New Music from Redding Hunter

Redding Hunter aka Peter and the Wolf has long been a staple of ghostly folk music in Austin (and beyond…when he’s left town). He recently created the soundtrack to Long Nights Short Mornings, a film by Chadd Harold. I’m sharing this gem with you, which begins as many of Hunter’s early tracks do, with vocals popping up just over the light guitar strum. Eventually, through whistling and careful percussion the song picks up a slight pace, whilst still leaving that space for the vocals. There’s an emphatic burst of primality right at the track’s end. The full soundtrack will be released on August 22nd, but feel free to sample this tune below.

In Love with This Sam Evian Tune

In the late 90s, thanks to a few friends, my musical tastes gradually began to change. I fawned over tunes by the Glands, Beulah and Grandaddy…and for some reason Sam Evian‘s new single brings that period to mind. There’s this incredible craftsmanship, no doubt aided by his collaboration with Chris Cohen, but even with that, it still maintains this lighthearted quality that allows you to lose yourself completely, overtaken by a general pleasantness. It’s smooth pop, with hints of California sunshine; I think I could play this song all day long. Look for the collaborative EP with Chris Cohen to be released by Saddle Creek on October 6th.

Manalishies Sign with Soliti

Another week, another deserving band signs with Finland’s Soliti Music. Manalishies are the latest act to join the stable, and their sound seems to imply they’ll be bringing something new to the label. This track slowly opens with a brooding bit, like a dark psychedelic wave that the band is just waiting to unleash. However, they never fully jump off that cliff, instead pulling back to allow for a somewhat steady release of vocals; it gives off the affect of early BRMC (if anyone remembers them), bringing in a combination of subtle noise and a classic rock n’ roll vibe. The band’s in the studio wrapping up their debut EP, and I’m definitely interested to see where this is going.

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New Playful Pop from Reptaliens

Am I the only one that sees Reptaliens mimicking Deerhoof? Well, if I am, that’s no matter, as I’m sure I’m not the only one enjoying this track. There’s the same playful sensibility in the song, especially during what we’d typically consider the verses. I like how that’s stretched and pulled back moderately, allowing for a more introspective vibe as the song gradually unfolds. Luckily for us all, this gem comes with the announcement of the band’s latest LP, FM-2030, slated for a release date on October 6th via Captured Tracks.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Yet Another Great Track from Joseph Childress

Clearly I’ve been fawning over Joseph Childress as the date draws near for the release of his self-titled LP on Empty Cellar Records. Today I have another reason to celebrate as Childress has shared one of the album’s standout tracks. It begins where we’ve seen him before, carrying that soft quiver in his voice as he stretches for angelic notes. But, this song builds and builds, bursting in this joyous eruption that illustrates just how far he can stretch that magical voice. A lot of folks try, but very few are able to achieve what Joseph does with this new track.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Hope Sandoval Never Grows Old

I’m sure this track will be everywhere by the time I get it up, but as I write, I’m reminded how much I truly adore Hope Sandoval‘s voice. She’s just announced the release of the Son of a Lady EP with her band the Warm Inventions…and this sparse tune will quickly be filed under my “things I fawn over” pile. The track features some light strumming, along with a few extra notes to provide Hope with the perfect backdrop for her voice. She always seems so understated, as if these notes just come naturally out of her pipes…almost effortless. Look for the new EP on September 15th.

Powerful Number From CREO

Well now that’s an introduction to a band. Yes this new song called “Subtitles For X, Y, Z” is proving as a very strong first step forward for Sydney based outfit CREO. It’s rare to find a song which seemingly evolves into 2-3 different styles as we are taking through the depths of the three and a half minute opus. What begins as anthemic rock similar to earlier Arcade Fire build and builds as it ends with over a minute of gritty and angry, throaty vocal infused rock. We can all find a little something to like in that right?

CREO will release new EP Subtitles For X, Y, Z on September 8th.

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Hear a Gem from Worst Place

Worst Place is an up-and-coming London outfit, and they’re coming out of the gates with this new single sounding like a nice blend of gazy dream pop and Alvvays. There’s this cascading guitar chord that seems to be moving away throughout the whole song, juxtaposed to the soft pleasantries of the vocal mix. Pounding keys and ringing chords create a cacophony during the chorus that’s sure to enthrall. Probably just going to put this out as one of the best tracks you’ll hear all week; it comes your way courtesy of Art Is Hard Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Dark Bit of Post Rock from The Boxing

While the Boxing typically take on more psychedelic vibes, their new single goes in a slightly different direction, bringing in darkened corners and combining them with some of the last influences of Britpop. Guitars carry that sensation of drowning, angular and muffled. But, what really stood out to me is the pop-centric chorus, definitely allowing the band to walk the fine line of their various influences. I don’t know, maybe that’s my wishful thinking, trying to superimpose Britpop’s revival on these lads. Whatever the case, it’s a solid jam for a Wednesday.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Pics: Lucy Dacus @ Stubb’s (8/14)

How goes?

Today’s collection of thoughts and photographs is centered around a gathering viewing proceedings on the inside stage at Stubb’s. Lucy Dacus brought her smoky lyrics underpinned by clever organic pop to life for an appreciative crowd of music fans out on a Monday night. The music people also were treated to Cowboy Crisis and The Diamond Center. Pretty varied lineup…

Click through for the rest of the story in words and pictures.

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