Love This New PLAZA Single

Sometimes when you think bands no longer know how to rock, you come across a song like this new one from PLAZA, and you’re faith in rock is restored. Though “In the Know” does start as a fairly straightforward, chill indie song, it erupts into a more guitar driven rock song about 1 minute in. It reminds of a band like Super Furry Animals who also can lure you in with a mellow jam with the listener never really knowing when the next rising action may come. Prepare yourself for greatness.

PLAZA recently signed to Clue Records and are currently working on more new material.

Brand New Girls Names

Girls Names rode a wave of hype that seems to have crested and left few of the bands on that ride remaining, but not so for this bunch. They’ve continued to develop their sound on their own terms, and with this new, almost brooding track, they seem to really have found that sweet spot. The rhythm section gives the song a dark underbelly, while the guitar shimmers in an almost atmospheric way before adjusting to insert careful guitar lines that float across the mix. As usual, the vocals generally operate in these deep tones, though the moments of perceived chorus do give them a chance to rise into dreamier vibes. I’m glad this group is still going about their business, and we’re looking forward to Stains on Silence, which drops June 15th via Tough Love.

Premiere: Simon Love Readies New LP

Pop fans will recognize Simon Love as the driving force behind The Loves, a group that recorded several records for Fortuna Pop and Track/Field back in the 00s. Now, Simon is working the solo angle, and preparing to release Sincerely, S. Love X. Today we’ve got one of the great hits, an ode to the dearly departed Joey Ramone..or is it? That’s the thing with Simon’s work, you never know exactly what he’s getting at, and thematically, his messaging could be applied to a variety of situations. Musically, he’s fashioned a blend of garage pop rock and doo-wop. Backing vocals and layered horns drive home the song’s natural melody, but also exemplify his willingness to build a wall of sound in his own way; there’s just a classical vibe here, both poppy and enduring. The new record is being released on July 6th by the esteemable Tapete Records.

New Ballad from Jennifer Castle

I feel almost obligated to write about Jennifer Castle‘s new single, at the very least due to its title, “Texas.” Musically, its quite entrancing as well, with hints of classic soul vibes peaking through the folkish sentiment. The playfulness of the video is accentuated by the careful percussive qualities of the tune, as do the “ooh ooh” backing vocals. I always appreciate a musician who can so seamlessly straddle genres, as Castle does here…only furthering the musical charm. Her new album, Angels of Death, will be released on May 18th courtesy of Paradise of Bachelors.


Blast of Fun from The Love-Birds

Still riding high on all the sunny weather, I was really happy to see that The Love-Birds released another single from their forthcoming album. I think this is the one that’s really going to pull all the folks into their sound; it’s straight guitar pop, but pulls from the various microgenres within those confines. Somehow, the vocals bring to mind a young Thurston Moore, and while I can hear hints of the jangle I adore, I also hear some of that distorted explosion made famous by Teenage Fanclub…especially in the chorus. It’s a great song, made even better by the great weather outside my window. Join me in grabbing In the Lover’s Corner on May 25th via Trouble in Mind!

Flying Fish Cove Deliver Classic Indiepop

Flying Fish Cove is the latest pop export from Seattle, immediately setting the charm levels on high as soon as you press play on their latest EP. The opening tune “Sleight of Hand” kicks in with those jangling chords with furious drumming speed to set the tone behind Dena’s vocals. They settle down for a brief moment on the following tune, but jump right back into the bread-and-butter bouncing indiepop you’ll need to get through the rest of this week. I especially like how “Pony Bracelet” seems to operate in varying segments, all of which could hint at the band’s sound in the future…or maybe not. Check out the whole EP right below or grab it from Jigsaw Records!

RV Farms Drops New Single

Chilled guitar pop has definitely found a home across the Interweb gossip sites, and I’m glad, as it allows for bands like RV Farms to seep into my life. Slight bits of electronics seemingly lead you in one direction, toying with a dreamy bedroom pop vibe, but then the strum of the guitar enters. Listening closely, you can almost hear the intimate buzz of the string in the mic; you get a much more personal vibe, as if songwriter Daniel English is sharing this track only with you. There’s this familiar tone in the vocal delivery too; it has this fireside warmth that makes you feel special. As of now, just a one off hit, but we’ll keep you posted on more as it comes our way.

Poppy Ditty from Sea Pinks

I’ve been a long time supporter of Sea Pinks, as well as the band’s label, CF Records. Today, they quietly dropped a new single that they recently completed in their practice space; it offers a glance at a band who continue to refine their sound. Neil admits the song took a definite happy turn on purpose; even going so far as to claim that it’s best listened to whilst participating in some outdoor activity. Well, in Austin, it’s in the upper 70s, slight breeze, and perfect for a walk while jamming this tune really loud. Here’s to hoping you can find the same space/activity to enjoy your day!

New Tune from Kluster

Make no mistake, this new track from Kluster is definitely a pop song. But, the band does it’s best to hide that from you, structuring the track so that only Linnea’s vocals come across as the pure pop attribute. The percussion seemingly uses a mix of drums and wood blocks, while the guitar shatters the melody at the most opportune time, again and again. Then, the song opens for a drifting atmospheric moment where Hall’s voice reigns supreme. Wood blocks carefully pop up, guitar chords trickle back in, then close it all with a brief bit of discord. This isn’t your average pop band, and they’ll be releasing their debut LP, Civic, on June 15th via Rama Lama Records.

Bart Davenport and the Bedazzled Drop New Tune

Bart Davenport and the Bedazzled aren’t here to establish any new style or kick off any new trend. Instead, the band, honed by Bart through 7 albums, are here to pull out the best Davenport has to offer and put it before listeners. An easy nod would be to Dent May, or mayhaps a revisiting of 80s movie soundtracks. But, close listens reveal that churning guitar that makes dream pop so viable at the moment. You’ll also here a bit of a sharp step that seems to craft a danceable element to sweep you off your feet and into the night. The group will unleash Blue Motel via Lovemonk/Burger Records this Friday.

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