Daniel Francis Doyle and the Dreams Back on Slack Capital 2

Slack Capital 2 is a compilation of music by 27 of the greatest bands in Austin. All proceeds from the comp go to SafePlace, which provides support for victims of domestic and sexual violence. We’re unveiling one song per day until the the release party on April 14.

Song of the day: Daniel Francis Doyle & The Dreams — “I Had To Do It”

Daniel Francis Doyle is hard to pin down. Maybe you’ve seen him do his one-man-band “loops” set, where he builds songs layer by layer and beats on the drums while screaming through a headset mic. Maybe you’ve seen him do a nylon-string guitar set, where he reveals a quieter side to his art– easier to see the Jonathan Richman influence. Or maybe you’ve seen him play with The Dreams, his synth pop band, where his neuroses combine with an urgent dance beat closer to Gary Numan than Donna Summer. “I Had To Do It” was made with The Dreams, and it has the herky-jerky charm of an 80’s pop hit, or a Steve Martin skit. Seriously– Oh man, those synths! Produced by SLUGBUG’s Paul Millar, who knows a thing or two about warped synth sounds, this is a track you’ll want to hear again and again for the sugary satisfaction of that synth line that creeps in every chorus, responding delightfully to Doyle’s queasy pleas.

Daniel Francis Doyle is playing the Slack Capital 2 release party April 14 at Barracuda, and he’s told us it will be his final show (what!) with The Dreams. Don’t miss it. — Eric Braden

Pre-Order Slack Capital 2 HERE.

Catch DFD at the Release Show on April 14th at Barracuda.

New Music from Fred Schneider and the Superions

Listening to this new track from Fred Schneider & the Superions it became clear how Fred’s managed to maintain relevance for such a long period of time. There’s always an artistic approach, but there’s this childlike fun in everything he does. This whole track is simply Fred and his team saying “good day” or “how do you do” in various languages throughout the world. Musically, there’s this pulsating vibe backed by a strong percussive force and a wonky-ish organ grinding. You take it in all together, there’s an indifference to the scene and a dedication to the craft…all illustrating that Schneider is every bit as relevant now as he was when the B-52s burst forth into the world. Look for the group to release The Vertical Mind via HHBTM Records on May 5th.

New Music from Shrouded Amps

I can always count on Lost Sound Tapes to rescue me from the musical doldrums, as they did with their announcement of a new EP from Shrouded Amps. I’m posting the first of a few tracks they tossed out, as I love the downward spiral the band take you down in the opening moments just before dueling male/female voices provide an uptick in the song’s spirit. Working together, the voices and the band create beautiful cacophony, the sort that’s intoxicating for any fan of pop music. The Come Along to the Chocolate Church release will be handed out to those in need on May 5th.

Brand New Music from School Damage

I’m always going to post new tunes if they come out via Chapter Music, as that’s one of the first labels I fell in love with over in Australia. Today, the label is bringing you School Damage, a slightly odd-ball pop outfit that features members of Chook Race and Ausmuteants. They begin this tune with a deep tone before guitars ringing in patiently in the background, paced by a bobbling bit of synth. Vocals dance on top, calmly flowing from Carolyn Hawkins; the song discusses the concept of death, with tall poppies growing atop our narrator…I love how she elongates the lines “bury me”. You can grab the band’s self-titled debut in June.

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New Video and Song from Cold Beat

I’m a big Hannah Lew fan, and I’ve been following her work in Cold Beat pretty closely. So, here we are today, just a day away from the release of Chaos by Invitation, with a new track, and perhaps one of the most striking on the new LP. This number is predominantly a synth driven track, aided by Lew’s voice. The accompanying video seems to portray an element of isolation, which goes in line with Lew’s notes about the song reflecting upon the period of acceptance during times of change and turmoil. Feel free to enjoy this song as many times as possible, and pick it up tomorrow via Crime on the Moon.

Bedroom Pop from Starman Jr

Not sure why folks aren’t looking at Starman Jr as the next big thing behind the likes of Coma Cinema and Alex G; he’s writing a very similar style. But, he’s been writing pretty non-stop since 2015, with several records to fill that space. Here on his latest, you’ll hear a warbling guitar and murky vocals soothing your ears. I’m a fan of the fuzzy guitar line that helps the track fade out near the end; this is the pop music of my future. I plan on grabbing a copy of Daydream at Bethel, which you can also pick up now from Muscle Beach Records.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/314619993″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Stream Love Sport’s Dull Tracks

With a title like Dull Tracks, you’d be forgiven if your expectations were low for the new album from Love Sports. But, it’s best if you just set aside some time to really listen to the record you’re going to be rewarded. For the opening three tracks, you’ll find that each offers slightly different approached to the band’s style; it moves from modern slacker pop to indie rock to more of a crafted ballad. The great thing about such an approach is that you’re never bored, and you’ll surely find a different track to love with repeated listens. Right now I’m stuck on “The Boy Could Not Dream,” but that changes by the hour. Give it a stream and find out your favorite before the album comes out next week on Soliti.

Brand New Ocean Party Track

One of the great things about having a multitude of great singers and songwriters in one band, such as The Ocean Party, is that they never seem to stop writing music. They’ve returned home from an extensive US tour, which surely won them more fans; and, they return home with a new track for your ears. How do you listen to pop music like this and not fall in love; it even includes a nice little horn serenading you in the song’s latter half. All we know at this point is the band plan to release a new album at some point in 2017, so stay tuned for even more great pop.

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Shivery Shakes Offer New Music on Slack Capital 2

Slack Capital 2 is a compilation of music by 27 of the greatest bands in Austin. All proceeds from the comp go to SafePlace, which provides support for victims of domestic and sexual violence. Were unveiling one song per day until the the release party on April 14.

Song of the Day: Shivery Shakes – Both Ways

It’s been a couple of years since Shivery Shakes released the marvelous Three Waves and a Shake, but let this new song serve as a reminder of the band’s innate knack for writing hook-laden pop tunes. This new song has been kicking around in the band’s live set for some time, but you’re getting the study polish here…which might be the best way to really “get” the band’s craft.

Press play in the song will blast off as the drums pound and the guitars angle their way through the opening credits. Will Glossup’s voice rings in as the band gleefully bounce forward. I love how the vocals seem to be pacing themselves, until they push into the chorus and Glossup stretches his voice with force. Much like the live performance, the band wraps up this number with a quick little jam that ends abruptly. Short and sweet, this band’s gifts are undeniable.

See the band do what they do best at Hotel Vegas tomorrow night if you’re living in Austin!

Pre-Order Slack Capital 2 HERE.

Join us on April 14th at Barracuda for the Release Party.

New GRMLN is Catchy As Hell

You can say it all you want, but you’ve all been waiting for someone to pull off the Strokes with the same infectious quality the band had…especially in their first two releases. Lucky for you, GRMLN seem to have done it perfectly, and while it might be a touch of a rip-off, I’m still going to blast it super loud. I mean, that swagger in the vocals with those guitar-monies working in the background…don’t tell me you’re not excited by the execution alone! Look for the band to release their latest offering, Discovery EP, this Friday, filled with expected hooks and repeat listens.

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