Premiere: Puunhalaaja Drop New Tune


We’re all about to head off into the holiday quiet with our own personal listening stations and Spotify playlists, but before we all break until the new year, we wanted to drop this brand new track from Helsinki’s Puunhalaaja, who’ve we spotlighted before. What’s of immediate importance on this new recording is that Sebastian Forss has fleshed out his one-man band to include three new members. The move expands the band’s sound, as one would expect, but while the sound is fleshed out, it very much carries the spirit of the first album. You’ll hear a striking focus on the acoustic guitar, layered with strings, percussion and touches of the atmospheric…all leaving plenty of room for the beautiful vocals of Forss. Look for a new LP in 2018 from Soliti, and for now, warm yourself with this tune.

Day For Night 2017

Let’s get this out of the way. No, I did not get to shoot Day for Night from the photo pit. In fact, my “media” approval amounted to a discounted 3-day wristband. It was disappointing, if I am to be honest; I was truly looking forward to shooting this year. The organizers saw it differently. I guess one day we’ll have to relent and buy fake followers on social media as an insurance policy.

Alas, the hotel was bought and paid for already, so off I went to make the most. Saturday, I left the camera behind as there was confusion, too much of it, about camera policies, etc. Turns out, I had a great time wandering aimlessly through the cavernous space, spending much of my time in the art installations, occasionally paying attention to the stages. I had no schedule and stumbled into people, sometimes standing in the crowd only to look to my right and realize a friend had been right next to me for a half an hour. Sunday, I mounted the trusty 55/1.8 to the a9 and revisited the installations and took in way more music.

The art ruled the weekend – I went to an art show and caught some bands. Pop through and read about highs and lows and discoveries and disappointments…

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New Tune from Jorge Elbrecht

Jorge Elbrecht was one of the key cogs to the Violens machine, and since the band have gone on hiatus, he’s currently been working on various projects. Today I’m happy to share with you this new track that he’s just released, filled with some of the flourishes that fans of Violens will remember. It opens with sort of a 2001 Space Odyssey vibe, before percussive elements come in to layer the early moments. Then, an electronic line drops, then drapes of soaring vocals with perfect harmonies go for a ride atop the mix. No word on precisely when we’ll get more music, but we’ve been assured that Jorge has big news for 2018.

Stream Self-Titled LP from Little Mazarn

Don’t have too much time to develop an elaborate post about how much I’m really enjoying Little Mazarn‘s debut for Self Sabotage Records, but I feel that it deserves to take us into the weekend several reasons. First, this is probably the last Austin-based LP being released in 2017…and what a great way to cap off our city’s output. Second, the band is celebrating the release with a huge show over at Central Presbyterian with Twain; it’s probably going to be a packed house, so you have no excuse to miss out! Just enjoy the wintry weather, and let this LP take you into the weekend.

Matinee Recordings Bring Presents

As we’ve all noticed, the music news is coming to a slow crawl across your screens. But, some out there are dedicated to keep up the spirit and drop a few more releases. Luckily, one of our favorites, Matinee Recordings, has sprinkled in some delightful indiepop hits to round out the year. We’ve got a few tracks from the Laz Christmas EP, starring Laz from Bubblegum Lemonade fame; the other is a little sample from The Perfect English Weather, giving us a few gems from their English Winter EP. Both releases are now available, so revel that there’s still hits for you to enjoy.

Sun Voyager Deliver Again

What else could we possibly say about Brooklyn based band Sun Voyager? We’ve been posting their tunes for several years now and the guys continue to hit the mark time after time. With that out of the way, I was pleased to find a new single from the boys in my inbox a few days ago and even more pleased to share “Caves of Steel” with you now. Once again we are treated to some of the heaviest, psych themed rock music I’ve ever heard. It’s like these guys know only one speed, and I dig it.

This track appears on new album Seismic Vibes due out April 20th on King Pizza Records (pre-order).


Hear Another Sunwatchers Tune

You’re going to have to face it; there’s really nothing out there like Sunwatchers at the moment. Sure, you had hints of the psychedelic noise with late Mars Volta, but it never delved into the realms of free-form jazz like this bunch does with their keys/sax work. Plus, while other acts of the same ilk seem to rely upon over-indulgence, or jamming, everything about this latest single reeks of purpose. The guitar line slithers about from the get-go, backed by the drums, awaiting the arrival of the keys; eventually the sax joins in and they break all confines of modern pop structures. If you’re willing to take a chance on rocking outside the norm, then be sure to grab II from Trouble In Mind Records on February 2nd.

Enjoying This Lightwash Tune

The guitar vibes immediately set you in the mood when you put on this Lightwash single. It’s important to take that to heart, as we’re being told that the band’s latest Half Hung EP isn’t meant to be scrutinized, only revered as a gem of pop songwriting. It does indeed accomplish its feat, at least on this track, with the vocals hanging on every note, fading out with the last syllable. Personally, I like the emphatic drum rolls giving an extra punch to the turning of words. Go on and jam it, then pick it up from Broken Circles on February 2nd.

Enjoy a Newish Pete Astor Tune

I remember when Tapete Records announced the latest 7″ I was climbing all over the Internet trying to find a song to share. But, at that time, nothing was up, so I forgot about it, until “Water Tower” started popping up around these parts last week. Why does this matter? Well, for one, Pete Astor is one of the gifted members of the Loft and the Weather Prophets. Secondly, his album Spilt Milk (2016) was definitely one of my favorites, and I still listen to it on the reg. The reason this song matters is that it will appear on a new record from Pete titled One for the Ghost, which is slated for a release in February. Enjoy it!

Minimalist Post Punk from Exek

Exek are one of the the many Melbourne acts creeping into my playing rotation as of late, offering up something quite different than many of their countryfolk. This single has a minimal structure, with a faint bass line working atop low-key percussive elements. When the vocals enter, they almost seem like fading breaths, whispers carried off into the ether. But, together, the effect is quite powerful, something akin to the work of Liars. The group’s new album, Ahead of Two Thoughts, will be released by W.25th on January 26th.

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