Photos: ATHvsSOTO 2018

We’ll be out and about the rest of the week to view the things during SxSW so remember to check out the twitter and our various instagram accounts.

Either you missed the big Austin Town Hall vs. Side One Track One party, or perhaps you were there and want to relive it. Check out the gallery after the break that features faces, bands, instruments, lights, beverages, scenes and moods from the day and night at Hotel Vegas. Highlights for me were Glaze, Nite, El Lago, BLXPLTN, Tres Oui, Daphne Tunes and Marmalakes. Find these bands during SxSW. You’ll be happy if you do.

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Smoky Pop Number from Red Red Eyes

If you’re looking to swoon to a delicious pop number, then go ahead, press play on this new Red Red Eyes tune from the band’s forthcoming Horology LP. A seductive guitar line opens the tune, setting the stage for a dark twist through the confines of modern pop. That being said, Laura McMahon’s vocal performance definitely will dominate your memory when the song comes to an end. While the smoky quality circulates, there are also moments when her delivery is slightly playful; it’s an absolutely endearing showing that you won’t soon forget. The new LP will drop on May 18th via WIAIWYA.

Brand New Eureka California Hit (SXSW Artist)

One of our favorite duos from Athens, GA just dropped a brand new tune off their forthcoming LP. Like all great track from Eureka California this one drops in at just over 2 minutes, but it packs a ferocious punch. Drummer Mary Uhler is back there furiously pounding her kit, setting a quick pace that forces Jake to push ahead with both vocals and guitars. It’s a breakneck speed, indie rock speaking, but the slight vocal inflection in Jake’s voice give just the slightest hint at pop sensibility. They’re also going to be one of the hot tickets at SXSW, with everyone clamoring to catch them live. Roadrunners will be released by HHBTM on May 4th. Check the song out below, with their SXSW dates included.

March 14: SXSWaterloo Day Party @ Waterloo Cycles

March 15: HHBTM Official Showcase @ Seven Grand

March 16: New Granada Day Party @ Gingerman

March 16: Crashing Through Publicity & Tiger Bomb Promotions Day Party @ Beerland

March 17: Athens in Austin Day Party @ Side Bar

Steam Kari from Puunhalaaja

A few tunes from Finland’s Puunhalaaja have appeared on our pages previously, but now we’re bringing you the stream of the group’s new LP, Kari. Now, for listeners in the States, the foreign tongue might be a barrier, but please give yourself a few minutes, even just the first tune. That first track starts off subtley, careful guitar strums and a nice soft vocal. Then there’s a sudden bright burst of guitar pop, albeit for a short instant before returning. It’s the classic quietloudquiet formula that many indie rock fans find vital, and it’s employed consistently throughout the whole of Kari. The band even give in to their rocking desires with the album’s title track a quick jaunt through noisy pop. Go on, adventure off with this wondrous record, and if you’re inclined, pick it up from the band’s label, Soliti…available today!

Nite Share A New Video

Good timing, some easy promo for the big party on Sunday. #ATHvsSOTO

This isn’t so much a music video as it is a short film that tries to capture everything ’80s. Obviously Stranger Things stoked nostalgia for my formative years with music. I lived through Beta vs. VHS, crimped hair, the dawn of synth and Saint Reagan’s reign. I also lived through The Cure’s first records, the greatest year in pop music which we all know is 1984 and all of those new genres that haven’t disappeared.

Nite certainly presses my nostalgia buttons, but their is great songcraft lurking. You can listen to this jam below for your convenience, but by all means, click through for the short film that features Family Ties, mutants, teen mags and so-that-is-what-the-kids-are-listening-to jokes.

[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=2260600507 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 track=3506363193]

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Catchy Hit from Pizzagirl

This isn’t the first time that Pizzagirl has graced our site, and it probably won’t be the last. While it begins boisterously, it quickly recedes to a smoother pop realm, pulling back into more of a club croon. The chorus reverts back, balancing the track between happy energy and thoughtful pop delivery. The faint guitar shuffle beneath the mix is a nice little nod to the indiepop world. This song features on the new An Extended Play EP, which is being released by Heist or Hit on April 13th.

SXSW Interview: Yoke Lore

We’re almost there folks, but why not meet another artist coming into town. Below you’ll find answers to our SXSW Interviews from Yoke Lore. He’s about to venture off on a large tour through April/May, but he’s planning on coming to Austin to grab some BBQ and take it all in. We’ve also included a new hit that just dropped yesterday, so you can have a taste of what he’s all about; think Rostam, with a touch more pop grandiosity.

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Premiere: Sour Notes Cover Patti Smith

The Sour Notes just recently released their latest album, Darkest Sour, but they’re not stopping there. Encouraged by participation in various “hoot nites” in Austin, the band have recorded a full album worth of covers titled This Is Not Our Music. Today, we happy bring you their cover of “Gloria” by Patti Smith (well, it was by THEM, but they’re doing the Patti Smith rendition). Jared does a great job with his performance, pulling off the natural bravado of Smith in every delivered note. For me, the best thing is that it gives us a glimpse into the minds of the band. We all love to pigeonhole bands, tell them who their influences are, but here we have a band stepping out and saying, here’s what we love! I’m excited to hear some versions of Jawbreaker and Wire that they’ll have out soon enough!


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