A Brand New Pop Hit from The Ocean Party

It seems like The Ocean Party are a never-ending source of pop hits, though it probably helps having six songwriters in the group. Regardless, the band is back with another gem from their forthcoming Beauty Point LP. I love how it opens with this casual brooding sensation, almost sullen in nature. But, you can’t hold back the band’s natural knack for an emphatic pop chorus, as they display here. Something about this band just makes you feel good about yourself. Look for the new album to hit on August 18th via Spunk and Emotional Response (US).

Show Preview: Rips @ Cheer Up Charlies (7/12)

Date Wednesday, July 12th
Location Cheer up Charlies
Doors 8:00 PM
Tickets FREE!

If you’re looking to beat the heat with a great INSIDE show on a Wednesday night, head over to Cheer up Charlies for a set by our NYC friends in Rips. Joining our amigos on stage are some solid local bands Vertical Vice and Nike. Should be a great way for you to discover a couple of respected Austin bands along with an up and coming out of towner. And…. it’s free!

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/304193821″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


Smooth Jam From Dustin Lovelis

My man Dustin Lovelis is killing it today with his slick and bright new single “Tompkinsville”. The track, in a short amount of time, mixes elements of slacker rock and psych rock while throwing in a bit of brightness to keep things feeling light. The Long Beach based songwriter will surely impress you on this hot ass Tuesday.

Lovelis will release Been Hit Before on August 25th via Porch Party Records.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/327776879″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


New Music from Joseph Childress

Joseph Childress has been on my radar for sometime now, and he’s just announced a brand new self-titled album…with an accompanying new single! There’s something in his voice that I can’t pull away from, both familiar and heavenly at once. His control over the notes moves perfectly, even as he holds onto syllables to match the song’s tempo. Oh, and if you need lush arrangements with your folk, wait until your ears lean in to hear what’s going on behind Childress’ voice. Look for the new release on October 6th via Empty Cellar Records.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/312574185″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Give This New Beaches a Listen

Today, news made its way from Australia that Beaches will be releasing their new double album, Second of Spring; accompanying the announcement was this driving swirl of psych rock that should definitely alert you to your next favorite act. From the get go the band pushes the heavy pace, waiting for the vocals to carefully enter the picture. I like how the focus is on the song’s emotive powers; the lyrics are good and well, but they almost seem an afterthought as you hear stabbing electronic beats and varying layers of guitars drag you into your speakers. Look for the new record to hit on September 8th via Chapter Music.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/321531629″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Watch This Video from Luxembourg Signal

I have been looking for a reason to post Luxembourg Signal‘s “Laura Palmer” again, as I’m pretty sure it’s in my Top 5 tracks of the year…luckily this new video from the band just popped up. Aside from the fact that the song is simply remarkable, the filmed version begs your eyes (and ears). It begins along a long dark road, racing into nowhere as the drums work rhythmically and guitars cascade around. Eventually it moves into a fading mix of band members and nature, capturing the beauty in both the song and the world among us. If you haven’t gotten your hands on the new 7″, I suggest heading over the Shelflife and grab it now before it runs out!

Have a Listen to New Monk Parker

We’re less than a month away from the release of Monk Parker‘s new album, and I’m hoping you’ll enjoy this new song as much as I do. It begins with simple electronic samples working behind Parker’s Texas leanings (imagine a country-version of Arab Strap). As the song unfolds, the song blossoms, growing into a larger entity as horns and added layers fill in the space. It settles down a bit towards the end, but if you’re looking for where country goes in the future, it sounds like Monk Parker has it figured out. Look for Crown of Sparrows via Grand Jury on August 4th.

Stream Fight Fair from Dream Version

Monday’s are always the hardest days for many of us, so why not kick things off by listening to Fight Fair, the brand new LP from Dream Version. The Chicago outfit touches on all sorts of influences, and in doing so, they capture your musical hearts. Just look at the first three tunes for diversity; “I Wanna Be Angry” is clean garage fueled power-pop; “Fight Fair” is bouncy no-punk; “I’m Still as Spoiled as the Day I Was Born” is this weirdo synth-driven blend of Violent Femmes and Talking Heads. That’s just the first three songs, so imagine what lays in wait for you! Go ahead, listen.

Protomartyr Sign to Domino for New LP

I don’t think there’s a single person that dislikes Protomartyr, and I think this new single is going to continue that run. They’ve announced they’re signing to Domino to release Relatives in Descent, and this video/track is filled with these miniature movements that are sure to captivate. At first, the band sounds like a more brooding National, almost more sinister, then a slight pop interlude with strumming guitar and a blast into the chorus…they go back, but then comes the next movement with the mellow release of the repeated lines “she’s just trying to reach you.” They emphatically bang to a close, go soft, then bang back out only to quietly fade away with a light string. Look for the new album on September 29th.

The Sighs Return for Third Album

You likely haven’t heard from the Sighs since the late 90s, but with the world feeling nostalgic, its time to revisit the band now that they’ve announced a new album (first in almost 20 years). It definitely wears a nostalgic sound of alternative rock, especially with the ominous sound of the first 60 seconds. I really like the chorus, counter-balancing the heavy driving riffs with this perfect fill of melody and hooks. Now that the band have made their comeback complete, look for the release of their new LP, Wait on Another Day, which comes on September 8th via Omad Records.

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