Dentist Sign to Cleopatra Records

When a band make and announcement that they’ve signed a deal with a new label, it usually means new music is waiting in the wings. Luckily, we didn’t have to wait long for New Jersey act Dentist to drop a new track with their announcement; it should put you on alert for your next favorite band. Opening with a steady strum before Emily’s voice joins in the fray, always building towards that emotional release you seek in your pop music. It comes quick and fast, with pounding drums rolling along as the tempo builds. I love how the vocals seem to slide right in casually, as if the song’s new power means little to our vocalist. The group will release the very charming Night Swimming via Cleopatra on July 20th.

Karen Meat and Lola Tried at Hotel Vegas Tonight

Sure, it’s all sorts of hot outside. But, the best part about Summer (at this point, anyways) is that it does tend to cool off at night. What better way to cool off than hitting up a solid little rock show at Hotel Vegas tonight. Lola Tried recently returned from a nice long tour, so you can bet they’re a well-oiled machine…more so than usual. But those looking to get something extra will enjoy Karen Meat, who just recently released You’re An Ugly Person via Emotional Response…and which we’ve mentioned previously. The songs are catchy and infinitely witty…and you might just leave having snuck in one of the best kept secrets in indie rock circles.

Our Indiepop Excursion Goes to Sweden with Hater

All about that worldly indiepop sound, and Hater have been one of the finest purveyors of the genre over the last year or so. The Swedish act allow us to continue our journey around the world (already hit up Norway and Japan), not to mention they continue to grow in their songwriting. The first of the tunes from the bands forthcoming Siesta LP offers more of what they’ve given us at this point in their career; the latter tune has a little more sonic exploration, utilizing some horns to continue with the melody. The new record will be out on September 28th via Fire Records.

New Music from Hypoluxo

Today I’ve really been enjoying this track from Hypoluxo; it offers a blend of various genres that all seem right up my alley. From the get go, the percussion opens the track up with a bouncing rhythm, allowing room for the guitars to dance around. Seemingly, you’ve found a gem of a dream pop number, but the way the vocals are delivered indicates a style rooted in traditional indie rock, a la the National. All together, it straddles the genres perfectly, melding them together in an intoxicating fashion. The group are set to release Running on a Fence via Broken Circles come September 21st.

Beachy Pop from Jan Flu

It’s time I take my adoration of indiepop sounds all over the world, this time visiting Japanese outfit Jan Flu. The video itself seems to immediately draw from American tropes such as the skateboarding along the beachfront or other images associated with Cali. Musically, there’s this driving bounce from the group, heightened by the crisp angular guitar lines that encircle your ears. The vocals have this deep tonal quality, which also works in contrast to the sharp tones of the guitars; this juxtaposition is the one that encourages you to twirl about with your arms flailing. This song appears on the groups debut album, After Image, which comes out on July 11th.

Dylan Mondegreen Prepares A Place in the Sun

Dylan Mondegreen is the moniker for the musical project of Borge Sildnes, and today we’re really happy to share this grand pop gesture that alerts us to a new album on the horizon. There are elements of indiepop within the confines of this track, though the strings arrangements give the track this larger than life feel…a kin to some of the B&S tunes that uses similar songwriting approaches. I love how Borge seems to sit back with his voice a little bit, almost as if he’s pulled back to let the track’s natural melody flow through your speakers. This song will appear on A Place in the Sun…slated for a release later this year.

Glaze Shares A Video

Glaze played earlyish during our SxSW party, ATH VS SOTO. I called them out as a local highlight when it came time to reflect of this year’s conference. They have an effective blend pop and gaze; do we have Gaze Pop as a sub genre name post tag yet and why not? The trio has released a video for their latest song “Daisy”. The set up for the video is straightforward according to Stephen McEwlee (guitar and vox) – “Falling in love is like being at a carnival… pretty and fun, but by the end of it you’re ready to throw up.” The song also makes me anxious for more new stuff, but if you want to review with the 2017 Wasted Mind EP, check out their bandcamp.

The Black Watch Prepare New LP

Having released an EP earlier this year, it only makes sense that prolific act The Black Watch return not too long after with news of a fresh full-length. I’m forever intoxicated by the guitar sound on their records, and the opening lines of this tune grab me immediately…just before vocals and band join in. There’s this calm that seems to hang in Fredrick’s vocal delivery; it carries melodic optimism that rises to meet up with the pace of the song. The accents on this track are pretty spot on too, from the cascading guitar in the distance to the plucking of strings in the front of the mix. Witches! will be released on July 22nd via Atom Records.

Chilled Out Summer Banger from Das Kope

This track from Das Kope is going to end up on every part playlist I craft throughout the summer, but don’t think of it as an out and out banger of a tune. Instead, it’s a teaser, slowly walking you along with these coated vocal lines stretched over guitar lines. But, if you wait, you’re going to get that reward as the song builds on multiple occasions for the release of the track’s title associated lyrics. The Brazilian producer is pretty new to the scene, but if he’s going to keep crafting hits like this, I’m going to keep coming back for more.

Bedroom Pop from Lost Film

Late last year I talked a lot about how much I enjoyed Broken Spectre, the last full length from Lost Film. Just the other day Jim Hewitt upped some new tracks, in demo form, of course, to hold you over until we have news on a more finite release. Even in an unfinished ditty, you can tell Hewitt and co know their way around endearing numbers. Both singles have this charming lack of urgency, with the drums primarily utilized for pacing. Seems like the baseball themed track is currently the most popular of the two; it’s got synth work atop the aforementioned drumming with Hewitt crooning over it all; the special bit comes when that guitar line jumps into the fray. Just in an interesting step in the process, and hopefully we get to hear more real soon.

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