Fun Ditty from Deep State

These days it seems like the best way to kickstart your day is with an energetic number, so just sit down in your chair and turn up this Deep State tune. The tones of the guitar from the start indicate a slight nod towards a more post-punk vibe, though the band eventually moves into a spunkier bit of folk pop. The exuberance is crystal clear, but I feel as this is one of the long lost tunes Built to Spill crafted on the back end of Nothing Wrong with Love. The group’s on tour right now, with a stop in Austin at Electric Church this evening!

Fresh Track from Hello Paris

I still can’t find too much information on Hello Paris, though I’m excited to see the project working with Beko, a label I respect greatly. The two new tunes on this EP are pretty great, with one offering this dark post-punk vibe and the other taking more of a progressive pop perspective that dances around your ears. “Into the Deep Misunderstanding” has these great guitar notes, familiar to many, yet taking on their own mannerisms as propulsive drum loops work behind and the vocals fade atop the track. Just sit back, listen to some escapist pop music that’s, honestly, not like too many things you’ll hear the rest of the week.

Japanese Bedroom Pop from The Sky Mata

There are some labels that go above and beyond to unearth gems, and those familiar with Jigsaw Records will surely give the label its due in that regard. Today they just dropped two delicious bits of bedroom pop from Japan’s The Sky Mata…though the tracks are from a bit ago. The project just dropped a brand new album (the band’s 3rd) in August, so check that out; however, our focus should be on revisiting the First Album, which is seeing a reissue via Jigsaw, and deservedly so. It’s an album filled with these quirky elements of pop you’re not likely to find in your mainstream listening. Go check out the whole album below…and grab it from the label HERE.

Brooding Number from the Prids

Portland’s the Prids open their latest single with an ominous building of tones. But, don’t let that fool you, as they turn towards a glimmering pop bent once they reach the song’s chorus. It completely allows the band to walk the fine line between post-punk sensationalism and indiepop…perhaps post-pop? Whatever it is, the production is great throughout; I love how the guitar chords seem so faint, yet so present. Still, it’s all about that great chorus. This song features on the band’s new album, Do I Look Like I’m In Love, but you can also catch them out on the road with our faves, PoBPaH.

Jangling Pop from The Treasures of Mexico

We all swooned when Bob Collins and Mark Matthews of The Dentists fame dropped Holding Pattern as The Treasures of Mexico for Shelflife back in 2015, so I’m happily welcoming their energetic new single. It’s got just enough jangle, just enough ringing of guitars to grab my ears, but the push from the rhythm section really makes the song kick. Amidst it all, the vocals are direct and warm, and while the “crawling back to me” line could easily be for a loved one, I’m holding out reservations for some sly animal adoration hit. Regardless, hearing this song just makes you feel like the world is headed in the right direction. I’ll keep you posted on more new as we near the release of the group’s second LP.

Hear a Brand New More Eaze Track

Austin’s Self Sabotage Records is here to provide a home for some of the more experimental vibes to come from within the city, such as More Eaze. Today we’ve got a brilliant tune from the project, giving insight into the latest release, bodiezNc0de. The first minute of this tune offers a minimal deconstruction, almost as if you’re hearing static over distant radio waves. But, listen carefully and you’ll hear the building of strings, allowing for the song to experiment with pop structures. What’s interesting is having the song’s natural tendency (especially with the introduction of vocals) towards pop sensibility sit right next to the sterile electronic notes carefully stuttering in the background. The song will capture the ears of casual listeners, and hopefully, as I suspect is the intent, draw them deeper into the constructionist nature of what’s at work. Impressive from start to finish, look for the release to drop on September 29th.


Another Entry from Kurt Vile and Courtney Barnett

Still trying to figure out why this album isn’t titled Kurt and Courtney, but I suppose Lotta Sea Lice will suffice for now. The song below is a great one, though I’m sure that we all figured combining the prowess of these two great songwriters would be as such. Still, I’m drawn to the endearing quality of the video, with both artists being filmed in their everyday lives on their respective sides of the pond. It drives home the sentiment of the bond between two intercontinental friends playing great music, while also driving home the fact that all our favorite artists are just regular old folks. Look for the release on October 13th via Matador Records.

Nice Indie Pop From LKFFCT

It’s been one hell of a long time since I’ve heard anything from New Jersey based boys LKFFCT. Apparently over the years they’ve been honing their craft in basements and small venues all over the New Jersey and east coast area. Well today I’m pleased to be sharing this new single from the boys entitled “Anesthesia”. It’s a nice bit of indie pop music that meanders a bit between straight and easy pop music, but then hits you in the face with some crazy electric guitar solos throughout. Well done guys.

LKFFCT will release Dawn Chorus on October 6th via Sniffling Indie Kids.

Fresh Pop from The Halamays

The end of the year already seems to be in full swing; less music is coming our way, but luckily we have The Halamays to save us from ourselves. The wife/husband duo from Ohio have just dropped EP 2, and there are some gems for your ears. Personally, I was originally drawn to the opener “I Don’t Care (Anymore),” which had a certain nostalgic vibe that I could relate to immediately. But, upon repeated listens, as we’re all likely going to do, I found myself digging “Hold Me Now;” I love the way the guitar breaks in through the song’s soft underbelly, even if only momentarily. Stream it all below!

Balmorhea / Caroline Says @ Stateside at the Paramount (09.22.17)

Whenever the opportunity arises to catch local instrumentalists, Balmorhea as the 6-piece live incarnation of Rob Lowe and Michael Muller’s cathartic project, we at Austin Town Hall jump all over it. Friday night’s album release party at the fantastic Stateside at the Paramount Theater stage for the band’s enthralling sixth LP, Clear Language was no exception. Follow the jump for more on the show. Read more

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