You Should Listen to Caracara

After checking some things on the interwebs, I found this nice new tune called “Revelatory” from Philadelphia based group Caracara. To me, the song begins as a sort of slacker rock, grunge type of tune but then slowly builds into a huge, guitar smashing finish. So while many of you may not know the band, I suggest you check out their impressive new single below. A full album of material is coming later this year.

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Shoegaze Vibes from Colour of Spring

I’m always going to fall in love with a song that has a sparkling shimmer on the back of a chord as it washes over the front of the mix, and this tune from Colour of Spring is no exception. While the song always seems on the verge of exploding, the band manage to hold that back until the back end of the tune, allowing for an increased bit of tension that draws listeners into the song. I appreciate that they never turn their back from the innate pop qualities that lurk within, and with that attitude, I have high hopes for their self-titled EP on June 23rd via House of Love.

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Stream the New EP from Bent

I really have fallen in love with Bent, who were introduced to me via my love affair with Emotional Response. They’ve just released a brand new 7″ EP, filled with discordant, wobbly punk rock. While Heidi’s powerful voice will obviously be a draw for many (she masters that old school howling power), I’m entranced by the way the guitar works in their songs. At times the chords sing to just be plucked out of thin air, while other times they carefully walk between the deep tones of the bass and the rhythm of the drums. There’s this care to the craft, allowing the guitar to take some focus, though never steal the limelight that’s really fascinating to me. You should go grab the 7″ right now, right HERE. Check a video of the lead track off the EP after the jump too!

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Catching Up With The Foreign Resort

One of my highlights from SxSW in 2016 was seeing The Foreign Resort. The trio from Copenhagen played to a mostly empty room in a venue with a terrible location on St Patrick’s Day. Didn’t matter, they sounded great and played my hits. These guys are an aggressive collision of synth pop and post punk, new wave, dark wave and no wave, and I love it.

“She Is Lost” is the first single from the upcoming LP. No info on the new record other than #soon. If you are North of the Border, eh, go check them out during their Canadian tour starting tomorrow in Toronto.

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Cloudberry Unearth Indiepop Gems from The Potting Shed

If you’re an aficionado or indiepop, or just a passing fan, then the best thing you can do is spend some time with Cloudberry Records. The label puts out some of the purest indiepop about, and recently has taken to unearthing hidden gems from the genres past. The label just announced that they’ll be putting out a compilation from The Potting Sheds as part of their Cloudberry Cake Kitchen, which has already seen releases from others like the Suncharms. Along with the announcement, this gem was quietly dropped, but it’s a doozy if you’re into groovy bounce and filling horn segments. Please just listen, and look for more come summertime.

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Fresh Music from Obnox

Lamont Thomas is a musical shapeshifter, and through it all, his work as Obnox has been supremely captivating. Whether he’s throwing out rhymes, spoken word or rocking a jam, there’s a realness to his work that’s not often present in modern music; there’s no posturing, no pandering, just a man who knows only music. His latest single has him effortlessly working atop one of the catchiest loops he’s crafted, which should definitely perk up your ears. But, knowing his work, the entirety of his new release Niggative Approach is bound to be full of surprises…hopefully enough that he gets the respect his music deserve; look for the new LP on May 21st from 12XU.

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Video Premiere: Treehouse Drop Hammer on the Door

I love to fawn over Aussie acts, as the world probably knows, and lately, I’ve taken to enjoying the work of Treehouse. The band is letting us share this playful video, which might be the perfect introduction to the group…if you’ve yet to have them cross your radar. Musically, “Hammer on the Door” almost holds onto a dreamy quality, allowing the guitar work to walk the fine line between heavy alternative and jangling pop music. The vocals are a touch more impassioned, always ramshackle, creating a nice dose of tension between the brooding pop sensibility and a near-live quality. You’ll be able to grab a copy of the band’s forthcoming Centre of Their World EP on 12″ vinyl courtesy of Bedroom Suck Records; it’s being released on April 28th, and preorders can be grabbed HERE.

Pleased to Meet You Midnight Sister

Jagjaguwar seems to be making a run at some rad bands this week; they dropped Dasher yesterday and today they bring us Midnight Sister. Both are great, but this tune’s got something extra special, falling into the vein of skewed (perhaps avant) pop music. The percussive element almost makes you ill at ease, working more like an experiment than a precision studio beat. This, however, is what makes it so striking, as the group’s playing with modern structures, throwing in small hints of the past and present to draw in listeners. Their debut album drops later on this year, and should make for some pretty special songs.

Really Enjoying This New Cende

Listening to this new Cende track, it occurred to me that the blogosphere (god I hate name) aren’t dead. A song this good pops up on NPR/Stereogum and people listen,which shows a few people still have some good taste. From the moment it kicked off, the driving rhythm of the track had me tapping my toes and bobbing my head; it’s an infectious bit of guitar pop that just swims in your head. It doesn’t hurt that Frankie Cosmos‘ Gretta Klein offers up her voice to make listeners swoon after a few minutes; her performance almost brings in an a Camera Obscura-esque vibe that’s unavoidable. Blogs be damned, this song’s just great. Look for their album #1 Hit Single on May 26th via Double Double Whammy.

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Rhythmic Electropop from Berdmajik

There’s a lot of blending and blurring of lines between genres nowadays, which has left us with some pretty refreshing tidbits of tunes. But, today I’m gravitating towards the playful wobble of Berdmajik, twisting bits of break-beats and sunny electropop, all backed by a disorienting vibe that pulses in the distance. There’s still a really polished dose of warm vocals drifting throughout, leaving listeners with a relaxed vibe that endures. Look for the project to drop the debut album, SPELLS, via Golden Brown on May 19th.

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