ATX Spotlight: Pleased to Meet You, Daphne

I’m clearly a big fan of Santiago, who writes tracks for Growl and Rain Collectors, but he’s been quietly working on a new project, Daphne. Today, he shared a video of himself playing one of these delightful new tracks. Aside from the quality of the video, I’m partial to hearing Santiago’s voice with it’s little vocal inflections as he chases after higher notes. No word on a release in the long run, but why not just be grateful we’ve got more great music from one of Austin’s best.

Edsiyn Session | Daphne “All My Life” from Edisyn House on Vimeo.

More New Lower Plenty

The first single from Lower Plenty‘s new record had a foot in the modern Aussie sound we’ve all be championing here in the States, but the latest tune takes an entirely different approach, offering a slow burner. I’m sure this will get annoying for the band, but you can’t help but to hear some lineage to Lou Reed being channeled in this song. It’s mostly carefully touched percussion, guitar and vocals, with a special touch being layered with string arrangements. I like to see that there’s two sides of the coin with most bands, especially when you haven’t heard the whole record…so you never know what you’ll get. Look for their new album, Sister Sister, on November 18th via Bedroom Suck Records.

Dreamy Post-Punk from Hideous Towns

hideoustownsBeen hearing lots of good things coming from Hideous Towns and their Aussie camp, so I’m happy to share their latest single with you today. It’s a subdued bit of post-punk, focusing on the genres brooding melody as opposed to the angular frustration. For me, that allows a little bit more focus on the blasts that come from singer Alana West, such as “I need var-i-ety/inexplicable.” Listening in, you’re either going to focus on West or on the dreamy guitar lines swirling around, and thus you’ll come back to give your attention to the other side. In the end, you’ll walk away anticipating Disquiet Living, which comes out via Lost and Lonesome on December 2nd.

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Have You Heard Good Boy

goodboyAn earnest vocal jumps out at the beginning of this track, and that’s exactly how Good Boy caught me. Then they unfolded a bit of angular dreamy pop; it’s not filled with atmospherics, just a bit of an indifferent attitude. It should come as no surprise that the band hails from Australia, as that sounds in here, though that dream pop element creeping in is what ended up making the tune for me. The band just unleashed the Plum EP, and this hook-laden ditty is a great place for you to start your own love affair with the group.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Video from Purling Hiss

If you haven’t spent some time with High Bias, the latest from Purling Hiss, then there’s your first mistake. But, you’ve got time to correct that mistake by listening to the song below and falling head over heels for the group. This song’s already won me over with it’s 90s college rock feel, working that territory between catchy and cool. I think one of the best things about the album, and this track, which is on display here, is the lighthearted vibes spun around pop sensibility. You’ll see the band here just goofing, so it’s both charming and delivering the band’s musical message. Grab the album from Drag City.

Win Sound on Sound Tix at Goblin a Go-Go

goblinsIt’s that time folks; Halloween is a few days away. With that, it’s time for the Mohawk’s annual Goblin a Go-Go gig, and we’re happy to have a hand in it, letting them use Basketball Shorts to guarantee a night of fun. But, you also be treated to Too Built to Spill, a cover band of superheroes, who may or may not also be affiliated with ATH Records. In the end, it’s a chance to try out your costume in a room full of strangers, and if you pull it off, you could be the winner of a free pair of Sound on Sound tickets!

Stream New Album From Belle Mare

529431_528583087180356_926163089_nSome of you may recognize the name Belle Mare from their surprising debut EP entitled The Boat of the Fragile Mind out in 2013. Hopefully the band has been on your mind over the last few years because they’ve been working on a new album up in New York since that time. The album is called Heaven Forget and was released towards the end of last month. For those unacquainted with the band, be ready for some dream pop music similar to Beach House or My Gold Mask with some truly emotion evoking rises and falls. Basically, it’s pretty damn good. Check it out below

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Brand New Music from Will Johnson

willWill Johnson means a lot to RayRay and myself. We’re huge Centro-matic fans, and I swear that Vultures Await is one of my favorite records from a Texan in the last decade. It’s been great to watch him continue his growth, his turns and his accolades. He’s currently up for a Grammy for Best American Roots Performance, not to mention that great 7″ he released on Record Store Day of last year. It looks like Will’s proud as well, as he recorded this beautiful bit of guitar and vocals just for you, his fans. How a person can listen to this and not fall in love is beyond me…so fee free to give it a try…you’ll have to play it once or twice just to make sure.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Extravagant Pop from Trudy and the Romance

trudyThere’s something about band’s just doing their own thing that’s really appealing, which is how I’ve felt since I first caught wind of Trudy and the Romance. They’ve definitely got some obvious marks to the current musical climate, but they tend to ignore those indicators quite often, making them all the more captivating. For instance, the vocals here offer a main croon, but an emphatic teen gang vocal serving as its counterpart. Musically, the guitars encircle the vocal performance, which sits in the front of the mix here. Looking for something more than your average fare? These guys just keep banging out hits, and they’ll be back for SXSW!

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

More New Music from Future States

futurestatesNow, this is going to come out of left-field, probably even more so for Future States, but this song, to me, picks up where Grizzly Bear left us all. First, the vocal display shows the group harmonizing together, almost using that as the sole instrument through the song. But, where they make it different is they take the textured indie rock formula and turn into a pop adventure during the middle of the tune. I guess in the end it sounds like an early Wes Anderson tune gave birth to Ed Droste and gang…and I love that about it. Look for the band’s Casual Listener via Golden Brown in a store near you.

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