Post Punk Pop Jam Out Of Tel Aviv From Document

According to the band profile, Document is a post punk band out of Tel Aviv, hence the title. But upon first listen, I got tinges pop jammy fun lying just beneath the surface. I like these kinds of fusion. I also like highlighting music that is being created all over the place, an ATH specialty (I think we all may need to move to Australia or Scandinavia soon based on our current penchant for jams/electronics from both locales).

Back to Document, they are self-releasing an LP on 12/8 called The Void Repeats, as independent as it gets, which you can stream here. Preview the opening track track below…


Brand New Tres Oui Tunes

Our friends in Tres Oui (remember when we put out their EP this year) are moving up the label chain, landing over on Shrimper for the release of their debut LP, Poised to Flourish. Today the band dropped the first single, which is one of the liver favorites for me. Tight drumming opens way for the angling guitar lines and Nate’s warm vocals to calmly ride the wave created by guitarist Stevsie Garcia. Bouncing grooves, infectious hooks and enough energy to keep your feet tapping throughout. Look for the LP on February 9th of next year.

Pop Number from Ravennas

Seattle duo Ravennas have been making music together since grade school, but they’re just now popping on our radar with this brilliant little single, produced by DoM. The production duties are important here, as the structure of the song is seemingly fit for bedroom pop, but this song moves beyond those limits. Verses are cooly covered in the dense wash of the song, with the chorus built for euphoric eruption by the listener. Personally, I love the way the song drifts to a close, capturing the dreamy element in the best way possible. Look for more from this promising duo in the near future.

Dirty Rock N Roller from Courters

Admittedly, my musical tastes are always all over the place, so it’s great when I can find a solid rock n’ roll tune to turn up, such as the latest tune from Courters. While the vocals have this natural rasp, the guitar work behind walks a fine line between garage rock distortion and clean post-punk lines; it ends in a chaotic sputter, carefully wrapping up the tune. The group are releasing a split 12″ with their Boston pals, The Dazies, titled Seen a Ghost, which comes out next week!

Upbeat Pop from Wind Mile

Wind Mile reached out to me the other day with a brief story of their move from France to Norway; they also offered up this new ditty they’ve crafted together. You’ll find the tune rather infectious, with bouncing rhythms similar to what we heard from The Drums on their first run through the media circus. That being said, Marie has a penchant for dreamy vocal stylings. It’s a song filled with lots of promise, and a hook that makes it something you’ll return to throughout the next few days.

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