Brand New RVG Video

We’re just a week and a bit from SXSW, and I’ve had RVG penciled in as one of the acts I absolutely cannot miss this year. I adored the band’s album A Quality of Mercy, and have been anxiously awaiting their arrival in the States. They’ve got hints of Go-Betweens sure, but I hear a slight Byrne affection in the vocal delivery on this track. The drums roll across the track, the guitar notes seem spritely and the lyrical content has a sinister playfulness that you can’t ignore. All of these things make the band something to keep an eye out for, so get hip to them now!

Hear a New Track from The Love-Birds

The Love-Birds first came to our attention with their excellent Filled with Hate EP for Empty Cellar Records. Now, they’ve landed on perennial powerhouse Trouble In Mind Records for the release of their new LP. We find them treading interesting ground on this new single, somewhere between playful folk and steady power-pop. Little textural flourishes, like the “woo woo,” little keyboard notes or the speedy way the song closes, define the lasting impression of this single. Look for their In the Lover’s Corner to drop on May 25th.

SXSW Interviews: DYGL

As I comb my way through the SXSW lineup, I continue to find more and more bands to be excited about. One of those bands is relatively young Japanese quartet DYGL. Their songs have this great, almost vintage Strokes style sound to them which isn’t surprising considering their latest album Say Goodbye to Memory Den was produced by none other than Albert Hammond Jr. He’s a pretty big deal, or so I heard. If you’re looking to learn more about the great bands coming to town in a couple of weeks, hit the jump for an interview with DYGL.

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Announcing the ATH vs SOTO SXSW Party

Today’s the day you’ve all been waiting for, the announcement of our annual AustinTownHall vs Side One Track One SXSW party. We’re throwing down at Hotel Vegas/Volstead again, and we’ve booked a pretty solid lineup of acts. We’ve got some bands with huge buzz like Caroline Says or Why Bonnie, a handful of ATH Records artists…and we even got in a few out of town acts like Nite and El Lago. Best news of all? It’s absolutely free, so all you have to do is come on over and just enjoy yourselves…there’s something for everybody. Show kicks off at 2 PM and lasts all day and night. Plus, we love you, so you don’t even have to RSVP! Check out the event page, and plan ahead, you’ll be here all day!

Enjoy This Dreamy Pop Number from Goth Dad

Back as a teenager, I craved those loud guitars, that barrage of noise. But, as my tastes have evolved, I think I lean towards the prettier side of the “gaze” arena. This new Goth Dad tune really is doing it for me, bringing in that side with these shimmering keyboard notes and careful guitar chords just hanging out in the air. Sure, there’s a few moments when the distortion pedal gets pushed all the way in, and it actually fits quite nicely into the context of this track. I’ll take pretty and restrained any day over noise for noise sake. Congrats to this Mississippi act on a well-written gem.

BODEGA Are Bad Ass

What’s Your Rupture have been quietly picking out the best bands from obscurity and thrusting them into the limelight. I mean, remember when you didn’t know who Parquet Courts were? Yeah, you can thank this label. They continue to pick up rad acts, like their most recent signing BODEGA. Opening with this pulsing bass line and pounding drum line, there’s a natural groove flowing through your speakers. Guitars knife in angularly, cutting the danceable sound into a rock n’ roll hit. Still, you can’t ignore the band’s propensity for being catchy, despite still sounding ominously dangerous. Look for their new LP to drop this summer.

New Jam from Swedish Act, Kluster

The latest signing to Rama Lama Records, Kluster, is jumping in with a creative blend of all things indie rock, and they’re pulling it off quite successfully. The song’s structures seem to dance around a tight mathy-prog vibe, but the space behind is constantly being interlaced with noise and elegant melody. The vocals from Linnea Hall naturally provide an infectious hook, especially in the way she curls the notes off at the end of each phrase. This track’s full of energy and creativity, and in the end, it’s as impressive a debut single as I’ve heard. Expect a full length in the very near future from the label.

The Latest Tune from Dreamend

Dreamend have been toiling around crafting a diverse array of sounds for quite some time…early 00s was when I first took notice. Over a career that long, Ryan’s been able to blend and spin various genres; his latest single has him dancing around collage pop. There’s an amalgam of instrumentation, from the steadying percussion to the loops to the vocals as instrument; layer upon layer seamlessly combined to create a mesmerizing pop number that shimmers more and more as it unfolds. Look for the new self-titled LP to drop on April 6th via Ryan’s label, Graveface.

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