but at this point today, this band is making the day better the more I press play, and I’m hoping it’ll do the same for you. They’ll be releasing their self-titled album in January of next year via Week of Wonders, so enjoy ’til then.

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