New Music from Vagabon

vagabon-infinite-worlds-press-photo-credit-to-ebru-yildiz-webIf you’re seeking solace in music this week, and even more so today, then perhaps listening to this new track from Vagabon will help you out. It’s a gently drifting number, carefully employing the picking of guitar to serve as the background for the vocal performance. As the song unfolds samples are placed behind the guitar, adding a deeper texture, yet your focus remains on the quality of the voice. Listen for the emphatic punch at the end, and if this grabs your eats, then look for Infinite Worlds out on Father Daughter Records late next February.

More Music from Business of Dreams

businessI’ve already expressed my undying affection for Terry Malts, and one of the band members, Corey, has been working on Business of Dreams as a side gig. The other night, while we were all on the verge of tears, he dropped this new tune. You’ll hear the vocals hiding a bit, but I think that forces the song’s emotional appeal upon the listener. For me, it speaks of a period of longing, looking for something new, something that can make your life worth living. When the world looks bleak, sometimes it’s best to listen to your friends speak to you through their craft.

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Premiere: Dusken Lights Give Video Service to Lodestar

I’ve previously written about the delightful pop record released by Dusken Lights, and now the band has provided the album standout “Lodestar” the video treatment. In the video you’ll find images of observation and celebration woven together, emanating a certain feeling of joyousness. It fits in well with the vibe of the song, providing a casual journey of folk-inspired indiepop. The band employs bits of electronics and a female vocal counterpoint to give the song balance; it layers the inherent melody, captivating your ears within seconds. In the Service of Spring is the title of the latest album, and you can find it HERE.

The Native Sound Sign No Sun

nosunThe Native Sound burst onto the indie scene within the last few years, but these last few months have seen the label kicking some ass, and picking up great acts left and right. Their latest, No Sun, have signed on to release theirIf Only LP in January. The band have an adaptive sound, drawing equally (at least to my ears) from modern emo and shoegaze; it definitely draws you in with the shimmering distortion while the vocals calmly lull you. While it all comes rather quickly, the song fades out into a creative little amble, which proves to me they might have something quite unique up their sleeve when the LP comes out…guess we’ll know in January.

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Premiere: New Album from Dreamboat + Release Show

dreamboaAustin’s Dreamboat have been kicking out pop tunes around the city for the last few years, and they’re set to release their new album, Loose Tooth, tomorrow. When listening through these new tracks, I think my favorite bit is the strength of the diversity within the collection. Mary Bryce has this huge bold voice, buton “Neighborhood Bar” she gets to play the balancing harmony; it doesn’t hurt that this tune also sounds like a campfire celebration. Of course, the sultry pop hit of “Spent the Day Lying in Bed” is a great place to spend some repeated plays; you’ll definitely love the way the guitar chords dance around. Personally, “New England” is my personal jam, but I’ll let you press play on the stream below to find your favorite.

The band celebrate the release of Loose Tooth tomorrow at band member Jake’s house. Message them for details!

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Matinee Add The Perfect English Weather to Roster

perfectenglishJust when things looked bleak, indiepop came in to save my day…and of course, it had to come from Matinee Recordings. They’ve just announced a new album from The Perfect English Weather, the duo made up of Simon and Wendy Pickles from The Popguns. We’ve got two tracks from the band’s Isobar Blues, telling two different sides of the band’s pop adoration. The first offering is a more traditional upbeat number, filled with harmonies and brightly ringing guitar lines. On the latter tune you get to hear the softer underbelly of the group’s sound…now with even more soulful vocals! You can grab the new release on November 25th.

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Sound on Sound Recap – Friday

sos-friday-036Mama, we made it! This past weekend, we loaded up our best jousting gear and chain mail armor and made the jaunt out to Sherwood Forest in McDade for the first ever Sound on Sound Festival. With the excellent lineup, new approach to booking a location and trusted leaders at the helm, we knew we were in for a whole different festival experience, but what we got was something that went beyond expectations. We came, we saw, we conquered, and some of us felt as though we’d never be dry again (damn rain!). It was a spectacular weekend filled with merriment and music– read on for ATH’s thoughts on day one and to relive Friday with B.Gray’s pretty pics.

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Catchy Ditty from Rebel Kind

rebelkindWhen I listen to this Rebel Kind single, there’s all kinds of things racing through my mind. I love the lineage to indiepop, especially withthe ramshackle jangling of the guitars letting the vocals hand on each note. There’s also a similar sound to that popularized by Alvvays, so you know that’s going to win over everyone here at our offices. In the end, it’s just a fun tune that gives a little vibrance to the world that surrounds us…and we all need that. Look for the group’s brand new LP, Just for Fools, when it’s released on December 16th via Urinal Cake Records.

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New Music from Trudy and the Romance

trudyThis new track from Trudy and the Romance just popped up, so I reckoned you could give it a listen if you can crawl out of bed and spin some music today. The band have proclaimed their style as “50s mutant pop,” but it definitely has a modern swagger to it, which should help keep it on your radar. Honestly, it sounds like an angrier King Krule kicking out a rocker to get the party started, with a throatier growl to it. I’m continually impressed by the work these lads are doing; they’ll also be making their was to the US for some SXSW fun, so here’s to that!

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