Enjoy Some Guitar Rock From Washer

If you’re looking for some straight up guitar driven rock, you need look no further than this track called “Dog Go Bark” from Brooklyn based Washer. This one is a perfect example of less is more with a simple, heavy distorted guitar and some drums. Think Wavves, but even a bit more broken down. I’m thinking this one will be perfect to take you into the last weekend of summer.

Washer will release All Aboard via Exploding in Sound on September 15th.

Fresh Music from Joseph Childress

Joseph Childress will be releasing his brand new album in October, and perhaps no other song exemplifies my infatuation with him quite like his latest. Gentle strumming and the powerful voice of Childress are the most prominent elements through the first two elements. But, you can hear bending guitar lines and an almost tribal beat stomping towards the song’s end. There;s something magical about a musician capable of entertaining merely on the power of voice alone, which is why I am really looking forward to his self-titled release come the Fall; it will be released by Empty Cellar Records.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/312574251″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Another Tune from Walter Etc

The last time we touched on a single from Walter Etc, I was raving about the bands infectious guitar pop. This single illustrates a slightly different approach to the band’s sound, though every bit as endearing as their first tune. It’s built on a nice little piano backbone with steady drum emphasis and strummed guitar. You’ll probably hear folks throwing some Dr. Dog references around, but you add a horn or two and you have that Beulah vibe (something I sorely miss in the world). The group will release Gloom Cruise on August 25th via Lame O/Lauren Records.

Slick New Single From Dutch Party

Infectious is not a word I use frequently to describe music, but that’s exactly what comes to mind with this new track “Blade Runner” from L.A. based Dutch Party. Mastermind behind the project Ken Franklin immediately draws you in the second you hit play with the tracks catchy as hell take on electronic themed pop music. It reminds me a bit of Painted Palms and I’d say that’s a solid compliment.

Dutch Party will release new EP Combat Pop later this fall.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/336874488″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Mons Vi Drop Spanglish Electropop

We’ve posted about Mons Vi a few times before, and when the band reached out with their latest bit of pop, I had to oblige and get it up. For one, the song’s great in its concept; it’s a conversation between two lovers, one speaking Spanish and the other English. Just imagine you’re enjoying a sit-down at your favorite chillaxing spot, with a more multi-cultural version of the Postal Service bouncing through the speakers. Playful and captivating all at once, so why not share that feeling with you all.

Enjoy the Premiere of New Flotation Toy Warning

Sometimes bands accomplish the impossible; they sound familiar, yet you can’t pigeonhole their sound. Such is the latest from Flotation Toy Warning, seemingly drawing parallels from the likes of Flaming Lips or Destroyer, yet with just a hint of Antony’s warble. It’s complex in so many ways, almost as if instruments are shifting tempo simultaneously. Your head will spin in ecstasy as you try to place exactly what you’re hearing, and in that, you’ll find yourself drifting off into the day. On October 13th you’ll be able to get your hand on this encouraging masterpiece, The Machine That Made Us, via Talitres.


Wand Release New Video

I continue to be impressed by the shifting sonics of Wand; I thought I had them pegged, but clearly not at all. This new video has some heavy handed indie rock riffs, but the way Cory’s voice is recorded in between those riffs gives off a slight Thom Yorke vibe…and then there’s that restless dream bit that floats in just after the 2 minute mark, punctuated by the ethereal notes seeping through your speakers. It closes with a bit of an emphatic jam (and clown dance), leaving me to remark that the song goes all over the place, only to stay stationery. At this point, its safe to assume that Plum is going to be a real joy to listen to, though exactly what we can expect, only the folks at Drag City (and the band) know…look for it on September 22nd.

Enjoy New TV Sets Music

If you’re spending your day looking for infectious pop music that you won’t be able to turn away from, then look no further than this great TV Sets track. This tune has the exuberance of acts like the Drums, yet you’ll find a soft underbelly of dreamy pop featured too; it’s a textural touch that’s not often employed, but the execution is spot on here. I always appreciate finding uplifting music with hints of contemplation. It’s okay to get carried away with joy while listening to this track, and we expect much more when the band drop their Elsewhere EP this Friday.

Cherry Release New Video

It doesn’t take much more than being signed to Lame-O Records for me to be attached to a band. But, in the case of Cherry and their latest song, they’ve already got me hooked. The video is gritty, moving across various mundane activities (though I’m attached to the backyard soccer scene) and splicing it with members of the band. Also, it has dogs. People love dogs. In the track itself you hear earnest guitar pop, with guitar lines reaching up to the angular heavens as the drums crash down and vocals drawl across the front of the mix. It’s sonically focused, yet relaxed in the delivery…all showing promise of the band’s forthcoming record, Dumbness, out on September 29th.

Check This Premiere of New Verandan

Finnish label Soliti has quite a remarkable stable, and this year they signed what I think is an artists capable of breaking across the globe: Verandan. With one incredible single under their belt, the band bring you this brand new single (released digitally on the 14th) to enjoy. It reminds me of the best of the pop world, combing chamber elements with delicate touches of atmospherics…all the while keeping a nice bit of energy in the track. Just imagine the playful bounce of Belle and Sebastian mingling with the more introspective world of the Clientele. The group even throws in some joyous “ooh oohs” near the end, so be sure to stay ’til then.

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