SXSW Interview: Ne-Hi
Last year at SXSW there were a couple of acts that I constantly chased around, trying to catch them as many times as I could. This year, one of the bands on that must see list is Ne-Hi. We’ve got a brief little interview with the band, and we’ve included their SXSW dates below, so you can chase them around just like me! They’ll be playing tons of jams, I hope, off their recent album, Offers…just in case you haven’t checked it out yet.
ATH:For a lot of bands, this is their first time coming to SXSW, Austin, or even the United States. What are you anticipating for your arrival into our town? Anything youre really hoping to do (again) while youre here?
NH: We are anticipating blood, sweat, and tears. Accompanied by a series of epic hangovers. In all seriousness though, very excited to get back to Austin. We were just there in January and had a fantastic time. Well definitely be hanging out at The Yellow Jacket.
ATH: For most SXSW sets, you get 30 minutes to leave a lasting impression. What’s your plan of attack? You have a set list mapped out yet?
NH: The plan is to do our normal set and if the crowds arent feeling it, well go into our Hall and Oates medley.
ATH:The festival caters to music fans, but food and booze are an important aspect of the fans and the bands. What’s your band’s food and beverage of choice?
NH: The general consensus in the band is that Miller High Life really is the champagne of beers, so a lot of that. In Texas though, well be drinking Lone Star. Food-wise, we enjoy the classic American diner.
ATH:Describe the music community where you come from – Does everyone work together? Is there lots of competition?
NH: Chicago has a very cohesive, supportive music community where most people are really trying to help each other solely on the love of that other persons music. We couldnt be more proud to be a part of it.
ATH: What are a few bands we in Austin and the States might not know about that should be on everyones musical radar?
NH: My two favorite Chicago up-and-comers right now are Deeper and Parent. Look em up, labels!
ATH:Let’s say your band has been booked an official showcase at a pop up venue somewhere in the middle of 6th street (where a lot of shows are set up). The lineup features thrash metal, hip-hop, spoken word, and you. The sound is horrible, the lineup is not your style, and the crowd seems angry at the world. How would your band deal with such a situation?
NH: Its your job as the entertainer to flip the script on the vibe of the room. Keep on keepin on, man (Matthew McConaughey voice).
ATH:What’s your favorite album to come out in the last year? What’s playing in the tour bus/van?
NH: Our buds Whitney put out one hell of a record. Chance the Rapper did the same. The van sounds have been pretty eclectic as of late, but my two current favorite things are a podcast called Crimetown, which is about organized crime and political corruption in Providence, RI, and a Brazilian afro-jazz record from the 70s by Milton Nacimiento called Club Da Esquina 1.
ATH: What are your band’s thoughts on and experiences with streaming services like Spotify, Pandora, Youtube etc? Are you sticking to services like Bandcamp to sell and distribute?
NH: As a consumer, all of that stuff is great. Ive grown a little less jaded about the business model of such streaming services as a band, in that through Spotify exposure, for example, even though we arent necessarily making the most money on the actual streams, people have been coming out to shows and contributing financially in other ways, so I think its positive. Bandcamp as a platform has also been really positive from day one.
ATH:Clearly coming over to the SxSW to play shows is something a lot of bands are excited about, but what are some other life or musical highlights for you this year? Wed like to get to know you.
NH:We have a record called Offers coming out on February 24th!
ATH:Arent you happy we didnt ask about Trump?
SXSW Dates:
Tuesday, March 14
4pm KCMP/Noisetrade @ The Blackheart, 86 Rainey St
Wednesday, March 15
5pm – Austin Town Hall @ Spider House
Thursday, March 16
5pm Stubhub Party @ Banger’s, 79 Rainey St
Friday, March 17
1:30pm Pitchfork Party @ French Legation Museum, 802 San Marcos St
11pm – Official SXSW Showcase @ Lamberts, 401 W 2nd St, Austin, TX 78701
Saturday, March 18
1:30pm Do512 Party @ Barracuda, 611 E 7th St (inside)
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