ATX Spotlight: Brand New Popper Burns

Friday we were thrown hints of the brilliant new LP coming from Austin’s Popper Burns; they’re one of the most underrated acts in town, though one of the most beloved by those of us who’ve watched the band’s rise. We heard one of the new tracks on Slack Capital, though you now get the studio version of “Apollo 11.” You’ll also get to hear “Prized Roses” dancing its way dangerously with these discordant guitar notes and steady percussive propulsion. Patti Melt has this spoken word vocal delivery, bursting forth with anger when it’s called for by the song. These songs are dangerous, yet intoxicating, walking the fine line between exhilaration and accessibility. Pure Disgust could be one of the most important pieces to come from Austin when it hits this July.

SXSW Interview: Pines

When I first heard about the electronic musical stylings of Australian based band Pines a few years ago, I was immediately hooked. Since then, the band always finds some room on my playlists for pretty much any time and feeling. Their music just sort of works that way. As a fan of the band, it was an easy call for me to send them interview questions when they hit me up. Hit the jump for their thoughts on SXSW.

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Great Pop Tune from Kissing Is a Crime

I’m obviously a huge fan of guitar pop, especially when the distorted guitars sound warmer rather than heavy. This new track from Kissing Is a Crime does just that, almost creating a pop wall of atmospherics with the guitar work. The vocals fit in perfectly, delivered almost as gasps of breath, patient with their delivery. Light little touches of synth add further texture to the song, leaving this one as a great indiepop entry for the masses. Look for their self-titled LP on March 24th via Don Giovanni.

Aussie Post Punk from Treehouse

The muddied, angular guitars working atop each other in the opening moments of this new Treehouse track grabbed me immediately, circling like a vulture as the vocals were delivered in a very matter of fact manner. Drums pound and build the setting for emphatic vocals bursts that come amidst the musical chaos. These Tasmanians grind out the tune, choosing to leave listeners with one final vocal barrage in the song’s later half. Lots of promise here for sure; look for the band’s Centre of Their World EP to his via the uber reliable Bedroom Suck Records on April 28th.

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New Music from Poppongene

The weather chilled us a bit this week, relatively speaking, but as we continue to get warmer, I have a feeling that this Poppongene tune is going to get a lot of plays. It’s a song that creeps along, as singer Sophie mentions in line notes, sort of playfully bounding into your ears. Pacing on this track is so relaxed that you’re likely to need a chair to sit in as the pop warmth washes over you. It’s okay, you can give into it; let it come as it may. Probably one of my favorite pop hits this week. Be on the lookout for a full EP coming in late 2017 from Our Golden Friend.

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SXSW Interview: Hers

I know for a fact that B. Gray and I have Hers high up on our list of acts to cover at SXSW. This is the new band that’ll make you want to dance your night away, smiling until the end. They’ll be blowing into Austin, a week after the release of the much anticipated Songs of Hers, so sample a tune below. Mark em’ on your calendar for the fest; it’ll be a hot ticket.

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ATX Spotlight: Enchanting Tune from Wiretree

Wow. I did not expect to fall in love with this new Wiretree so quickly. This song, while brief, is the perfect bit of pop music. In seconds, it builds anticipation, leaving plenty of space for the vocals to sweep you off your feet. I love how some vocal notes are accentuated by piano notes and pronounced strums. There’s such a lightheartedness to it that it reminds me of the Wrens, though with a touch more polish. Before you know it, the song wraps up, and you rush back to hit play again. Rest assured, your ears aren’t fooling you; this song is that good!

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Premiere: Mountain Movers to Release New LP

There’s sprawling rock for self-indulgence, and then there’s Mountain Movers. The New Haven band has just announced they’ll be releasing their new self-titled album via Trouble in Mind Records. This brand new single is a 7 minute opus, stretched out over little psychedelic jams and nonchalant vocal delivery. It’s a crazy beautiful world where the likes of Sonic Youth and Spiritualized are hanging out, trying to deconstruct the modern psych tropes. Dan Greene, the song’s guitarist and vocalist, says the song is about “trouble-makers who follow their vision into unknown world despite the dangers ahead.” My ears welcome that journey into the “unknown world,” awaiting more expansive tunes to open my mind. Join me and grab the band’s album HERE, or wait until it hits your local shop on May 5th.

Upbeat Pop from Tyler Martin

Tyler Martin, a member of indie rockers James Rabbit, is out to one-up Stephin Merritt. Stephin’s Magnetic Fields song is bringing a new 50 song album next week, but this week, Tyler is releasing Cioppino, a 100 song album of the most diverse pop hits you’ll find. It’s one thing to write that many tunes, but the fact that they’re great, only makes the accomplishment all the better. This single has remnants of Ted Leo in the vocals, emphatic in delivery, while the music offers this shimmering boogie. Lost Sound Tapes is releasing an awesome 4 tape package, containing all 100 songs; pick it up HERE.

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