Stream Strange Durations from Edmonson

With all the nods to pop music, you very rarely find something as endearing (and creative) as Edmonson‘s Strange Durations. Through ten songs, the brothers from Gainesville build layer upon layer of extravagant harmony, experimenting with various flourishes throughout. Songs like “Turnings” see the band experimenting with balladry, with a bouncing piano that moves into a more elegant territory as the vocals reach for angelic tones. I love how the lyrical content reflects the changes in the mundane, such as on “Mobius Strip;” it’s a thematic element that allows every listener a chance to find their own phrase to latch onto in the end.

Don’t rush through your listening of this stream, as it is not an album you can fully absorb without giving attention to the finer details within its confines. There’s such care to every movement, and every note that you’ll quickly find yourself lost deep within Strange Durations. It’s out today via Elestial Sounds Records.

Brand New Music from Pregnancy

Want to talk about a super group? Well, then you should meet Australia’s Pregnancy, featuring members for The Ocean Party, Totally Mild, Ciggie Witch and more. Our first introduction to the band has the group looking at angular dance-laden grooves, fronted by Zac Denton of The Ocean Party; he offers up a smoothed vocal that’s met in the background by Ashley Bundang. It’s an upbeat number with insatiable groove that promises excellence when the band release their debut later this year via Lost and Lonesome/Emotional Response.

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The Boxing Release New Single

Leeds-based act The Boxing are ready to win you over with their blend of psychedelia and the softer side of dreamgaze stylings. Their latest single excels in the usage of negative space to let the chords and vocal notes drift off, giving into the darkened dream state they’re bringing. While their psych leanings are a little cleaner here, they still exist in some of the repetition of chords, built to entrance listeners as they press play. It’s good to see the band experimenting with their influences, so expect the band to continue their growth as we await another new single.

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Fresh Tune from The Stevens

In case you hadn’t heard, The Stevens have a brand new album coming out this July. Why is that important? Well, if it picks up where they left off with their last album, then the band’s sure to be a household name by the end of the year. On this first single, the band are offering up a traditional guitar pop sound, though with a definite Oceanic bend; I also like that the length on this number is almost twice as long as anything on History of Hygiene. That length allows for more to sink your teeth into, be it the chugging ring of guitars are the gradual cool of the melody. Look for Good to hit in stores on July 14th via the esteemed Chapter Music.

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More Music from Catch Prichard

There’s something really special in Catch Prichard‘s voice, something that haunts and soothes the soul simultaneously. Perhaps it’s the deep tones, but the breathy quality of the recording adds a layer of mystique that I quite enjoy. Musically, there’s such simplicity in what he’s doing, yet so much purpose in the added textures, be it a wash of atmospherics or a tinkering piano that just barely pops its head into the mix. This is the sort of song that stays with you forever, and we’re soon to hear more when Catch releases his latest collection of songs, OK Cool.

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More New Paul Bergmann Jams

Paul Bergmann will release Nothing at All today, and it belongs in your record collection…if you’re listening to my opinion. In celebration of the release, he’s offered up these two great new tracks from the LP, and those of you into songwriters will want to take a listen to his gifts. I’m just going to toss these two tunes up, and hope you’re listening…and loving. Happy Friday to you.

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You Need Parker Longbough in Your Life

It’s been quite sometime since we’ve heard anything from Matthew Witthoeft and his project known as Parker Longbough. He has returned from the abyss today and is bringing this new jam of a single entitled “May Kasahara”. I’m immediately reminded of some old school indie rock like Modest Mouse or Cursive, especially with the aggressive vocals during the chorus. The lackadaisicalverses play off the heavy and emotional chorus perfectly. Down.

Hear this song and many more via the new LP Bridges To Nowhere / Delirium in Lo-Fiavailable on June 2nd via Wilderhood Records.

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Have A Nice Weekend

Jay-Z is playing ACL.

LCD Soundsystem has released two songs into the digital wild.

Resume your regularly scheduled programming.

Here is a the latest track from Beacon, realized I hadn’t shared it yet. According to a bookface post, it is a hint of what to expect from the new record pending on Ghostly. When artists are given the ultimate freedom of the digitally (or analog in the case of classic synths) crafted soundscape, I am disappointed how often that soundscape can be squandered or derivative. The creation of the tones and waves, how they transition and fall into the feeling of the track, maybe a half beat early or late, pitch-shifted or hot cut, will often decide whether or not I will spend two seconds or all day listening to a track. The foundation and eventual fall of the primary groove here, the transition between notes and octaves, the way it disapperas as the track progresses and leaves behind the refrain closing the song, but is still present in melody is why I spent more than two seconds listening.

…and what I say here stands for the bangers and the ambients, dance pop and deep house, you gotta do something with it.

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Another Tune from the Sea Life

Just over a month or so ago we dropped the newest single from The Sea Life, and here we are circling back to cover their newest single. It begins with a ringing distorted guitar and military marching percussion; you’re expecting the band to unleash a wall of noise. But, they pull it back to soften the blow, offering up a calm respite. Then distant howls are unleashed, a kin to a guitar pop band covering early Walkmen songs, and I totally dig it. They’ll be releasing their self-titled debut via Art is Hard Records on June 26th.

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Friday Pop Jam from Courtship

You’re kicking off your day, so why not start with some bouncing electro pop to get those feet tapping and that spirit rising. This new jam from Courtship should do the trick, especially if you’re staring at the rising sun out your window. It reminds me a lot of early Generationals tune, filled with an infectious quality that pretty much every listener will enjoy. Feel like its always great to start off with some extra juice on a Friday, so have a good one folks!

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