Guts Club Releases Another New Single

Guts Club has long been on my personal radar, and while we expect a slightly different outing with the new release, we’re still happy to find some sonic lineage. For starters, Trench Foot is said to be entirely electric, but its presentation in this tune seems to be right in the soulful wheelhouse of Lindsey Baker; her vocal performance alone would be something to hang one’s hat upon. I also like how she brings in a gang of friends/voices to close the song out in a sort of campfire spiritual manner. The new album will be out on July 6th, just in time for your own campfire singalong.

The Young Mothers Announce New LP

Every day I’m surrounded by 13 year olds claiming Post Malone as the best “rapper” around; I always throw some old school reference to my favorite lyricists from when I was a kid (Rakim, Jeru). But, when referencing modern hip-hop, aside from a few releases, I’ve been bored, but that doesn’t look to be the case with this new Young Mothers LP. It opens with this classic vibe, like layered samples, yet from the get-go, that distant xylophone shows something extra in the sound; the rhymes steps in, hitting quick and to the point. Honestly, I’d be keen on all that; it’s like a hyper-active old school vibe, but what really caught me was how they just turn around and blow it all out. Pulling in frantic jazz squawks and off-beat drumming, illustrating that even your hip-hop could use some spicing up. The new LP, titled Morose, will drop on June 22nd via Self Sabotage.

New 7″ from Soccer Cousins

Our friends at Gentle Reminder Records are working hard this year; they’ve got another release added to the calendar this weekend, from Soccer Cousins. It’s spirited pop rock, and in fact, it kind of reminds me of a more casual version of the Thermals. Hooks are abundant, and the voice is definitely distinct. I go back and forth between loving “Holy Smokes” and “Small,” so maybe you can help me out and pick your favorite of the two. This 7″ will pop up on Friday, May 25th, on some super fancy green vinyl; better hurry, as there’s a limited number out there.

Jamming Electropop from SAMT

There was a time when the electronica was meant to maximize beats per minute and push you out onto the dance floor. When I listen to this new track from SAMT, I definitely recall those hours dancing away to the likes of Bonde do Role, though this time we’re traversing the Germanic languages. The electronic pulses give off a kind of stuttering fuzz, while the drums employ this precision technique that gives the track body. All of it comes together to leave you with this little dance treat that’s going to blow the socks off all your friends at the next dance party. The group release their latest 7″ through one of my favorite labels, Kleine Untergrund Schallplatten.

New Music from Waves of Dread

Somewhere out in Newcastle, Waves of Dread is building these magnificent pieces of pop music that I’ve found quite inescapable…particularly this latest single. It’s structured like a classic piece of collage-pop, with the guitars seemingly building tension, then other guitars cascade into the distance while the faintly audible vocals nonchalantly enter the picture. That building sensation doesn’t fade, however, and actually seems to build ominously…though the group never completely give in to your need for an emotional release, instead ambling in a different direction as the song fades into the distance. Truly want some music discovery, then come this way.

Lie Ready Hounds

Feel like today had me going into a casual place of joy, so I had to make sure I introduced you to something slightly darker, like Vancouver’s Lie(note, there’s an accent over the e, wordpress sucks). The group just announced their newest album, Hounds, by offering up this smashing number. Guitars immediately push you in one direction, rushing you with their discordant chugs as the drums shatter through your speakers. Those cavernous folks help the song’s natural ambiance, darkening your soul while your body tries to catch up with the rhythm. Plus, the new effort is guaranteed good times, as it’s being released by Mint Recs in Canada and Monofonus Press in the US; it drops July 6th.

Lola Tried Release New LP Tonight at Hotel Vegas

First off, you can also catch Lola Tried over at Waterloo Records at 5; there will be free Lagunitas. Second, the band’s new album celebrates its release over at Hotel Vegas, and we highly suggest your attendance. For starters, the band works super hard, not only for themselves, but to see others within the Austin “scene” become successful; it’s high time they got their day in the limelight. This is their debut LP, and you’ll be impressed by how accomplished they sound…probably from all that damned hard work! Plus, the show included perennial powerhouse, Ringo Deathstarr, Duncan Fellows and ATH Records’ own Blushing. And if you do listen, please go buy the record, so they can make another one. Here’s one of the jams off their new LP!

Mutual Benefit Returns

There was a time when Mutual Benefit was fawned over by a unanimous bunch of writers, but it’s been a minute since we’ve mentioned the band. Today, Jordan Lee returns, and with such a delicate couple of tracks that you’re immediately placed back in the saddle supporting his work. I loved the first two of these tunes; it was gentle and almost fragile, while still building behind Lee. Then, I moved on to track two, and lo and behold, an even better gem. There’s something about the faint backing vocals that really hits home for me, not to mention the shallow strums and arranged accompaniment. Both tunes will appear on Thunder Follows the Light, which drops in September via Transgressive Records.

Nada Surf Show Review @ 3Ten ACL

Sometime in 1996, I bought the first Nada Surf LP. Yes, I bought it for that one song. But, unbeknownst to me, it was the start of my love affair with the band.

But, admittedly, I wouldn’t fall in love with the group until 2003, with the quiet release of Let Go. Notable releases from the same year included Echoes by the Rapture and Meadowlands by the Wrens (among countless others). Somehow, this LP has always stuck by me; of every record released in 2003 it’s the one I still listen to the most (with Ted Leo and the Wrens right behind). It was the perfect pop album, coming at the perfect time in my life.

Saturday night, Nada Surf brought that entire album to life. Surprisingly, I still know every single word to that album, and I sang along throughout the entirety of the first set, other than La Pour Ca (I don’t speak French). Personal favorites like “Blonde on Blonde” sounded as crisp as ever, and I was reminded just how much I love “Killian’s Red.” It’s funny, the ominous tones of that track never quite clicked as much as they did beneath the fog machine and blue lighting of 3Ten. Still, the band went through it in a business-like fashion, never missing a beat, with a few moments of charm added in like Ira and Daniel sharing a mic to open with Blizzard of 77′ backing vocals.

The latter half of the set was filled to the brim with countless numbers from the band’s past and present, even throwing in a Joy Division medley for a moment to charm the audience. And when they ended the evening, it never really ended, as they took it all out to the streets for a late evening serenade. Pretty sure every one left the evening reflective and pleased.

And for what its worth, my night ended with me feeling grateful for all the pop bands still hanging in out there. Nada Surf may never have gotten the critical acclaim, but they just kept writing great songs. They’re still here writing, whilst trends and hip acts have faded away. And as for Saturday night, they gave us a little of it all, reminding me of a never-ending love affair that began in 1996 at the Best Buy near my house.

Pizzagirl Kicks Off EP Video Series

Pizzagirl is bedroom pop project out of Liverpool by Liam Brown. There is no girl (or pizza) in the band. Having recently signed with our friends in Heist or Hit, Pizzagirl puts down dreamy synth lines while delivering the at times frivolous lyrics with an earnest tone; I’d say it is Magical Cloudz in happier days. We have featured a few songs here already, the EP An Extended Play was out about a month ago. Recommended. Videos will be released for each song on the EP so tune into the Pg YouTube channel.

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