Bonobo Sneaks Out An EP

Bonobo has long been a chillout favorite of mine. Dial M for Monkey, aside form being a great title for a record, is great record. Simon Green has been steadily releasing great material, I actually slept on promoting the last release, though we have reviewed shows, put Bonobo on best-ofs, shot festival sets and interviewed him in the past.

The latest announce is a quintessential Bonobo track called “Samurai” released as part of a three song EP. The EP highlights the song “Bambo Koyo Ganda” in acoustic form. Stream below. Please.

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Doldrums Bring Out New Single

Guess I’m really feeling the electronic bug today, as I’m bringing out this Doldrums hit to keep you focused on the new album, Esc. Airick Woodhead’scraft seems to take on a poppier side of glitchy vibes, though there are some synthetic touches that smooth the path for a pop underbelly. You’ve got to figure that’s on purpose ashe brings in his vocals, further polishing the song up. I love the little heavy beats that pop up from time to time in the distance. June 30th will see the release of his latest album, so be sure to mark it on your radar if you lean towards the electronic side of pop.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Alvvays Just Made My Day

I think it’s probably obvious that we’ve been waiting anxiously for news of new Alvvays music. Today it comes with the announcement of Antisocialites, which will come out in September via Polyvinyl. There’s a dream-like quality to the latest single, filling in the space with cascading distortion while Molly Rankin wraps her pipes around it all. I love how the band return without beating you over the head with some easily disposed hook, instead crafting a number that begs attention to details all the way to Rankin’s high-pitched fade out on the end. Rest assured, this album will be a gem.

Put On This New Flemmings Tune

Really been searching high and low lately for some tunes that get let behind by the big boys. For me, this Flemmings jam is perfect, and precisely why I still make time to write about tunes. It’s fuzzy pop with hints of punk rock and pop sensibility. It blasts through your speakers, gives you a little added bounce to your step and then its over. They’ll be dropping their new Heads and Tails EP next week via Odd Box Records, so look for more spirited rock n’ roll from this Cardiff outfit.

Upbeat Number from Rory McVicar

In the past, Rory McVicar has definitely hit upon some of the cornerstones of indiepop, but its never been more apparent than the spritely guitar he employs on his latest singer. It takes that light jangle shuffle, mixes it with his breezy melodies and makes you swoon. There’s nice little touches too, like the tinkering piano or the distant sound of birds at work. Rory’s hard at work finishing up his third album, but if you have a quick minute or two to enjoy your life, then I suggest you start right here.

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Enjoy New Tune from Tempest le Mans

Sun’s out, so pop tunes are required. My favorite that I’ve come across this morning is the latest single from Cali’s Tempest le Mans. It seems to have a slight nod to guitar pop acts like Teenage Fanclub, though the distortion is stripped in favor of promoting pure melody. I guess in doing that, they walk that path into casual indiepop territory; it’s a subtle gem that can easily play anywhere in your day…never intrusive but always rewarding. The band are set to release their new Apology EP on June 28th, so keep your ears pulled back for what is to come.

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Literary Indie Rock from John Elderkin

It’d be easy to put John Elderkin in the realm of John Darnielle…there’s a slight similarity in vocal tones and they both take on the literary approach to songwriting. But, once that’s removed, I think I find Elderkin much more endearing; he’s much more playful. For instance, check into the back and forth interplay that happens just after the 1.5 minute mark…a chance meeting of love at the record shop. These are the sorts of songs that encourage you to keep them to yourself, so that the joy is always yours, always personal. Let’s hope we all find friends to quietly share John’s work when he releases The Fall and Rise of John Elderkin and Moonbeams No Mas on August 4th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Fun Rocker from Johnny Kills

Johnny Kills hit my radar awhile ago, and they reached out over the weekend to point me towards a brand new single they release today. The band have a knack for kicking out scuzzy guitar pop, filled with equal parts distortion and hooks. I mean, just listen to the “la la la la la” of the chorus and tell me these guys don’t know how to grab your ears! They’re hard at work trying to get a full length wrapped up, but be sure to check their progress and have a little fun while you’re at it.

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Big Bill Residency and Brand New Single

Our long time favorites, and ATH Records alumni, Big Bill are here to make sure that the month of June is as exciting as ever; they’re kicking off a residency at The Electric Church this very night! They’ll bring along their friends every Friday and provide you with an evening of great Austin music and, likely, sweaty fun.

In celebration of their residency, the band has just uploaded a brand new single (rumored to be on a forthcoming LP). I love the playful exuberance in the song, especially once they get things going with the shuffling guitar chords and rolling drums. This could be the hit dance crazeof the summer (I think most showgoers in Austin already have it down!). Come on out to the Electric Church tonight and be sure to buy the song from the band so they can go make you more hits!

New Jam from Nots

If you think you’re used to the sound of Nots, then perhaps you should check again. These rad ladies are upping the pulsating synths this go round, rather than jump straight at you with their barrage of guitars. Vocals have this hollow echo and brash tone, while the rest of the band builds a brooding soundscape of apocalyptic proportions. If the end of the world is indeed just around the corner, I’m hoping that it sounds a whole lot like this. Look for the Cruel Friend/Violence 7″ via Goner Records on June 30th.

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