Red Red Eyes Release New Single and Video

The more time one spends with Red Red Eyes, the more you’ll find that their music is inescapable. It has this ethereal quality; it’s pop music that allows you to move beyond your immediate listening experience. Laura’s voice has this ghostly beauty to it, and the percussion is precise and light, never once detracting from the natural melody. In the cinematic version of the song, our protagonist seems to be on the search for something, milling about town from shop to shop; that feeling of search seems fitting, as I can’t help but let my mind wander in its own search while this song plays on loops in my ears. The group’s excellent Horology LP will be released on May 18th via the esteemed WIAIWYA.

Happy Release Day Marmalakes

Here at ATH, we like to follow the trends. Music sites like GFP and GvsB have their own labels, so we figured we’d do it too! Today we get to celebrate with you the very excellent Please Don’t Stop LP from Austin band Marmalakes. They’re currently out on the road, working hard, winning over the Americas. Here in Austin, they’re the KUTX Artist of the Month, which says a lot about how much everyone loves this LP. It’s early in the day, so sit back in your desk and rock this LP all day long! Oh, and if you’re so inclined, grab it HERE.

Michael Rault Drops A New Tune

There’s something in the way Michael Rault is presenting himself during this album cycle; the song’s somehow seem so friendly, somehow connecting with me as if Rault and I were old chums. On this song, there’s a ballad, with hints of a stomp, but the string work really adds that extra something; it’s weird but it takes you from a potluck dinner with friends to a high class soiree where you’re being serenaded by some great undiscovered talent. The accompanying video has a storyline on its own, so enjoy while the song runs in the background. Look for Michael’s new record, A New Day Tonight, which drops next Friday via Wick/Daptone.

Sun June Drop Another Tune

One band hailing from Austin that’s doing exceptionally well beyond is Sun June, and they released another single from their forthcoming Years LP this week. This number is a delicate piece, with all five members playing an important part in the song’s presentation; the bubbling bass groove and the mingling guitar textures illustrate the attention to detail the quintet have put into this new LP. Laura Colwell’s voice, as ever, has this powerful assuredness that others will struggle to match. Years will be released on June 15th via our good friends over at Keeled Scales (who will be at the Texas Label Bazaar this Saturday).

Nylex Ready New Cassette

Nylex is an act I know very little about; they first popped on my radar via Tenth Court‘s 2018 sampler compilation. Recently we’ve been given a few more details, with a release date of the group’s self-titled cassette dropping next Friday. It’s fairly dark in presentation, and not too far off from ATH favorites Wax Idols. Angular guitars swirl around this brooding bass line, in your favorite post-punk fashion. The vocals hang in the air with a hint of difference, until they hit the chorus where they spin dreamy magic in your ears. Gives Us Another Tune

I’ve been pretty anxiously awaiting’s new LP, which is still a few weeks away from showing up in shops. Today the band shares another driving number, rushing through your speakers from the minute you press play. The vocal delivery has this sort of post-punk indifference to it; its as if Jeff is forced into antagonizing an invisible audience. Maybe it’s like IceAge a little bit, but spun through some industrial noise manufacturer. Goodbye is the title of their new LP, and its hitting stores on May 25th via Felte.

Dumb Release Second Single

I’m personally really excited about the forthcoming Dumb LP, and while I loved the first single, this second one is so ridiculously good that I can’t help but play it on repeat. It shuffles in with this almost skittering version of “Birthday,” but then it unfold into this furious beast that won’t let go of you. Lyrics are delivered in a barrage, emphatically reinforced by pounding blasts of percussion and guitars; the vocals then take a sort of art-punk turn, giving into an almost spoken-word manner whilst the tension builds behind. I just want you to groove to this track all day! Look for Seeing Green courtesy of Mint Records on June 22nd.

Hot New Track From Holy Esque

Our Glasgow amigos in Holy Esque once played a show for me at Nomad, and I have remained a loyal fan ever since. It’s crazy that the band has been absolutely silent for about a year, but the guys are now ready to share with us what they’ve been working on for all that time. This new track, “I Am The Truth”, is to serve as a preview for the new full length LP entitled Television/Sweetwhich is due out June 8th via Beyond the Frequency. What can I say really, this is Holy Esque at their best and finest. A heavy synth, that always impressive gruff vocal, and of course the guitar freak out ending is always welcome. I say go on and pre-order the new record while you enjoy this one.

Deeper Back with Another Single

Chicago’s Deeper are just a few weeks away from dropping their debut album, and I’m anticipating heavy rotation around my household. On their latest single, it definitely has that arty post-punk vibe, akin to Omni. But, what the group uses that puts them slightly in their own realm is they brandish sparkling guitar lines; they’re not as sharp as one would hear in a jagged art punk style, giving a natural melody to the band’s sound. Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t get enough of this band. Their self-titled debut will be dropping on May 25th via Fire Talk.


White Denim Announce New LP

Austin’s White Denim have long been a staple of the local scene, and they look to secure their continued post with the announcement of their new LP, Performance. Locals might have caught a few of these tunes at a recent set, but those outside the city walls might just be getting hip to the Bolan-esque direction of the new tunes. It’s very much a crunchy glam-stomp, with flexed muscles courtesy of squawking horns in the distance. They’re sure to include a steady groove that ebbs and flows on the melody throughout, guaranteeing that hook factor. The new album will be released on August 24th on the band’s new label, City Slang Records.

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