Mothers Return with New LP

Now this is a Mothers tune I can assuredly get behind. Guitars twinkle in an angular fashion, with quick cymbal work emphasizing the sharpness of the guitar. Of course, Kristine’s voice is juxtaposed to the frantic pace, seemingly swirling about the work of her bandmates. And then it all stops. Allowing the song to fall into a subdued fashion where listeners can revel in the patient approach. It wraps things up in a warm cocoon of dreamy slow-core; it’s a fantastic return for the group. Their new LP, Render Another Ugly Method, will be released in early September by Anti.

Crazy Night of Shows in Austin.

A few folks come in here from time to time to hear about shows in the ATX…and tonight there is an abundance of options. No need for words…just a quick point to tonight’s gigs.

Why Bonnie EP Release w/ Ama, Being Dead and Littlefoot @ Cheer Up Charlies – 9 PM

Guided by Voices @ Mohawk – 6:30 PM

Kissing is a Crime, The Oysters, The Sophies and Brendan Bond @ Hotel Vegas – 9 PM

Hockey Dad, Cold Fronts and Mt. Eddy @ Barracuda – 9 PM.

Want to hear these bands? Hit the jump! Read more

Drawing Boards Drop New Video

Our friends over at Gentle Reminder Records released the self-titled debut from Drawing Boards, which we’ve already covered in small fashion. And now, as the album cycle continues, the band have dropped a video for “Bee into the Wave,” which should win you over with the presence of puppets! The song’s one of my favorites from the LP with a memorable chorus that sticks in your head; the track has a natural bounce that also employs the hook-factor to keep you coming back. Go ahead, try not to be charmed!

We Have a New Sportique Single

Now, I don’t know where this single is going, or if it’s merely a one-off appearance for Sportique, but I’m going to celebrate this song’s arrival nonetheless. As always, this single is emblematic of the group’s approach to including a variety of influences. It has a leisurely bound to it, with sort of a punk barroom chant jumping in throughout; it still carries an undeniable hook that’s just asking for you to spin it again and again. The group’s been around forever, so whatever the purpose, it’s always glad to have a revered act pop its head back up in the limelight. Head over to WIAIWYA to grab it.

New Track from Tony Molina

I thought I had already had my favorite album of 2018 wrapped up; I’m still keeping it secret for when I change my mind. But, with that in mind, I’m also going to hold a spot next to it for Tony Molina and his new LP. I mean, this song barely comes in over a minute, and I think I’ve already played it at least six times. It’s so gentle and captivating from the get-go…little crisp guitar chords matched by melodic vocals at every turn. Kill the Lights is the name of Tony’s new record, and it’s dropping on July 27th via Slumberland.

Second to Last Growl Show at Cheer Ups Tonight

Hopefully you all enjoyed listening to Growl throughout their time as a band…and those in Austin get a few more chances to see the band before they call it a day; one is tonight at Cheer Ups! A few of the members are moving on in life, chasing new opportunities outside of Austin, thus they’re amicably taking a break on Growl. We were happy to be part of that story by releasing Won’t You a few years back; you can stream it in its entirety below, with a link to your own copy HERE. They’ll be joined on stage tonight by Robby and Sherry who will kick things off when doors open at 9 PM. Come on out and enjoy what could be your last chance to see Growl.

Static Diary is Scott of Centro-matic

You attach the name of Centro-matic to anything and you can pretty much guarantee that someone at ATH is going to give it some time. So here we are with Static Diary, the project of Scott Danbom and the announcement of a new record. Our first listen has this careful pop approach, moving in slowly over piano lines and carefully plucked guitar strokes. There’s an almost otherworldly feel to the tune, especially with the slight tonal change that comes during the chorus…sort of reminds of Grandaddy in a sense. The self-titled debut album from Static Diary will be released on July 27th via Goliad Media Group.


Suzie Drop New Tune

You’re putting together that late night playlist for all those summertime after-parties, and now you’ve got another song that’s going to be a mainstay on said playlist. Suzie drops this new single from the forthcoming Pressure cassette; it’s going to be released in August. The song features Claure de Lune of Tiny Deaths, who drapes her voice over the slow-jam crafted by Mark Ritsema and Graham Barton (who also produced the record). It’s just a casual bit of pop music begging for repeat listens as you hold your partner close to you. Pressure is out on August 31st via Forged Artifacts.



Never a Bad Time for a Henrik Appel Tune

With summer music listening slowing as of late, you’ve got to be on the lookout for stellar tune just beneath the hip surface, like Henrik Appel. The Swede has featured here quite a bit in preparation for this forthcoming LP, and this new track is keeping him on our radar. Appel works atop a strummed guitar for the duration of the track…a light bit of backing vocals comes in near the song’s latter half, adding a textural layer that increases the song’s emotional appeal. For me, the simplest songs are sometimes the best…it’s all about execution. Burning Bodies drops on June 29th via PNKSLM.

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